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Everything posted by persephone

  1. If she is getting worse- I'd be off to another vet for a second opinion/fresh eyes ....don't play with anything involving eyes!
  2. try not to keep her too warm! if she is starting labour/anxious - she will be generating lots of extra heat .... herself! puppies need warmth - bitches with some coat usually don't ;) agreed.
  3. in America they have canned pumpkin. you can just try steaming some pumpkin- or roasting it - dogs like it a tablespoon would be for a larger dog, I imagine - your little guy would only need a couple of teaspoons ..... (I guess) Bones are also good - chicken wings ,lamb ribs ... whole and RAW .. let your dog chew it all up
  4. ? as soon as a dog moves, the harness rubs on fur/hair - and can create static electricity ;) I have accidently zapped dogs with brushes/combs..and it has taken time to get the dogs to settle at grooming again...... so it can easily happen with certain materials & hair in friction..... but , if you are sure ,then that's fine- it must be something else. I like nekh's suggestion .
  5. Poor girl... I hope she cools down, and is soon feeling comfortable. Perhaps .Try her with some chicken soup (cool) if she isn't keen on drinking. Did the vet test her for dehydration, or tell you what to look for? If not, phone them and ask , so you know ;) Did he comment on the blood/discharge, or test it for infection?
  6. If you are worried , hesitant , etc - she will be picking up on it. AND if she is getting zapped by static electricity , or it is associated with a bad experience(smell/action/taste/sight) things may get worse for her....
  7. no chance the weight/harness is causing her pain? What's the harness made of .. could the rubbing be creating static electricity ? Nylon harness/pack ,rubbing on fur could well be zapping her! have you tried taking her to her favourite spot - park/beach /wherever .. on collar/lead then clip on the harness and carry on happy and busy ?(whilst leash is clipped to COLLAR I certainly wouldn't be rubbing her with it or being at all hesitant. it's on, or it's not. What does she do when you use the harness in the car?
  8. I recommend you seek professional help for this ... I always worry one day if I am ill/fall over, and someone has to come in .. what if they get growled at/nipped ... ? Our dogs are a bit like Emmy - but, being miles from anywhere it is a handy trait . In suburbia I would not tolerate a dog with those behaviours that couldn't be 'switched off' . The potential for mistakes is too high
  9. Blood under her tail... was it on her vulva? or elsewhere? I also would suggest a vet check... must admit to only ever noticed our bitches getting more active/peeing everywhere and being cranky - never quieter !
  10. That's sad What 'reaction' is she worried about? The reaction of the ratsak, or the Vit. K? I think , provided she keeps the dog "wrapped in cotton wool" during treatment (to avoid bruising/injury) , has regular blood tests to make sure teh vit.K is working , then her dog has all the support she can give .
  11. zackly !! most times, if there is no underlying problem .. feeding the dog enough soft digestible bone and some fibre can help ..
  12. I have never had to worry much about non- emptying anal glands in any of my dogs either . The two glands are situated just under the tail- each side of the anus. When a dog poos .. the glands are squeezed,and leave a smelly discharge along with the faeces.. However, for various reasons, sometimes this does not happen, and the glands are manually emptied by vets/groomers/owners.
  13. Hi What does your dog get fed normally ? often diet can help express the glands ....
  14. The butterfly one hits the spot!!
  15. ..oh, and Jules- one good thing about living alone ..one can cry & get snotty and red eyed , and it doesn't matter ;) You can also go to bed ..or swear at the moon .
  16. I remember watching an episode with Grogans enlisting Cesar's help with their lab, Daisy ! She was fixated on their poor chooks (amongst other things) ..and they needed quite a lot of work to get the family and Daisy in synch.
  17. carneage- I was wondering how your girl is going now? I hope the vet has been able to give you some good news.
  18. Not good . spoil yourself today .. eat chocolate ..cook/buy something a bit special - call a friend . I hope you got some sleep .
  19. so, it isn't really the fact of the legalities concerning you - rather the worry that someone may be bitten?
  20. ..She could have been , if he was acting odd, yes. the two girls will keep you company tonight
  21. I would tell the police, then .. if you heard the barking ..and poor brock still had stuff in his tummy .. then the two are possibly connected
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