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Everything posted by persephone

  1. it still sounds like a hernia - and you are wise getting vet advice soon .
  2. inguinal hernias are in the groin. umbilical hernias are in the middle of the belly- belly button place from your description...especially as it slips in & out ,( the gap in the muscle wall allows abdominal fat/contents to slide in & out somewhat) it does sound like an umbilical hernia - and yes, it does need vet attention/advice.
  3. perhaps an umbilical hernia- due to being pregnant, and extra stress placed on that area? Hope all is OK.
  4. Could be a very good resolution to the issue. It does sound promising - lots of work and guidance .
  5. Perhaps they don't have cats or other dogs? Guess the OP is putting her breeding cats safety foremost ..it would be a constant concern for her , I guess Such a hard time for Q's owner .... I do sympathise ,but am also convinced that the dog should be assessed professionally and desexed if not already, before rehoming.
  6. March flies are not ordinary 'flies' March flies are BIG..and sound like a motorbike They also bite enough to hurt... and don't usually go for ears- they like the muscly bits ! Because they are fresh blood feeders,like mozzies- fly traps don't work ..they aren't interested in decaying food ..they want to suck your blood!
  7. poor dog. Perhaps another dog bit it and made a hole - or it had a tooth/jaw abscess.... doesn't take long to get flyblown It would have been in amazing pain ..... I am glad it is now free of pain.
  8. permoxin spray .No horrible smell..cheap.. and a little goes a LOONG way . I use it here for mozzies/flies/march flies
  9. We used a light anaesthesia for ear cleans (it wasn't routine, but was great for long term/very painful conditions) ... no wriggling, screaming dog..and a wonderful opportunity to have a thorough look/clean /pluck/medicate -whatever was needed ,before sending them home ,after making sure owners were capable of applying medications
  10. If the ears are as bad as I understand from your description...I will suggest again to get to a vet first ... a different vet. IMO,it is absolutely no use using drops etc if an ear canal is full of waxy infected muck!! I have seen this happen a lot..... , and it is amazing how quickly they can improve after a thorough clean at the vets. To get a good start at treating the problem..ear canals need to be clean for the medication to find the surface ..and if it hurts..then it is a lot less stress all round if the ears are cleaned under sedation
  11. dogs only have sweat glands on their paw pads ... The ears being licked by another dog is probably not a good idea ..another dog's tongue will be introducing a wonderful variety of bacteria and moisture ....
  12. If you are hesitant,and the dog is not co operating, you definitely need to get her to a vet, and as said, perhaps have her sedated and have her ears thoroughly checked and cleaned . The vet tor nurse should also be able to show you what else to do at home..and what to keep an eye out for Hopefully someone will give you the name of a vet near you ..and you can get this sorted.
  13. I would find a different vet ..don't fiddle around at home.
  14. Thanks- that's the word I was thinking of !
  15. Your puppy is doing what puppies do! Playing !! They vocalise a lot - yipping, growling, etc . Please don't intervene at this stage - let him enjoy
  16. There is very much a limit here- in addition, I refuse to subject an animal to extended periods of pain/discomfort for a 'maybe' prognosis.
  17. Oh, I have something in my eyes..... beautiful.
  18. ..why do people laugh when their dog is terrified? Static electricity, maybe.. or a crackle or something you can not hear? Poor dog.
  19. THat last shot nearly made me choke on my drink!! ;) Those are terrific photos!! Go Sunny!!
  20. Ahh, Thanks. Not a bait of some sort?Cane toad poison? What toxin is it that the decomposition produces, do you know?
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