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Everything posted by persephone

  1. good scrub with betadine wash .... make sure she is dry as... apply plenty of curash, and keep her cool and quiet. Hope there is improvement by tomorrow! OUCH
  2. Thanks people.... he was a local legend ..Station folk always invited Freddie to come work ..oh and P***(my brother) better come as well . :D My brother could be working doing something with sheep in the shearing shed... or at one end of teh yard, and Freddie would handle everything else We used to get offers from people who wanted to buy him ... no way. His son, Leo , who is now about 7 is a great worker , but not quite up to his dad's standards .He is also able to be left to do what's needed..and will 'back' for a loong distance , up to where the sheep are 'tangled' or needing to move into a dark area or gate.... His dad's genes know what to do Oh, and Freddie is also my clown, Hamlet's, dad Unfortunately , apart from the fun loving...not much else has carried through
  3. I hope the owner is OK up there in the floods- nasty The fish oil is a long term thing .. hopefully ,with the right dosage it will help. Poor old dog.. I also have arthritis- it HURTS! Looking forward to seeing pics of this rambunctious grey beast , too :D
  4. aahhh Lovely! You've done well! I LOVE THIS one :D For those who hate clicking.. HERE is a link to the whole set
  5. *nods* but.... HE IS A PUPPY. This is what puppies do. This is why puppies need to be properly socialised... ,have owners who will undertake training , etc CLICK here for some ideas and CLICK here as well for more on puppy stuff :D I am glad you are supervising sessions.. but the older dog is obviously feeling put upon... and I would suggest that they are kept apart. The responsibility of care of someone else's dog is a big one .
  6. Borrow a skateboard/scooter and use it around your place ... praise him for ignoring .. and eventually the novelty may wear off
  7. The older dog needs his space! he is not fit enough or young enough to properly discipline a strong wei puppy - so even though he has tried.. YOU need to keep them separate to avoid more injury to the poor oldie! I would be getting the oldie to a vet if he is not eating.Especially since he is not your own dog ! Pups are excitable. You may find that some more short training sessions during the day helps'take the edge off'... and some nice big bones will provide time spent chewing, not annoying! but basically it is your responsibility to ensure the older dog has peace & quiet somewhere completely away from that pup.
  8. Most dogs will protect their territory...and a dog, woken in the night by strange sounds/smells will often bark /growl - it's a very useful response ! I will always have a dog indoors at night for that reason! Not much use having a dog in the backyard if someone is coming in the front door !! My previous two dogs didn't react well to drunk people, or teenage boys, they would growl ... that suited me , so I didn't try and train them out of it It came in handy !
  9. Today we sent our old boy over the bridge. he had his breakfast- porridge/egg/milk he had his final ride on the front seat of the 4WD he loved so much. He will now rest on the hill overlooking our house - rest ,after many years of damn hard work; rest, after leaving us with lots of memories, from bringing him home, a lop eared gangly pup ... to his amazing work on trucks/in yards.. Vale, Freddie.You were a tough old bugga. LINK
  10. I do - they would be playing in poo
  11. frustrating,I'm sure. Just a couple of thoughts..... if the dog's tail is smearing poo on you.. faeces are too loose - perhaps their diet is playing a part in not helping them hang on ? perhaps there is something which could change there? What happens if these two are kennelled seperately? perhaps ,being two, they play and stay awake, thus needing to toilet more often? where is the normal toileting done? on grass/concrete/sand/stones/artificial turf? you said they had paper as a toileting substrate as puppies. Did they use it in preference?
  12. I enjoy reading stuff from DPS.. this one just popped up! LINK
  13. Hope the next thing the jetski driver encounters bites back.
  14. zizzi- you will find lots of D O L dog owner preferences if you CLICK HERE Cooked bones are a BIG no-no.
  15. A reputable pet transport company will take every care . Flying would be my choice .. driving for hours in HOT HOT conditions, with an unsettled ,unknown puppy would NOT be my choice Doing such a long haul as 16 plus hours driving in Summer is also not really kind to your car, and you may suddenly find some weakness in the cooling system , miles from nowhere
  16. Hi and welcome. If you click on the following links.. you will find information you can use PUPPY DEVELOPMENT DOGSTAR DAILY TRIANGLE OF TEMPTATION Enjoy DOGZONLINE, and you new puppy
  17. Apparently he is farm bred KoolieXborder collie. He has a very sweet face ..and he now wags his tail when spoken to .... took him over a week to get that right
  18. This is Smoko he is a rescue of sorts- unwanted /starved and badly treated by his owner - offloaded to someone who didn't want him at all .. didn't maltreat him, just didn't want him ..and collected by my bro. and brought home. He is a bit damaged -physically and mentally - has some interesting behaviours. He has had some cruel treatment -including a chunk removed from one ear by a pair of pliers ..and it is taking him some time to accept that we won't be doing that sort of thing to him :D No idea of age at all... sometimes I look at him and he looks 6/7 ..other times he only looks a youngster. Whatever, he's here now ,improving all the time, and one day soon , I hope he will take food from my hand, and not hit the deck/pee when we try & pat him . He will work ok... but needs some fine tuning ..he loves his work, and being with the other dogs .Obviously, he is not a 'pet' dog - he, like the other workers, is on a chain outside when not with us ... but he enjoys riding in the vehicles, sleeping near the kitchen door, and peeing everywhere (most of the munchies my SS sent are being used on Smoko ), who also loves chicken legs !
  19. I'd also think you would pay for 2 .. as each dog would need to be checked/vacc'd/medicated separately
  20. ouch! yep- sometimes the seed is well behind the abscess hole..and doesn't pop out . They can migrate an amazing distance!!
  21. Agree with erny. You need to have a professional diagnosis first. Whether your JRT has sep.anxiety or if you need to learn how to manage her other behaviours needs to be done before you get a new puppy ...as you have wisely noted . If you tell us where you are located , a professional may be recommended for you to contact .Once you know why and what you litte dog is doing, then you can work on it, and will then have a better idea of when to get a new puppy
  22. I remember once going to something in Melbourne , where rotties were pulling carts of different types They looked to be having a ball. They are strong dogs, so seeing them working is seeing them doing what comes naturally
  23. Make sure they are kept together, and have lost of dark/snuggly spaces ..with hw bottle or heatpaks keep meals small and frequent.. don't pay them too much attention when they're crying... otherwise you may not be able to get them to settle when you're not there :p take them out of their pen for some playtime.. just a few minutes .. Make sure they have a bed and food area in their pen well seperate from newspaper or whatever toilet area they have . I second the toy suggestion.. soft toys/cartons, soft balls.... and a couple of big meaty bones on which they can suck/chew!
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