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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I would advise taking Macca as well ... normally ,dogs' muscles are not firm round lumps ...... ..and that way the vet can show you what is normal, and what is happening
  2. What a very thoughtful gift, and talented artist!
  3. the vet didn't find any abnormalities at the post whelping check? No cleft palate or anything?
  4. Playing isn't 'work' 4 or 5 5 minute sessions a day will give him a good work out ! Remove any shreddable bedding .. don't need it to become a habit use newspaper during the times he is alone, perhaps? he doesn't appear anxious from your postings- just a puppy getting older, and bored. I would put his kibble meals into a size/age appropriate treat ball .. so he works for his food. being such a little flea .. If he were mine, he would be also provided with a whole lamb shank with some meat on ! lots of chewing to get eat off ..but no chance of choking!
  5. Puppy needs some brainwork what training are you doing, and how many times a day?
  6. A toilet is a horrible place to leave a puppy a puppy playpen would be a very useful thing for you! ...a pup in his crate for a lot of the day, then again at night is a lot of crate time , IMO.You don't have a backyard which has good fences? If you CLICK HERE , the information may be helpful for you So- I gather you didn't plan for all this when you got your pup?You are leaving it to the last minute , unfortunately. puppies do not need human company 24/7 ..they do need a lot, but they also need to learn to be happy playing alone, and being alone...otherwise you have problems if pup needs to go to a kennel, or a vet or something Oh- you may also be interested to read this thread CLICK HERE - lots of info on new pup and pup pen, etc :D
  7. A vet check is the only way ... don't panic ! fatty lumps are often very uniform in shape.. and in teh area you describe .... but as said, a biopsy will give you the best answer.
  8. he is only 11 weeks old.... sleeping is still a BIG part of his needs
  9. He was a happy boy :cool: ;) Yep rat fat lip gloss
  10. No.. because most folks do not realise rats especially will travel quite a distance .. maybe several houses away ....and may die out in the open. Jakey has possibly been eating rats for a time... and the poison accumulated .. poor boy.
  11. She does such a wonderful job - I'm glad her talent is now recognised world-wide!! ;)
  12. My Kieran (Dane X deerhound) would always carry the mail, or my backpack, or a bag of groceries.... he was very focussed and happy when doing so A toy was usually in his mouth in the house ..and was always a dead giveaway when cat food or human food went missing ! There would be a soft toy lying at the spot
  13. hamlet is the same he loves carrying around his toys.. then sleeps with them as a pillow
  14. Unless a dog has legs 2 inches long..and the balcony is walled/netted/roofed... there is no way I would be leaving a dog home alone on a balcony A stressed/bored dog can jump and climb, as well as chew . I have no useful suggestions,really ... I'm just sorry that things are hard for you and the dog.... she will chew, and explore , and probably other things too... it is your responsibility to keep her (and your things, safe ) Remember .. if she chews cables, one of them may be a power one There are bitter sprays you can get from the vet/pet store ...or perhaps yopu can build a large 'playpen ' which will contain ONLY dog safe things?
  15. Creamypuff-- I think PF said DOGS, not puppies With a young pup .. there is more opportunity for a family to train/mould the pup's behaviour. with an adult dog ,straight from the pound, many habits /traits are well established, may not be suitable for its new home, and be more difficult to change dogs from a reputable rescue have been assessed and fostered, so that behaviour and quirks/problems are well known.
  16. Hi What problems are you having with your dog ? They may be ones solved easily without the need to purchase a residential training place... The thing with training your dog .. is that YOU have to learn how your dog 'ticks' , and what works Sure, you can send your pet to a facility to be taught, and they will do it. However, you will STILL need to learn the commands, and how to address problems etc , when the dog comes home...and you will still need to be able to command the dog's respect.
  17. His crate needs to be a good spot. It should be where he gets fed , where he gets treats , etc. You also need to learn how to let him cope by himself. I am not a fan of velcro dogs , if it means they suffer when left alone Give him a safe big bone ..leave him alone .... feed him ...don't hover . Give him a puppy kong with treats... leave him alone...either outside, or in his crate .Not for hours... but totally alone .. no talking/watching for 10 minutes or so to start with...
  18. She needs a good professional to come in and observe... She also needs a secure run for the poor kitten ... it only takes a second for play to turn to prey
  19. She may be a bit worried about going out at night?
  20. from memory- Kikuyu is a fairly common allergen
  21. playing with ,nipping,carrying a rat dead from ratsak will normally NOT kill a dog. EATING the rat which has been poisoned by some rat poison may well kill a dog. EATING more than one rat which has been poisoned by some rat poison is likely to kill a dog.
  22. bedding- what detergent? any contact with carpets? cleaners etc may produce a reaction... what sort of grass/plants has she been in contact with? perhaps cut out food with beef first ? I seem to remember some dogs on here who have probs with beef
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