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Everything posted by persephone

  1. wuffles do they have a digging pit? perhaps a nice deep digging pit with their toys buried would help?Is there a certain part of teh yard n which they do their barky play? If so.. then perhaps modifying this part by removing objects or putting objects there ... erecting a part-fence ... may just change their behaviour ?
  2. and that is NOT what this thread is about at all :D Sorry if you felt I was delegating guilt! I started this thread because I feel sad because so many people out there have lost touch with, or just don't realise that DOGS as a whole are what they are - animals equipped with teeth. chasing instinct, and all the other things dogs do, which are these days, mostly NOT what people want/expect when they buy a dog.
  3. Mmm.. yes, that fern pic is delicious :D
  4. Do you want a treatment .. after the flies have bitten.. or a fly repellant?
  5. :D ILTBY GOOD FOR YOU !!!!!! those 'teaser' pics are certainly beautiful best of luck with the exhibition, and I hope there are some sales at the end
  6. Oh That is so very sad for you. :D So quickly .
  7. Cute dogs! I like the colours in the first one! :D It's hard to do the best thing and focus on the eyes when dogs are wriggling Love your dogs'faces
  8. Of course they would know Scents & sounds are different from a distance.... and I guess they would know the house layout!
  9. Sending thoughts to them all... and hoping the no posting is just that she's busy with kids etc ....
  10. Jed- that is such a marvellous descriptive 'training' piece!! Lovely to see !
  11. This is the only boxer I know, currently . I just had to sneak in these pics ..... She is around 12 ..and has always been the most attuned and kind girl. The lady who owns her will be devastated when the time comes for their parting.. as thru several tragedies, this dog has been the only constant ..the one who soaked up the tears, and was there for hugs. She is such a wonderful old thing. No obedience training ..never had many walks or anything .. has moved house a few times ..never misses a beat She has been the best ambassador for this amazing breed
  12. Alfie.. N I LI F Nothing In Life Is Free The dog must 'work' for any praise/treats.. no gratuitous pats etc ..just because the dog is breathing , basically. Dog sits- gets praise Dog comes up and huffs in your face- dog gets totally ignored. That sort of thing... edit- forgot LINK
  13. usually with ours it's because they prefer to wander about, sniffing the flowers - and need a rocket up their whatsit to get them moving I always fall for the nice placid ones ..totally useless workers.The ones I can't stand- the in your face, active, noisy ones.. they are usually the workers At this pup's age, if possible go visit the litter... see how it reacts a bit away from its home territory (pen/kennel/yard) Ask if you can meet with it in a paddock or a different yard...ALONE ... .A pup with other family around may well be the calmest and most settled of souls .Remove the security blankey, and see what happens Not what you are asking.. but I would opt for a bitch puppy as well.. You are doing a wonderful job with Elbie- it amazes me everytime I see what else he has accomplished Having two tho, MAY, stress MAY mean he reacts to training differently , and he may change a bit personality wise ...
  14. I 100% relate to what you are saying here. I often talk to my kids about how our dogs lived when I was their age. Sandy would be tied up when mum went to work and Id let her off when I got home from school, she would take off at a million miles an hour to who knows where!. No fences or leads, no obedience school or formal socialising. Sometimes she would come home with other dogs and we thought it was great! You are right pers, we knew which dogs we could pat and which ones to give space just from seeing them be dogs. You'd go to the local park and there would always be a handful of unknown dogs hanging around being dogs, it was normal, we weren't scared of them. The very tall ladder up to the steep metal slippery dip that landed you in a pile of gravel after burning your legs all the way down was more frightening My kids laugh and can't imagine what it would be like to have dogs around 'unattended'. Dog behaviour , like a lot of human behaviour today seems to have been 'sanitised' .. so we don't see dogs doing all of which they are capable - therefore succeeding generations do not know what to look out for/manage. This is so very true One of the things I have loved about rescue is watching and learning about group dynamics with a wide cross section of dogs, the joy of seeing how the established group not only interact with each other but also how they treat newcomers. I have watched them teach manners to the unruly, nurture & protect pups, weak or sick dogs and dicipline the over the top dogs. I imagine when I was a kid these natural dog behaviours were given the freedom to work their magic in the neighbourhood, resulting in more balanced animals that co existed with people more easily. That is what I was trying to explain
  15. She banged for 7 hours? Then what happened? My guess is she got let out If this is the case- then her 7 hours worked!! No- crating could cause anxiety.. because they haven't any consequences..for good ,or bad behaviour... they are just locked away . You may need to do this on a weekend.. but be absolutely consistent!! This is probably how I would do it (I have never had to do it..my pups slept on the floor from day 1 .Make up nice beds .. feed dogs treats on beds.. pat dogs when they are LYING on beds... not half on/half off... when dogs gets on YOUR bed.. pull/push them off immediately and firmly ..no conversation, except a growl or "OFF!" !No using their names or anything.. just a matter of fact yank/push.(not a gentle "Please get off my bed, will you?") It is NON negotiable.... EVERY single time .If they do get on their beds... then they get rewarded. If they just stand around.. they get nothing..no eye contact.. nothing. Dogs aren't silly - they want to be where it's peaceful and cosy and where they get praised/cuddled/treated .Your bed has suddenly become a place where this does NOT happen May not be to everyone's taste.. but I have done this for lounge room furniture, and it worked
  16. Sheesh!! :rolleyes: That council sounds as if it needs some edumacation. Glad the dogs who have bitten me when I was breaking up fights weren't in that council!
