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Everything posted by persephone

  1. How nasty is the wound? for scratches/grazes.. just wash gently with saline ..and dab on some betadine.
  2. The bit I saw looked good - well done! I don't have proper broadband.. so it took way too long to load
  3. remove any stacked rubbish..and let pup play behind the shed !
  4. There are so many good sized moveable runs around :D if you think she may dig... then pavers can be placed around under the framework..or netting... I would prefer her enclosed in my own yard, if she were mine..... probably cheaper than daycare,as well!! You may find a cheap unwanted bird aviary ,too.... they can be good runs for smaller dogs
  5. Oh.. and shut the spare room door :D. Until you get help... as Cosmolo advises.. do not try & get him out... or lock him into time out ... I would suggest just ignore..and make sure there is a treat available when he DOES come out by himself. NO growling at him or anything. you really do need to work with a professional.
  6. I would strongly suggest you contact a recommended trainer to come to your house and work with you & your pup- so you can understand what is happening,and learn ways of managing it. Aggression is urgent and needs personal and professional help- not internet advice. if you tell us where you're located , we can try & suggest someone for you .
  7. he could be now embarking on a career as maker of cute fluffy puppies ................
  8. ... isn't 'chasing' a tail/spinning .... different though to 'attacking' a tail when food is present ? Do they have the same origins?
  9. While I was doing dishes,I was just thinking,too.... if it seems to also have a 'guarding' aspect... when you feed her- can you do so using a real bucket instead of the clear plastic elizabethan collar? or a E collar which is opaque? Feed her in a small bowl raised off the ground, so the E collar/bucket fits OVER it .. so she can not see any tail movement? She will be eating in a tunnel ..with vision of her bowl only.... Make sure she is always hungry .. so she does not have the luxury of waiting to eat? Muzzles are great when interacting more with family,and indoors
  10. Plant lots of native trees and encourage teh birds...
  11. This is not good. You really need to consult a VETERINARY behaviourist . I have seen this briefly somewhere..youtube? where a dog kept attacking its leg. It is a big problem ... and if you want to know exactly what is happening, and have some chance of managing it you DO need to see a professional (not just an ordinary vet) I'm sorry this problem is happening...and hope you can find a way to get the funds together to see someone and get a definitive answer. Cesar Milan has also had one of these on his show.. but I can not remember what happened .
  12. I only use permoxin these days ... we have koolies and Koolie x's people probably find it easier to apply a spot on product ...too much effort in measuring/mixing/spraying/rinsing .......
  13. Glad to hear he is doing well So- you leave the food there all day? Has he finished teething?He may well be a sook and have a bit of a sore mouth ... If he has been vet checked,and thee is no illness..... I would suggest you offer him a fresh bowl of food.... moisten it with water to soften it beforehand ... leave him alone with it for 10 minutes...then remove it. Next evening/morning offer him his bowl again...leave it for 10 minutes, and remove it. Try that for a few days ..NO TREATS/BONES etc in between!! Also - no handfeeding, or sitting with him. be tough!
  14. She is possibly just HOT ..and instinct is telling her move her babies somewhere cooler. Unfortunately in these modern times, bitches can not usually choose the best spot/bedding for their litters... we do it for them.Sometimes we can be a bit off Please make sure there is no supplemental heating... that puppies can lie on a cool floor -or put in a couple of large wrapped ice bottles to keep things cool. Hot/very warm puppies tend to not spend as much time cuddling up to the bitch/feeding ..as they are lying away to stay cool... What is the temperature on the bed in their box?
  15. Hopefully she will accept your decision,and rehome him responsibly ..desexed,and with owners checked for suitability . perhaps someone on here can help with fostering or something first? Poor pup...and poor owner to be in such a pickle
  16. CLICK here and please consult a veterinary behaviourist .
  17. Sorry - I can't help...as I would never get a young puppy to be company for two old/middleaged dogs. I guess it is done frequently..and with success ...however I just don't think it's fair on any of them...The puppy will want to race and jump and play... and older dogs may not be keen.The puppy WILL get grumped at by both dogs The pack is now unstable.... the old rottie now has a rambunctious puppy to cope with, as well as her arthritis The heeler male may well be quite happy to take life at a slower pace, now..and be much happier having extra time with his humans- doing training,going for longer walks ... You are doing right in not leaving them alone...and praising him at those times I can't offer anything else useful, I'm sorry . Hope it will all settle for you.
  18. Practise, Practise,Practise until recall/heel is perfect. Keep dog on a LONGLINE .. so he can run, not harass/attack wildlife/be safer from snakebite.
  19. Has she been checked for any urinary tract infections? What are you cleaning up the accidents with? If the smell is still there...and she has not been corrected AS SHE~IS peeing ..she may now 'think' that is one of the approved toilet spots.
  20. Where do you live? if you can afford it, i would recommend you take your little dog to a VET BEHAVIOURIST .. they can assess a dog's psychological condition.. and can also assess the physical, plus prescribe medication if needed .
  21. So sorry ,Gayle... I'm sure she will go with love and peace.
  22. Read the ingredient lists on the pack.. and you will see there are probably differing protein/calcium levels ....
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