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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Even a tiny bit of shampoo needs rinsing off.. and permoxin is VERY economical if applied with a spray bottle (unless you have a very thick coated dog? I use it most days here- just in spray bottles ;)
  2. ;) he is probably 'tuning out' to give himself a bit of peace How is he at home? Does he come when you say his name? Does he know /obey commands without hand signals- just voice? Does he respond to a whistle,or a clicker? Does he respond to barking dogs? Have you done any regular training with him in the past 6 years?
  3. Indeed ;) Dogs are not all born solid and well-adjusted . My recommendation is to enlist the help of a professional - who can observe the behaviour- then explain it to you, and give you some management help ;)
  4. maybe a problem in her back? How's her gum colour/refill time ? Don't know much about it- but did anyone suggest pancreatitis? Not sure what other symptoms there are apart from pain....
  5. YES!!!! with focus... esp. in animal photography (and humans I guess) always focus on the eyes . Eyes are what we look at first... and if they are in focus , then a bit of fuzzy elswhere is ok
  6. It sounds as if she is in pain..or suffering extreme anxiety.. and,to be sure, you need to phone a vet .She could have any number of injuries/problems... some of them serious - so a call to a vet now will hopefully stop it getting worse. Hope you can get it sorted soon.
  7. Fantastic set of images.
  8. A friend of mine does .. she has a biggish dog ..and finds it a much easier way to wash a coated breed :D
  9. i believe in many cases, rehoming is the most honest and the fairest thing to do I am sure Ollie will be placed somewhere he is suited ... and , although you will miss him ,and feel guilty- you will know that he is happy, and that all the work you have done with him has not been wasted . :D for you....
  10. yes,lizandel, - if you construct a goat proof fence- it will probably be reasonably dog proof Goats squeeze thru tiny gaps- the jump- they also will make crawl spaces under fences ....So someone who has valuable goats will certainly have a very well made fence
  11. Animals only wander if they are improperly contained. You cannot, AFAIK legally shoot cattle found trespassing. You can get them impounded ,though- and yes, having had cattle , I know the damage they cause .Neighbours cattle here don't get shot- but they do get a shotgun blast over their heads , as well as a dog nipping their heels!
  12. Which is why dog owners should ensure their dogs are safely behind fences and at home!
  13. oops- that last image is too tiny to see properly
  14. She's beautiful Thanks for the puppy pics! I guess it's sounding normal... a baby who has been with her pack- showered with attention.. cuddled ..then put out the back and locked away. I have outside dogs- as well as inside ones so I do know it is/can be done - just believe it should be done from DAY ONE , so pup does not get this feeling of being 'cast out' , after sleeping amongst the humans... I also believe that if someone breaks into your house- having a dog in the yard is not much help A pup/young dog outside alone,and bored, will also find ways to amuse itself during the night. This may be barking/chasing possums/digging......
  15. Oh.My.Gosh. How very cute are those two!!!!!
  16. Once you have resized your pic- and are replying.. click on 'choose image' to find your picture on your computer. Once you've done that .. double click on it.. then on UPLOAD . Once uploaded- just click on the green +sign over in the 'manage current attachments box ..and it will be inserted in your post.
  17. it's just practice resize the photo to perhaps 600X800 pixels..and about 80 % quality- see how that goes. I use PICASA for most of my photo stuff- or just for resizing, I use VSO You need to end up with a photo of under 200KB.
  18. You were just a tiny duckling..and should never have been brought home. If you had've been a wood duck, we could have fed you well ..but you were a little teal ..and one that would only eat earthworms Not insects, not dog food,not cat food,nor oats,nor softened seed. Not hard boiled egg,grain bread, or mince .Not chopped greens,or corn kernels.Not earwigs..or even the weevils I painstakingly collected from teh grain bin .Not daddylonglegs, not the mealworm I found. Only earthworms- and here it is so very dry and hot that earthworms are like diamonds ..and you ate the only 4 I found I am so sorry you got separated from your family ..and sought safety on our verandah....sorry we couldn't find a family for you nearby. Tonight I sent you over the bridge- tho you probably jumped off halfway to swim the rest of the distance I'm so sorry - I just couldn't help.
  19. get references from current landlord/housemates etc provide vacc certs and any obedience certificates/proof of training?
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