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Everything posted by persephone

  1. why are you picking him up? Obviously his legs work, cos he runs away ;) eventually, yes.The IDEAL is that your pup runs to you when you call him ...because YOU are the source of all things wonderful !!! picking a pup up and placing him somewhere , IMO, teaches him nothing good. to LEARN to do something .. HE has to do it , not you . HE needs to walk into his crate . if the only way he will do this is to eat his meal... then, fine.. he only gets fed in his crate...and NOWHERE else. you need to teach yourself how to get your puppy to come running when you call. if he doesn't like brush time ... then brushing gets done when you INVITE (not grab) him for 'cuddle time' gently ,and a little bit of brushing, then a cuddle , some more brushing, then a massage .... cuddles/pats/treats ,IMO should only be given for rewards ...NOT just because puppy is cute , and you want to ;) This actually works out really well for the pup, as there are SO many opportunities for him to do the right thing and EARN a cuddle/feed/treat/game ...... that's if he loves cuddles , etc. if he is not a cuddle seeker- then use another reward. Not every dog does like cuddles .... have a read of these links CLICK HERE CLICK HERE and unless it is an emergency ..NEVER chase after your pup.
  2. That would have been scary! Hope the dog will now be restrained/contained .
  3. crate or room where the dog cannot be poked etc. you may need to cover the crate on two sides ..and stop kids putting hands in somehow ;) perhaps you will get some tips from THIS SITE...in particular their eBOOK
  4. ...and that's the thing ;) I'm glad she is with you to help.
  5. I'm glad she has settled a bit .... keep up the good work
  6. Dogs HAVE to lick their noses..it's not a matter of 'liking to' ;) So whatever you put on there will get licked off ...it's like us and our lips. Just remember whatever you put on there will end up in his stomach ,so pick something non toxic! I would just be tempted to bathe it in salty water a few times a day ... 3 days isn't long ...
  7. So sorry - she looked a lovely little girl .
  8. yes!!!! Much more suited to his lordliness ;)
  9. Whilst in harness .. really gee her on ... get excited and use a command word .. maybe get someone to go ahead of her ... then lots of praise for pulling IN THAT CIRCUMSTANCE ;) She will soon learn that harness plus ***word = PULL
  10. What, No nameplate? "Elspan Barkly Blue, esquire" ???? :p It looks lovely !
  11. That's a great reply Hope your vet concurs .
  12. ..at 16 mths she's hardly a puppy .. and her behaviour may therefore be harder to alter . Does she LOVE carrying things? I have trained labs who, when carrying a rolled up paper or something, would walk out happily and full of confidence, tails going .. without the object .. they would present very different body language....
  13. our 'pack' outside howl every night .. usually just on dark.. then again around midnight ... just for a couple of minutes ....
  14. That's sad.. I hope mumma cat is healthy again soon, Kirty...
  15. jass.91. you will find some very good points to help with this ,in the following threads. LINK LINK
  16. A sad year for you Run free Denzil & Max ..play HARD!
  17. I'm glad Zeuss is seeing the vet ..hope your shoulder recovers ,and you sleep well.
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