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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Oh Thanks *tries to remember all the way back to the OP . *
  2. Can you show us where? Is 'Animal Behaviourist' different to 'Dog behaviourist', with regards the law?
  3. I think fourpaws has been studying THIS. However, this pertains to ANIMAL behaviourist ...and is not dog specific..and boy - to be able to is a pretty amazing claim!! How would I choose? Well, I'd ask on D O L of course!! :D Pieces of paper wouldn't be high on my list of prerequisites ....rather experience, results, and personal recommendation . That would go both for general problem fixing, AND vet behaviourists (who DO have their bits of paper, of course), where I thought there may be need of medications.
  4. Trouble is, aussielover-as it is a guide dog puppy , I guess they have the last word on treatments etc. Makes things tricky, I would imagine ..and hard for you to know what to do :rolleyes: .... just my two cent's worth..I would not think that it is a 'common' thing in young dogs , to be grown out of , either
  5. Kashing... some toilet training hints for you CLICK here CLICK here and CLICK here remember, he is only a little baby ..and needs to be rested and taught gently. Lovely to see the photos !
  6. Hopefully the vet will be thorough, and not just send him home on pain relief!
  7. I'd be taking him somewhere to get seen . Poor boy. Seems as if there is a lot of pain.Not good. It sounds almost like a disc problem.....
  8. So - you just saw the breeder ? If he has no diarrhoea and is happy, that's good news, though. With puppies, you have to worry, as they can get sick SO quickly ...
  9. Yap... Your doctor gets mad with you? Time to find a new doctor !!! If you DO wish to pursue the legal side.. then you need to be healthy and be managing your grief. To do this- you need a Doctor who understands..and one who respects what you are feeling. Find another doctor-get healthy ... learn to TRUST someone else to guide you ...and when you are feeling stronger/more confident , THEN make your case. I wish you strength and wide open eyes
  10. aahhh.. Thankyou. Apologies, Kashing. I obviously didn't read it properly .....
  11. kashing? It appears you are online .., and you said ,I was wondering what the vet said ?
  12. Oh - so you have been to the vet? What did they day, and how is the puppy?
  13. After work may be TOO LATE!! puppies can go down hill VERY fast .. You need to leave work and take this pup to a vet . NOW. I hope you are indeed at the vets,and I hope your puppy will be OK. for the poor baby....
  14. Hamlet is now 7, and up until this year was fine with thunder . Now he is quite anxious. etc.. I just let him go to his bed in my room ..and let him out when it's over .He just curls up & waits.....Don't know what he does when I'm not here..probably just sits at the back door ... on the blanket.
  15. Indeed- and that is the job of whatever professional has been consulted .
  16. actually you can It's just a matter of training them to go ON COMMAND .. and then,when walking, there is no peeing or pooing except where YOU want them to go . I trained many many dogs to do this, when doing Guide dog training ...as a lot of guide dogs go to work ..and at pee breaks , there is often only a small area in which toileting is possible/permitted. Must admit- seeing dogs peeing everywhere when walking is a pet hate of mine
  17. he has that intent stare already ..not even fledged! Beautiful
  18. Ok... so why not get a professional in to do just this ? A dog which is snapping should NOT be worked on by anyone but a professional. ... there is just too much chance of something going very wrong.
  19. So ... does any of this sound as if it may be something you are able to try? Chewing sticks can sometimes also lead to wood splinters in gums/throat
  20. Oh No . Hopefully some kind person is looking after her .
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