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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Can't help - sorry .. but you may be interested in THIS ;) Good luck with it all !
  2. ermmm - if she will settle on a chair with you.. or just follow you 'round the house .. it may be better for her to do that - as I would be concerned of her leaning/pulling on a collar and bruises/bleeding happening around her neck? also - if she is relaxed in the laundry, then that's great- BUT if she jumps at the door/tries to dig under it .. there may be a problem ....
  3. Glad she's ok so far - but sorry you didn't get her to the vet in time for her to vomit it up again . I bet she's enjoying all the extra attention these days Fingers crossed she will be ok. The waiting is just dreadful.
  4. yep - this week , with Auntie not there, is indeed a good time to talk with the family and decide what is going to happen when/if she returns.!
  5. At the moment , because of overuse ....her name is just another word to her ;) when giving a command - you do not need to use her name at all. if she is the only dog in the room .. then it's "SIT", EAT, whatever. using a name when giving a command is NOT necessary My take on is that , to start with, a dog's name is the precursor to good things "Stevie!" *dog looks at you* "Good puppy... here, have a treat".. "Stevie" *dog looks at you* "Stevie , you are the most clever of all pugs ! " *ear skritch, pat,pat* "Stevie" *said in a happy voice * dog starts to come to you * YAY! that sort of thing ;)
  6. start renovating auntie's room- so she can't sleep in it ?
  7. No dogs in my bed .. just my cat ( only if it's really really cold tho - most times he's happy in his own bed
  8. I'm glad your aunt and dog have moved away for a while - This will give you a chance to talk with your parents - and plan to stop all teh angst from happening again - one way or another.
  9. Why should you look after someone else's dog? because it seems your Aunt is not capable of doing so - the dog is suffering, the household is suffering, and YOU are suffering .
  10. Thanks - I shall maybe make some phone calls tomorrow
  11. There are leather ones from RM williams- we can make them easy enough- but they are not fully enclosed... and the prickles get between the dog's pad and teh sole of the boot - exacerbating the problem. i saw those paw idea ones.... not sure about sturdiness. these dogs run many many kms in a day ....
  12. Currently in this part of the world, prickly bushes reign supreme.. there are many of the 'copperburr' types which have a longish ,VERY fine spike .. almost need glasses to see the tip - but sharp as - and they hurt! There are others as well. Dogs are having a hard time of it , and especially if they are working feral goats , they can not afford to be hobbling along ;) way out of our budget .. we would need at least 2 sets - and neighbours want some too . It is not something we normally use- but this once in a lifetime amount of rain has caused all sorts of problems! There are lots with neoprene uppers- but the burrs etc will cling to that, I think? Does anyone know of THESE? or how much they cost?
  13. Phone he people mentioned, and ask their advice tomorrow - that way you are started along teh road to sort it out
  14. mum to Shelley - if you and your family are concerned about an untrained dirty dog......... then it is your problem , unfortunately. If your Auntie is happy with the way the dog looks/behaves, and she lives there- then you guys are the ones who will need to train/clean the dog, tell Auntie to leave , or tell her to rehome the dog, as it, and her, are not welcome with the behaviours it shows.
  15. Glad there's some improvement- that's great! With the heavy drinking- pacing/panting will use up energy/fluid- and so, yes he will drink more . kennel- wise- just put familiar stuff in there.. bury a few smelly liver treats in the blankets- have it so he can still see into the house - and if it's cold enough, he will probably use it .
  16. Hi you will find 'some' info in the thread HERE have a look at post #40 ,#48, #54, #115 . You say he's lived with chooks all his life - he may have - but he may not have been properly 'bonded' with them from a baby - so now he just sees them as nice squeaky playthings Some of the folks who know this breed will no doubt help you later at 8 mths he's pretty big - I hope you can get help with the training side of things .
  17. Well that's a good start . Make sure your vet is aware ....
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