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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Go back to basics, would be my suggestion.. she is still only a baby ,after all. The different routines around Christmas may have upset her internal clocks ...or she may have a bladder infection .Just go back to frequent accompanied outside trips, lots of praise, etc... don't restrict her liquid intake ...keep things calm.. and perhaps consider a vet visit if things don't settle in a day or so.
  2. if it were me- I would be off to the vet .... Things which would be on my mind would be things like tummy bug, obstruction, bloat,nausea caused by who knows what... Thinking of you, and hoping he is fine
  3. perhaps spray your clothing with some D A P spray ? That way you send out calm and reassuring messages via pheremones !
  4. to save me typing.. have a read of these links I used to have ducks,and use sawdust/ashes as a barrier. LINK LINK
  5. Aah, Jed. I think of you lots , and remember just how 'together' you appeared on the TV interview, dressing gowned and a bit trembly, but amazingly serene. It is with a feeling of seeing something familiar and reassuring that I notice your posts scattered thru DOL again , and I hope you know that there are always thoughts & wishes wending your way
  6. Dressing a dog up when it is young is one thing... demanding a muzzle is worn is another . The muzzle needs to be correctly FITTED prior to purchase..and needs to be of a very open weave basket type - being an older dog, coated, and with hot muggy weather- Teddy will need to be able to open his mouth and pant when out & about. His waning eyesight/hearing could well affect his sensing of people- and you need to perhaps change teh way he is presented with new people. Asking about techniques used by a trainer may not be very helpful .. as every dog is different, as is every home/family dynamic and doggy routine What is a useful management tool for one person/dog may not be at all suited to another, unfortunately ...and 'trying' different techniques without experienced assessment/support can sometimes make things worse. Hoping you and Teddy get the help you need soon - so he can be made to feel more comfortable, and so you are equipped with new skills
  7. I get frustrated with licky dogs .... it annoys me. I tend to pat a dog who gets licky from behind... never do face to face stuff if I can avoid it , and always use as little voice as possible..keeping it slow and low.It can be slowed/stopped . A pup licking your other dogs.. esp. if he is focussing on head/muzzzle is saying " hey, I'm little, cute, and mean no harm " or stuff similar to that, I think
  8. Oh How horrible for you . I am sorry. Seems poor Comet was only destined to light up the sky for a short time, like his namesake. Fly swift and free, young man. for you . What a situation to be placed in. thinking of you now, worrying about your dogs....
  9. You may find this old thread helpful CLICK HERE You pup should be fine once you learn what to do ! her intelligence abilities are all there waiting for your communications. have you owned /trained other pups?
  10. Sounds as if the dog's owner needs to learn a bit more about her dog and why it is doing these things .Good for you in trying to help!
  11. Ok... so you need a 'circuit breaker' Don't speak to her at first. go in.. and before she approaches.. have a special toy with you which will squeak or rattle ..or use a clicker.That will get her attention.. then calmly and slowly , and with a hand signal.. get her to approach .When she is standing still, or sitting, click/rattle again softly, and giver her the toy . perhaps she will fetch? That way you can indeed pay her attention ..for doing something other than being excited
  12. That dog should be in hospital.You can not be expected to keep alive such an ill dog. I hope you have contacted somewhere that will take him in .
  13. Looks like you're having fun. :)Many hours of clicking ahead!! What's wrong with your Dane's eyes ?They look sore
  14. Doesn't sound normal to me... could be any type of tummy bug - season probably has nothing to do with it , but a temperature check is a good idea Hope she's feeling better soon.
  15. A dandie dinmont ..think it came 2nd ,behind a Russian Scottie? no idea .... sorry.
  16. It was on austar .. no idea what channel, sorry
  17. perhaps the compilers of the CD have not been told about the evil puppy farms/pet shops yet . They are music arrangers/ , hardly going to research the possible flow on effects of every old Christmas song !
  18. I am not a real dog show fan .. or know much about how it all works.. but enjoy watching snippets of Crufts ;) Mum & I just flicked the telly on to Crufts..and I was pleased to see a friend and her dog being placed ! ;) Good timing indeed
  19. Has she been checked to see if there is a dental/jaw problem? Can she crunch up larger dry biscuits/apples? Will she eat meat in a slab/slice? Like a piece of lamb flap (minus bone) ..about 10 cm square?
  20. The dried muck... could it be discharge from the mother?
  21. That's also why I asked if the OP had been shown how to use a check chain.... the technique used seemed a bit odd
  22. Bet you jumped, too!! It's on occasions like this I will roar/make noise etc .. so the pups think lizards/snakes are to be well avoided (and if your dog has already grabbed the lizard.. it is probably badly injured AFAIK.. they cannot 'bruise' externally, so bleed internally...or get infections if there is a puncture )
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