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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Dab of iodine ..and stop him from licking it
  2. has she always been like it - even as a pup? has she had her mouth/teeth checked by a vet? What is she generally like temperament wise? What exercise does she do each day? What is she currently being fed,and what have you tried so far?
  3. admittedly - but they are also a lot easier to handle in some respects and have not the weight behind them if there is a collision of sorts. Basically - get whichever dog suits the circumstance I wasn't thinking chi or pom or silky or JRT..... my 'small' is probably your medium !
  4. I'm sure there are plenty of little older dogs out there looking for a knee on which to sit, and someone to drop then biscuit crumbs!
  5. Oh, gosh- just look at her now! She has grown up!! Thanks for the updates ... :D
  6. I am thinking the OP has a source of info on breeding already - her mum. I am also thinking tho that tiny dogs like poms come with their own particular problems :D Some of the stories on here are just awful.
  7. Poor puppies ash- leave them be- be there if they ask advice .. that's all you can do.
  8. Sam... most conversing on D O L is done in the public eye... and you shouldn't feel pressure to reply individually .I guess it's nice that you want to.. but it's just a conversation on screen..so everyone joins in ...no need for instant replies, either.. if you don't come back for a few days , it doesn't matter- the thread will still be here!
  9. Years ago I had a dog permanently on prednil.. he always had his vacc's as usual . ....
  10. Oh So sorry- she looked a lovely girl ..and she will leave a big gap.
  11. Agree with PF toilet training , and also increase the amount of ordinary obedience and N I LI F training ...dog may need reminding that the house etc is NOT his personal property. with her friends' knowledgable advice .. I don't see the dog getting much done to help it .
  12. I am glad all is going well. Obviously you will still have to be a bit careful.. but what TERRIFIC news. Now- to get yourself healthy as well after your horror time!
  13. I agree- a vet should be consulted- just in case there is damage . Your dog may also have contracted kennel cough .. either way the vet will be able to let you know
  14. When supposing noise of vehicles as a source of fear, one has to remember tho, that a smallish pup is at wheel level/exhaust level of vehicles.... and something going past may well spray the pup with hot smelly exhaust We always were very careful with that when guide dog training - a mouthful of hot exhaust would not do dog any favours .
  15. Impossible to give adequate advice with so little information .. it could be anything!! Could not your friends just treat the dog as a baby puppy and do the housetraining thing (after a vet check ) ?
  16. Why not take her to where you normally do obedience, and walk her around there on leash to build up her confidence?When she is happy walking there, then gradually work up to areas where there are other things ...She may well need treats and pats for being brave ... but ONLY when she IS being brave.. not when she's cowering...or you are rewarding her fears
  17. Do you see her pee? Or do you just notice it of a morning or whenever? is it a lot.... just one pee..or does she go there at times during the day?
  18. X2 Someone who can see your pup in its environment is much better able to give you the 'tools' to help fix any problems.
  19. Our dogs do not get regular flea stuff applied- so when flies are bad- we use permoxin as a spray .. mostly on the ears and feet. Not sure how this would go if you are using flea kill products as well. Any actual fly bitten patches get paw paw cream applied lightly... or the purple spray CETRIGEN works well.. but stains are long lasting and can be rubbed off on furniture!
  20. kiesha09.... nice to read the update! Well done :D
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