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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Any of those joint supplement things take weeks to have an effect ..AFAIK So ,until you get a decent examination/Xrays etc .. it is probably not much help. her chewing at the foot signifies quite a bit of pain she is trying to relieve Poor girl, having had to put up with that for weeks ...I hope you can get a vet who is thorough and knoweledgable in bones/joints!!
  2. I am always of the opinion that a habit never learned is the easiest to break ;) So - I NEVER tether/leash train a pup/young dog with rope/fabric or nylon weave. It is always a fine chain... or plastic coated wire . That way, the dog does not EVER learn that if they chew enough, they get free, or get attention ;) They learn by themselves, that the thing that attaches them to an object or a person is not nice to chew .... a very good lesson.
  3. lamb necks ..NOT lamb neck chops!!! Lamb neck chops are ok for very tiny dogs or cats .... otherwise they pose a danger if gulped
  4. Ok... seems early for a first season in a giant breed .. but if it was , then now would be a good time to get her speyed That's good news Hopefully, contacting K9pro now will enable you to have some help in this last stage of your pregnancy, and before you are overwhelmed with all that a new baby entails
  5. Hi She is certainly old enough to tackle bones..but perhaps, to avoid tummy upsets , just keep to what the breeder's been using for teh first week or so .. housetraining a pup is hard enough, without possible diarrhoea everywhere ;)
  6. ...and you thought you were asking a simple question .... ;)
  7. Oh..... and if your husband noticed your girl bleeding any time up to a month or so ago... and you are still going to the breeders- do NOT take her with you ! The breeder may not be impressed at bringing a bitch along who may still be in season.. (first seasons can be a bit odd) and whose scent may cause some disruptions to dogs and bitches alike . Just thought of that .....
  8. Not meaning to sound rude... but when exactly did he notice it ... and is there ANY time around then that she was left alone ..or ran off in a park or anything? She could have been mated without you knowing , that's my concern.... have a read here for more about 'seasons' LINK LINK Whatever person you paid to help you doesn't sound the right choice. Steve (K9 pro ) would be the best person to contact ASAP , and he will advise you . and , yet, you are still considering adding another youngish BIG dog to the mix????? I think it would be much more benefit for your pup/dog to have her 'pack' around her, paying her attention , and sharing their life with her inside .. and MUCH more benefit for you in working at getting a well behaved and calm big fluffy who can be a companion inside with you... and a walking buddy/playmate outside . She will not be either of these if you get another dog and leave them both in your backyard ... and that would be sad.
  9. KOE this pup will not look spindly or anything at present, as he still has his puppy shape .. and is still growing. He looks a lovely boy
  10. I don't know- but there are lots of NSW locations on the first page ..and probably other pages ,too ...
  11. Not sure how I missed this . PLEASE reconsider getting this male , until you are competent at understanding the girl you have and please get her speyed ..... unfortunately, being unaware of important stuff like seasons.... can lead to unwanted pregnancy and all that entails Also - if you haven't been paying attention to her..and noticing what is going on under her tail when grooming her,etc... there is a chance of you also missing signs of infections/problems.
  12. CLICK HERE to find a thread you may get good info from CLICK HERE for the best forum for feeding /health queries
  13. yes! the dogs may be barking at the owner, not the dog
  14. I believe it is the tone of the barks .. pitch, length, amount of aggression . The dogs will probably know by the time of day.. the owner's voice,and the dog's scent .... Our dogs have a different bark for many things.. I know their "the goat is trying to come in" bark- their "one of the pups is trying to chase the sheep" bark... the " The bloody EMUS are teasing us again" , the "there is a car we don't know " and "there is a car we DO know' for example ... and I'm only human ;) To another dog there is probably more info contained therein.
  15. No idea.. but I wouldn't be tempted to buy a pup like that ....
  16. Lovely tribute letter ... run free and happy, Sassie
  17. looks good . The redbubble one is ok - you can make it large or small.
  18. the watermark redbubble applies - yes! One you do in picasa, as Kirislin asked about - no- that one will become part of the photograph amd will show up when printed ;)
  19. the money you want to outlay for a 'friend' will provide a behaviourist/trainer to show you how to calm her down/.entertain her/have her indoors as part of your family ...then you will only have ONE dog to walk/get vet treatment for /train/feed/board /towel dry/groom........ I'm afraid I agree with Caz...
  20. You can put text on your photos ..BUT on redbubble , for instance .. I wouldn't .. because then the text will show on any prints. It's fine for flickr ,etc ! simply open teh photo you want to use in picasa. click on ' text' select a colour ( I try & match a colour in teh photo ) select size and font write whatever .. then move the transparency toggle to the amount you want click apply ... and you're done! here is an example I just did .....
  21. Sorry your pup has been hurt -- but if she is supposed to be resting.. she should be confined - a pen outside.. and a crate inside. You will find she will probably be MUCH more settled and quiet if she is near you and crated .... Running/twisting/bouncing are not ideal . Is she limping on back or front? perhaps someone on here can reccommend to you a dog chiropractor you could see?
  22. So you have a 'teen' bitch who jumps a lot...is probably due to come in season ..and needs walking .. and company? ( and work to teach her to NOT jump) Unless this dog is VERY calm and well mannered with you .. with this extra information about your bitch (jumping and 'loving' ) he may be a lot of extra work .. he may also learn the jumping behaviour,and he probably has bad habits your bitch will learn . Two great gallumphing bodies doing zoomies around your yard/house .... is that something you've considered? Also - I presume newfs are like other dogs.. and get vocal when they play. Two WOOFs may not be ideal with bubs trying to sleep ;) Entire males do have different characters to bitches... and you WILL need to separate them when she starts coming in season !!! Has she been in season yet? if not .. she may well do at any time ...not sure about the breed exactly - but first season may well be 12-14 mths . A nightmare waiting to happen Why do you think your bitch needs a friend? is she not allowed as much indoors , or not walked or played with much now ? Is she being destructive or restless.. or does she just sit around looking 'bored' ?
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