  17. I would just have them crated-- and work on your girl to stop her banging on the door. By physically removing them from your room- you have not trained her out of the behaviour.. just made it impossible for her to do it. Training her out of the bed-sleeping seems to me to be much more useful :D That way they can be in your room..but not on the bed :rolleyes: Actually I probably wouldn't crate them... but teach them to sleep on their own beds.
  18. a perfect opportunity for them to inform and educate gone ....
  19. Bub- what I am thinking is that .. a couple of generations ago , when dogs were more or less free to roam neighbourhoods, fight, howl, follow the kids around to parks etc.. there seemed to be more knowledge of dogs as ANIMALS - kids grew up playing outside with their dogs.. teh dogs used to have pups..the dogs used to snap/nip if kids did the wrong thing- and , in my neck of the woods, anyway, we were given no sympathy .. just told to remember the lesson, and not repeat whatever it was we did. Kids often never saw a dog indoors..they did see dogs roaming in packs- scrounging, mating,fighting..they KNEW what dogs did ...and how to avoid being bitten Dog behaviour , like a lot of human behaviour today seems to have been 'sanitised' .. so we don't see dogs doing all of which they are capable - therefore succeeding generations do not know what to look out for/manage. I'm p'raps not explaining it well..sorry.
  20. Someone buys a terrier- then there are worries when it digs/goes ratting/yips/fronts up to next door's rotty with rambo-like attitude. Someone else buys a retriever.. but is most concerned when dog is mouthy and energetic . Someone buys a dog whose ancestors (and often near relations) were sheep/cattle herders/workers. These poor people watch the pup chasing the kids, or running a track around the backyard..and don't know why.. Someone buys/rescues a cute puppy - and their neighbourhood then is disturbed by barking at times which disturbs their peace & quiet Someone buys a dog/puppy and wonders why it is bored in a manicured backyard all day I often feel there is a lack of 'basic' dog behaviours/instincts . Folks are taken by a presence, a coat type, a personality or a reputation - they do some research, buy their puppy , but are then are often bewildered when instinct kicks in . This is sad - for the new dog owner, and for the dog, who can suffer from being misunderstood. This forum, obedience clubs etc do a good job with what they have- but am I alone in thinking that so many people just have forgotten that the DOG is an animal, a predator, which does not think like humans, and which does need understanding and careful management according to need?
  21. Netti - from what I read, Mindy is very much wanted and has much work put into her. Of course aussielover is a bit frustrated - a bouncy smart puppy suddenly with clipped wings - not fun!
  22. how sad that dogs are no longer allowed to vocalise when they are happy playing with other dogs. Barking at children ..playing soccer .. well.. stop playing that particular game If it revs her up - don't do it. Simple. It may save a lot of trouble later on. instead- Take a few minutes and practise lots of sits/stays.. fetch, all things which can be controlled by the handler This will definitely exercise her little brain .. probably make her more settled and tired than soccer, too!! perhaps when she is a bit older - she may enjoy flyball or something?
  23. I know ..it's well done- just I get the creeps looking at it , apologies ..(and to sarah) NORMALLY JUST LOVE YOUR WORK!!
  24. Thanks a lot, FB NOT !! Wonder how many folks' photos are being stolen??? Glad you read the 'fine print'
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