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Everything posted by persephone
Professionals And Non Professionals
persephone replied to Kirislin's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
I have stuff on RB ..and if someone says "I love that photo.. can I have a copy....?" I give them the URL ;) That way I don't have the hassle of getting stuff printed/framed ..and they get what they want. -
Professionals And Non Professionals
persephone replied to Kirislin's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Kirislin .. I'm a bit like you - love taking my photos ..and am certainly no professional hey- why not put your stuff on Redbubble ?.. then if people want to buy one - they deal with RB, not you .. you don't have to change anything.... mind you- you won't get much financial reward that way- BUT people get a good quality product..and you have your beautiful work there vailable for us all to admire ;) -
..and that's what's scary!
Your friend is sending the dog overseas because it is excited/understimulated/underexercised/needs direction ???? (just going by the age of the pup,and what you posted..MY opinion) if you are to be having the dog at your place- may I suggest a behaviourist do an assessment first - so you know exactly what is happening,and how to go about giving this pup a better quality of life . Where do you live- let us know, and someone can give you the name of a professional to contact
Poor pony- not a nice way to go at all. I would think it more than one dog? Would need to be a huge dog to take down a pony alone! ..or perhaps the pony did die of a seizure,and the dog/s fed on the body? Horrible for the owner to find, whatever happened
Warm Dog Beds With No Filling/stuffing
persephone replied to Rileys mum's topic in General Dog Discussion
yes! the dogs then have much more fun playing 'tug-the-blanket-loose'..and enjoying the slow Rrrrrrrrrrrip noises ;) -
Warm Dog Beds With No Filling/stuffing
persephone replied to Rileys mum's topic in General Dog Discussion
Second the newspaper idea or even flattened cardboard carton for the floor- both these are amazingly warm.. and insulating Throw in some op shop sheets/towels . the best way to keep your dog warm is to enclose/draft proof 3 sides and roof of crate/kennel...placing the open end to the Nth-east .. so the cold sou'westers can't get in provide interactive tough toys , too so he has something else to kill ;) Think about it - while he's ripping up beds, he is keeping warm!! -
This is my gorgeous boy. Kieran ..taken some 11 or so years ago ..or a bit more.. anyway.he sliced open one foot .. and I needed to keep it covered. One sock ..put on so that the heel gave room for that front wrist to move freely . A button sewn onto the top of the sock. A piece of wide soft elastic.. sewn into a loop one end .. and with a buttonhole at the other end . Loop fitted to the size of upper front leg/armpit//slid up over the uninjured leg- button done up, and there ya go he wore that for some time .. I had a few socks to change over ..and it worked really really well! I miss my boy almost every day - and he died about 8 years ago (from bloat/torsion) He was such a dear thing ....
Your dog is not going to be shown- so has no need of taping help to try & make perfect ears ;)
haven't been in here for a while ... WOW!! Some amazing photos here ---- :) I took this two days ago ..with my point&shoot fuji
well, going by what I've read .....
De-gas contain simethicone,a substance which is apparently not absorbed into the bloodstream, and which takes millions of gas bubbles,breaks down teh walls of them,, and forms them into larger bubbles, but less of them.This can be of great help in reducing bloating/pain , etc...and helps make burping easier/more effective .. ;) They are very handy to always have in your cupboard/bag- for people and/or dogs! I have much experience with using these ...my Mum had to have them all the time ...
Good points!
That's what happens when a shot is taken through grass or a bush/leaves .. And this guy takes some nice photos! LOOK HERE
Doesn't sound as if he's ready to find a home yet. What is he like with general body touching- teeth checks, in between toes, nail clipping .. anal gland expression- all that sort of stuff ?
GREAT update
I am presuming it's true ... the dog can scent the foxes- look at its hackles and attitude.... BUT.... OOPS
I have no idea It may NOT be due to his teeth missing.... but that is my assumption ;) When checking - just make sure everything looks clean- there is no odour - no dead old brown teeth... no wounds or stuck bits of bone/food...
Shantiah - wouldn't it be quicker to go visit a vet clinic/pet store locally and buy the product tomorrow?
Pups start losing their baby teeth around 4-6 months ..and then they get their nice new adult teeth During this time - make sure your pup gets plenty of chewy bones and toys to help dislodge loose teeth and help the new ones come thru. I am presuming when the vet checked your pup just after you got him, all the teeth were in place then, and they have recently fallen out? it would tie in with the start of that peeping tongue ;) Just remember to occasionally check the teeth and make sure all is ok . (it's a part of training- allowing your pup to have its mouth/teeth/tongue checked- along with ears/nose, between toes,and everywhere else!
What reasons did the vet give for his sloppy poo? What dry food do you feed?(not every dog can handle every food) What other food does he get .....bones/treats/scraps. Have you had this dog all his life? Sorry- I know it would be an annoying thing to find .... but telling a dog off for messing indoors is not going to help- as you have seen, you end up with a dog who is fearful and anxious ..and that, in turn, often makes for tummy upsets . dogs messing inside on a rug is a MANAGEMENT problem .... you fix the dog's health, so he is not having to get rid of a tummy ache/sloppy poo -by changing food, or getting vet treatment .... or you put the dog somewhere where there are only tiles, or you train your dog to not bark at night, and buy him a warm coat ...or place the kennel where the dog WILL use it ;) or you diligently practice sensible housetraining guidelines ..none of which involve telling the dog off ...and lots of which can be found by searching this forum - there are heaps of different methods . Crate training is not absolutely neccessary - I have never had a crate trained dog .. and yes, sometimes they mess inside- but only when they are unwell, and I haven't been alert.
He may now be in that awkward teenage phase, getting new teeth, and having his ears decide just where they will end up ;) Depending on what other breeds are in there- his ears may not be nice prick ears ever . I can't see any cattle dog in there - but something reminds me of a staffy type ....That said, he could be anything ! he's a lovely colour- and looks settled - well done!
My Favourite is the sleeping one Lovely, thankyou .
As I said- contact his breeder.. it is more than likely a physical problem... something not quite right in his jaw structure or something ? A vet check will help you find out, especially if the breeder has no idea, or has not seen it in his family... No need to panic - but do get him checked Don't go googling and giving yourself grey hair!! :p Did the vet check his jaw/teeth alignment ,etc? Has pup always done this, or just recently? Why I ask is that maybe his front teeth are currently missing.. and therefore there is a gap for a tongue tip ;) is he teething yet?