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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Take alfie in a stroller???? Train the younger one to use a crate ..and then crate her while Alfie has his constitutional? I believe, from this description... she is herding him.. she is not 'keeping him safe'.... she sounds way too focussed on that little moving body.. and is in drive.... and my suggestion, if you can, is get yourself a professional consult..perhaps contact one of the excellent melbourne based professional who are on D O L ? there are a few from which to choose You're lucky!
  2. Oakway - Oh- killgallonklan - THIS THREAD is good reading - LOTS of info for a beginner .
  3. Oh... that Koolie /merle little face is just gorgeous. i am glad he's not going downhill ,and hoping he is soon strong and happy
  4. Hi - I'm not a breeder - but breeding for a hobby is probably not the best way to start off . In my opinion, breeding needs to be done because you KNOW (due to health testing and show results) that you have really good specimens of your breed ..and they have lots to contribute to the gene pool Hobbies are fun ..and can be on again/off again ... dog breeding is not something one can just 'do' .. To breed dogs responsibly I believe you need to do the education , and become part of the registered dog breeding community . You need to be very careful from where you source your dogs, too! There are folks out there who are unscrupulous/ignorant , and who will only see the dollar signs These are the 'breeders' who won't provide you with proof of pedigrees/health checks/registration ..and who are not available to 'mentor' you if you decide to do the hard work, and become a breeder. Will the breeder from whom you bought your pup provide help and information? Did you discuss procedures should your boy be found to have a hereditary disease/abnormality? Are they willing to take him back, if , heaven forbid , something goes wrong and you are unable to keep him? You also need to source your bitch from bloodlines which will complement those of your dog .......... not every dog & bitch combination will produce solid/healthy pups. Oh - and if /when you find homes for your litter - what procedures are in place to stop the new owners crossbreeding to produce more designer dogs ... which are certainly NOT needed in this day & age .. perhaps if you CLICK HERE and have a read - it will help explain things to you .... There is waay too much work involved for my old brain!! ;)
  5. Hoping for good news.... dear little face ...
  6. Trick Training /obedience drills/sandpit full of stuff to excavate ... remember - mental gymnastics will tire most dogs .. where physical exercise may not ;) Several shortish work sessions a day will help in settling a dog.. that and some frozen bones/kongs ....
  7. I was playing last night - and used PICASA and PHOTOSCAPE to make a new photo into an 'old' one ;) Anyone else have an interesting old building/scene antiqued?
  8. pretty cute - here's hoping you set the rules down now!!
  9. I would begin to think both necks and wings too small for a lab that age -(unless she is a very dainty,slow eater) and cutting them up is of not much use- no chewing needed..and more chance of gulping/choking ! Maybe even try a turkey wing ? no chance of swallowing it whole - a lot of chewing needed, and a meal in itself ! Our Koolie pups only get wings when they are babies .. very soon after that they get them frozen .. so they cannot gulp them - then they move onto lamb flap bits or beef bones/roo tail sections.
  10. agree here. I also much prefer my dogs contained at night- MUCH less chance of them being a nuisance for us/the neighbours ;) perhaps get a nice kennel .. put it under shelter- with lots of snuggly old blankets etc I would also recommend you contact the professional mentioned get help with the jumping ,and settling her down so that other things are made easier These things are better with someone alongside you - who can see exactly what's happening- and who has teh experience to share. Best of luck with it all .. beagle pups are too darn cute !
  11. Stay away from 'mectin" products - some adverse reactions in Collie types are nasty. I don't know about that wash - anything which is so invasive as to make a dog drowsy would worry me a lot!! And 2x a week? Try a second opinion ....
  12. The earlier a problem of aggression is dealt with, the better .... no need to wait! ;)
  13. I would not feed chicken necks to a shepherd they are too small - chicken frames are better- they can not easily be gulped .. they need to be crunched up first ;) re the probiotics- I have very limited knoweledge of their use , so cannot help there ;) She may not firm up if you continue beef/kibble ....
  14. She may well be intolerant to the beef..... If she was ok on chicken - then why not feed her chicken PET mince (because it has the much needed bone) or chicken carcasses/frames?Maybe with a small amount of sweet potato as well? I think most owners of dogs do this as a matter of course . I do
  15. Hi - what a worry if you give us an idea where you live - I am sure someone will recommend to you a professional who can come and help you privately . This is what I would suggest - as, if the instructors at your classes, who can see what's happening, have not given you strategies yet - then you do need someone qualified to assess your dog and to help.
  16. Glad he's more relaxed ... !!! Will he be happy to lie in bed with a nice hot/warm wheatbag on his back? One of our old house dogs LOVES this when her back ouches .. she almost dives on the HW bottle/wheat bag , such is her delight fingers crossed for him . Maybe give him some Rescue remedy as well... and maybe burn some lavender oil? Just to keep him relaxed ....
  17. Poor little fella - severe localised back pain is a description- but what is causing it? If he weremine, and not more settled- I would be back to a vet again today. Glad he has had a drink
  18. Not really... here, anyway ;) these are a couple of hits I found by doing a search on DOL ..there are more link link
  19. thanks- as he gets older, he is less inclined to bolt when he sees a camera ;)
  20. yep- smelly breath can also be caused by - tonsils- tummy probs- eating cat poo (ask my dog ) food/foreign body caught in mouth/teeth - all sorts of things . IMO, the cheapest way of cleaning teeth is to let the dog gnaw (not 'crunch') his meat /bones. Anything that takes less than 10 minutes to eat probably isn't doing the job ;)
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