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Everything posted by persephone
What a worry for you I am glad though, that she is enjoying everything life has to offer her
We saw two here last week
I just LOVE the mental picture!! Seriously - *snigger* I do have a suggestion.. My suggestion may cost you a bit of money ..BUT it will probably give you understanding and skills with which to use the appropriate tools and methods to make walking much less of a battle ;) I suggest you ask for recommendations on here for a good trainer (not bark busters or similar) who will work with you one-one-one , assess teh problems, and assist you in making things better!! Sounds as if there a whole parcel of things going on with your pup ... plus being a teenager ... and the quickest way to stop a lifetime of bad habits is to get competent, personal help now.
Oh dear how disappointing. I think you need to treat her as a baby again.. take her out every 1/2 hr ... have her on a longish lead attached to you indoors ... also take her out on a long lead..to where you want her to go ..and stay there ;) She sounds as if she is used to toileting on concrete etc .. probably brought up that way . I;m sure others will be along to help .. best of luck with her.
yes, it is different - there is further to fall Good plan with teh littlies :)Just make sure THEY , or you initiate it ..so puppy doesn't call the shots . I don't let kids hold puppies while standing .. ever. It also teaches puppies that if humans are standing, they may be picked up/carried etc .. so they may look for it by jumping up at legs ;) If, however, there is no carrying/cuddling without invitation ..with both parties sitting down.. then you could well end up with a puppy who approaches and sits , THEN gets picked up safely
Just keep her quiet for a couple of days ..and any sign of a limp or pain.. head to a vet. Puppy bones can fracture easily ..and the yelping suggests that she did get hurt and shocked. Hopefully only a bruise or two. pups/dogs are very good at hiding pain. Also .. let children hold puppy when SITTING DOWN only . Wriggly pups and kids are not a safe combination... Hope there are no after effects , and she is OK
Oh..... so sorry about the new mattress 'christening'...... you must have felt just awful.... but, sorry...
30% Of Aust Cats And Dogs Are Vegan.....apparently
persephone replied to Inevitablue's topic in General Dog Discussion
:D -
Encouraging update !
Temperament Differences Between Maltese And Shih Tzu
persephone replied to Shakti's topic in General Dog Discussion
Ah Ok. I don't know much about trick training ... hope you find some middle ground -
I usually pick a name close to the one they already have - that way it's really quick! Blackie >Jackie, Teeny > Minnie for example . Not essential , but ... If you are keen .. contact the breed rescues on here, maybe> that way most dogs will have been fostered ,and some background info provided for you . Sounds exciting have fun, take your time choosing, and enjoy the anticipation!
Question For A Friend About Agession
persephone replied to TsarsMum's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
What do I think? From what you've written ..... I think this person definitely needs to contact a GOOD professional to observe, assess and provide assistance . 'great manners' does NOT include growling at a human . We do need to know state/area your friend lives in, so someone can be recommended THIS is the only one I've seen people recommend from WA Hope it all goes well. -
Adult dogs - when correctly and thoughtfully sourced can be the best thing If I get another dog .. it will not be a puppy . With an adult - preferably with some history available ..you know what you're getting - looks, behaviour,health - wise. Yes, there will be training involved, but that depends much on what experience/training the dog has had .My heart dog was obtained at around 2 yrs of age - yes, he had a few problems.. but he was the best and most adaptable of dogs ..and we fitted together perfectly .
of course, we now need more photos as they grow ;)
;) You're not really new .... I guess you have now got your Staffy litter? You might find the info you need to advertise them on THIS PAGE . I'm not sure- but it looks as if it's the page to peruse .
Chicken & Rice Diet For Diarrhea
persephone replied to Mum to Emma's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
It depends on what the problem is.... dogs with a case of upset tummy after eating rubbish are often back to normal after a day or two.Dogs who are sensitive to certain proteins, or who have IBS/colic/ other things may not settle until the cause is found. a normal chicken/rice diet doesn't contain broccoli ....not sure why you've added that? A dog who responded to a medication, but then regressed once medication was stopped needs further checks ,IMO. -
Temperament Differences Between Maltese And Shih Tzu
persephone replied to Shakti's topic in General Dog Discussion
I have trained many dogs .. and none with food or toys . Find something he does like! perhaps a squeaky toy? a game? a cuddle ? vocal/physical praise works very well IF the dog isn't cuddled and patted for doing nothing except being there ;) that, and being smart - you should have a very willing student if you try Nothing In Life Is Free ,orNILIF . CLICK HERE for info on what that is . There is also info HERE Oh - the few shih's I've known have been just delightful and so laid back Malts I've known have been much more active and willing to try anything . I knew one who used to enjoy pretending he was a sheep dog! -
laughing again!! :D a while ago when I had a weekend of absolute agony with a gut upset .. the dogs and cat all thought it great that I was dozing in my armchair by the fire--they could sit on/with me! Very helpful ...... I feel your pain .
Oh dear.... I love that story, apart from the bit about you being so ill
Be careful. Whilst there are some drugs/ingredients which are fine for humans and dogs.. thee are many which are NOT. It would be wise to check with a vet first ...
No photo...... but often pups do sleep like seals, with their little legs pointing backwards .... .. The swimmers I've sen had legs which stuck out sideways- they could not roll over and lie on their sides, and their chests were flattened underneath.. I would be getting some 'egg carton' foam mattress .. or putting actual egg cartons under the bedding so they get more exercise ...I've not heard of hanging pups in a pillowcase... edit : IMO It is very important that all pups have a flooring/bed which provides good grip .. not slippery newspaper or sheets ..and also not perfectly flat
the folks who owned these horses obviously had done something right... there were 3 of them.. all with wobbly lips and snoozing in the midst of all the excitement
but no smell........ thanks.I had all these people trying to get their horses to 'smile' at the camera.. and they were puzzled when I asked them to just leave the horses relax ...... I was only after an eye , etc
Today I went to a rural show ..lots of horses, so I spent a great deal of my time wandering, getting horsey licks on my hand, skritching necks, and just inhaling all that wonderful sweat/hay/Hoofolene/leather scent!! yes, I take weird photos .