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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Oh! he does have eyes!!And lovely twinkly ones, too Most of the shots they cannot be seen :/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm73/an.../IMG_7786-2.jpg this is one I like :D
  2. no - different plant - different chemical compounds. Click on THIS LINK for some ideas which may be useful Oh- and if your dog bringing home a flea is your worst nightmare .. I envy you :D
  3. Good morning what breed of dog? What diet? How often are baths,and what with?
  4. Nappies will not stop mating. Separation is the only sure way ... or perhaps you may consider getting some chemical desexing, which can then be reversed when/if you want.
  5. he had a happy time with you , and a belly full of roast he knew no more fear.
  6. LOL. If your dog doesn't mind- I would leave them be...but perhaps find a special toy/treat the pup enjoys..and distract her with that occasionally... Hamlet, when a pup used to often run beside the adult dogs for a 100 mtrs, hanging on to their necks..and when he woul let one go, he'd grab another . Occasionally he would get trounced by a not -so-willing adult ..but mostly there was no hassle. he did it for ever so long..
  7. Well..perhaps ,next time ,have a closer look . Often they have bloodied mouths/paws, from trying to chew/dig out. They are very often dehydrated and their heart rates are thru the roof ..or conversely, they may be still and cold and in shock. If the cage is an open weave, they are very often stressed just be in an exposed position. I have stopped using those traps, after seeing the state of captive mice
  8. No wonder you have not much respect for other smaller life forms
  9. Mice are animals, with a reasonable level of intelligence . pet mice can be trained to do quite a lot of interesting behaviours , and can make delightful pets. That said - the house mouse is not a good thing to have around ..and KILLING them quickly and cleanly is the best option... killing them in a way which respects that they ,too, are alive, and ,like us, warm blooded, capable of fear and of feeling pain. I will kill mice , for sure, but with a suitable strong snap trap where possible.I hate seeing them suffer in the cage 'humane' traps ... I gave up using those after I drowned a couple of lots ...not nice. I shoot feral cats and foxes,and rabbits, too :one well placed shot- instant death . That is the way it should be . ANY animal deserves some respect, and as little pain and fear as possible at the time of its dying. (and yes, I have cats as pets, and have had house trained/sleep-in-my-bed rabbits as pets in the house as well ...rodents that they are
  10. You have spoilt them- yes. You need to ask on here for recommendations for a professional who will come to your house and work with you and your dogs. Re: the breeding... as this forum does not advocate breeding without first having done all the research and becoming registered , you may be in for some educating . best of luck with the training side of things- it cannot be pleasant
  11. Chicken is fine Just make sure it is stuff like thighs/wings/frames ..with all that nice soft bone/skin/fat .Perhaps also make patties ..with chicken mince and finely grated veg/moulded with egg , and fried just for a minute or two to get a smell happening? Don't leave food out.. or fuss.Once she has NO choices.. and starts eating...then GRADUALLY introduce other things she needs, like red meat for iron..and offal etc.... put her where she is fed.. place her food there.. come back after 15 minutes, and let her out . Clean up what's left..then feed her again next morning ,or whenever.NO treats. perhaps also put this where more can answer.. in the health/Nutrition forum?
  12. Agreed- which is why I will also not subject a mouse to 'relocation' A quick death is much more preferable.
  13. What ann upsetting neighbour to find I think it is up to you to ensure your dog is safe! if this means erecting a second solid fence inside the boundary... or building a separate yard.. then you may have to do it. please also consider a cat run for your cat. For many reasons.
  14. It's not really criticism at you - but for the unscrupulous folks who are the 'breeders' of this litter- and how they are palming off 'purebred' puppies who may be carrying genetic faults/temperament problems because the proper procedures weren't carried out You sound as if your puppy will be in very good hands I am thankful for that ..and also hoping the others will go also to caring and understanding owners. My guess is that there is no health guarantee from these breeders, and that lifelong support is also not included? :D Most of us are not breeders..rather pet/dog owners
  15. Please do a LOT of reading on the difference between a 6 and an 8 week old pup . It is NOT just health . 6-8 weeks is an important time for learning doggy manners /ways of behaving around dogs and humans... puppies missing out on all this from their mother may have big problems later . As you have done your research, you will know that when a pup is vaccinated -its body has to work hard at then producing the antibodies needed... this IS a stress on a puppy's system . Left alone with Mum, and eating good food .. is fine ... but a puppy straight after vacc (and exposure to who knows what at a vets ) then travelling, being fussed over, losing littermates/mum/familiar surroundings,being on food for which it's digestive system is not ready for .. ...................well, you are setting this puppy up for a not-ideal start. worming etc is the least of your concerns now .....I'm sorry .
  16. What a sad thread.... but I am hoping that it may help educate folks .
  17. How much is it bleeding? Is he limping? If it only tiny, but bleeding a bit and it's very sore.. .. there "could" be a sliver of glass in there. If it's just a nick with no/little blood ..just carry on as normal...
  18. If it's a nick- then just betadine applied daily will be fine
  19. I presume a 'red' is also an ACD? Desexed? what sex is the new pup? How did you introduce them? Intros are best one first on neutral ground ..not at home....as that is the territory of your first dog.
  20. sniffing is a natural thing, like us looking at our surroundings. Dogs sniff to find out where they are, who's been there,what there is in teh area. When training ..make the training fun and interesting and HAPPY ..so she is more interested in that, than sniffing. YOU have to be the most interesting thing around!!
  21. Glue traps are the cruellest way of catching mice that I know!! please DON'T use them. The mice often don't die .. but instead are held captive by the glue of their feet/fur .. it hurts when they struggle to escape.. and they suffer shock/stress.Those that die do so from shock.. or exhaustion, or suffocation, owing to all the glue pulling on their poor little bodies. Mice are NOT blind. The reason for placing any trap along wall edges etc is that mice run along these spots so they have some shelter from predators. For me, the only 'humane' trap is a good new plastic 'snap trap' where death is almost instant in most cases . There is no chewing/struggling to get out of a cage type trap ..there is no painful stressful hours in a glue trap ...there is no stress associated with being 'released' somewhere else ..and there is no slowly bleeding to death from poison. I do use poison in one of our houses .. which is not permanently occupied..but in our house it's traps or cat. Mice may be pests .. but they do not deserve to be tortured.
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