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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Hi . It is good you are doing research, and thinking ! having a dog - any dog - and a) not having it indoors, and b) only planning on walking it 30 minutes a day ..plus maybe an hour of 'together' time does need some thinking That leaves the dog with over 20 hours of time without company/mental stimulation. What do you expect it to do in that time? Dogs left alone in a yard for long periods will find many things to do ! They may dig, chew,bark at birds/possums/cats ,scratch, bark at people/dogs/cars going past..start eating stones/sticks ... Labs are strong and energetic,and LOVE learning things ..they were bred to swim/run/retrieve - to work with people - to think ,and to learn. Can you explain what problems you see with having a dog inside ? Do your family have allergies/asthma or something? Or are you concerned with the dog's behaviour indoors? I love having our dogs inside ,especially at night - if anyone does try and get in ---- the dogs are there to alert us/scare the intruder
  2. get yourself a nice LONG line .. like a horse lungeing rope .. then he can get his beach fun, and you can reel him in :D
  3. That is cruel, yes- and the dog's owner should be stopped using dogs in that fashion many irresponsible people do not have a thought for the animal they hunt- agreed . We have only ever had dogs hold a pig by grabbing an ear.... or keeping pig/s backed into a corner,so to speak.
  4. SSShhhh don't tell everyone my secrets!! There is no other way to find/keep pigs still in thick scrub/swamps!! using dogs is far more 'humane' than using poison causing all sorts of horrible body reactions before death ...or traps- where pigs go crazy and stress themselves to the vomiting stage and worse
  5. he does need some muscle whatever food you introduce- do it gradually ... mix in a small amount first, then increase it each day - this avoids the risk of tummy upsets - which will not help with weight gain Glad you put the pics up - looking forward to progress shots, too:)
  6. A nice calm dog would please me What would not please me was the fact they were taken to a dog park ...without me, the owner present! There are so many things which may happen (no, I don't live in a city anymore, and am only going on what I read/hear)
  7. Hi Hope we can help you. do you have a photo of him standing side on..and maybe one looking down at him ? That is the best way we can judge his condition How much does he weigh? What dry food is he on,and how many cups a day does he get? Some dry food is a good diet ..some is not . is he otherwise healthy and happy ?
  8. same here our pups enjoy chewing those crackly toys ..the ones with plastic bottles or whatever inside, and a tough cover Also bones ,apples,Oh, and bones .
  9. None of my dogs chew kongs. They bounce them-they pat them with their feet , they carry them.. they lick inside them ..they hold them in their mouths while they lick.. but none have ever chewed a kong. maybe she never will chew on one ..
  10. I knew an older lab who had a front leg amputated due to osteosarcoma. he coped very well .. ONCE he learned to cock the other hind leg , so he didn't fall over
  11. Because professionals deal with problem dogs all the time. because they have many years of studying/learning from/fixing all sorts of behaviours. Please get a recommendation before speaking with "a few pros" many people claim all sorts of things in relation to dog behaviour problems. There are 'pros' out there who do not have the experience or expertise needed ; there are 'pros' out there whose techniques are often not suitable for a wide range of problems ..there are the 'cowboys' to steer clear of as well. Folks here who have had assistance will gladly tell you of tried & true professionals in your area ..
  12. Oh, and ... ermmmm... he obviously DIDN'T want any of those pups. and.... what happened to the bodies of the drowned pups? Surely the man didn't take those with him? Did the witness say what happened to the bodies- did she dispose of them- or were they just left lying ? It is really all a bit odd.
  13. Glad she had a good night!! :D i would recommend reading ingredient lists ..NEVER assuming :D
  14. I think that most people in the area you describe would be very aware that this kind of thing happens . The only difference I see is that this alleged drowning took place in a public place. My thoughts would be that there are many pups killed in this manner ,all over the country. This man perhaps was hoping for the money from his litter .. desperately, perhaps. With no sales .. why would he then want to take them home again? If he took them to a vet to be euth'd , he would be charged a reasonable amount - which he maybe could not/did not want to pay. Leaving at a pound may have meant he would have been seen, and had to pay fees. NOT condoning the act - just trying to think of his reasoning . being cruel? I guess he may just not see dogs/pups as important ..he is possibly not an evil man- just a product of past generations . he could have done things differently - the poor pups could have crossed the bridge much more humanely - it is sad , however I would bet my right arm that he is not the only one who disposed of unsold pups that day.
  15. May I suggest that you let us know where you are /will be , so we can recommend a GOOD professional who can work with you in person , and help you through what is going to be a trying time! Having someone working with you at home will , I think, be the best way for you to get information and strategies to cope
  16. Hi I would think that if it was an abscess ... and it has lasted months.. you would have one sick and sore dog ,full of pus . My advice - find another vet , and ask for it to be thoroughly checked out .
  17. I was thinking more along the lines of having a dog attached to a chair/couch/wall hook, by a lead indoors.I had not thought of the trainer meaning take the dog to the backyard and put it on a chain . When training Guide Dogs.. all puppies/dogs were taught this ..and it became second nature for them. When working, they were pretty much always on lead- and attached to a person/piece of furniture etc.
  18. I like the food advice - and it SOUNDS like N I LI F
  19. Kirty - yes, your heart is broken... but she is now not sore or worried or edgy anymore..she is bounding over the bridge and thanking you for setting her free .
  20. No - that's good advice I hope Leela remembers exactly what the trainer told her , so we get it right!
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