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Everything posted by persephone

  1. ..and those piglets could mean life or death for the family .
  2. ..lumps/'pimples' may also be the result of a bacterial infection.... Hopefully you find out soon
  3. Sounds like more than a 'sensitive' tummy . perhaps get a second opinion if the AB's don't sort it ... Did the vet do faecal tests for parasites ?
  4. Agree My Kieran used to vomit every morning ... until I gave him a couple of bikkies as a snack last thing at night An upset tummy and change of diet is usually not a good combination ... just give her more frequent small meals if you can ... and see how she settles after the AB's.If there is still a problem, then look at diet change .
  5. ;) next time.. put a BIG watermark across photos you post ...that way there is no doubt.
  6. Mites, being a little critter a bit like a crab .. are not affected by antibiotics ;) mange mites burrow into hair follicles/skin..and cause the hair to fall out, usually. Diarrhoea is not part of having mange mites. Diarrhoea is usually caused by a reaction to the pup's diet , or infection by bacteria or a virus..or stress . get a thorough vet check- for loose poo , and his skin problem....then decide about the show has he had anything different food/treats lately?
  7. I am so sorry you lost your girl, and sorry your partner is home alone.... it seems to me though,, having a pup die of causes unknown .. there is NO way I would immediately be bringing new dogs onto the property and possibly risk their health too.. apologies if that sounds harsh.... Hopefully blood test etc will show a cause of death, so you know. Take care.
  8. My suggestion would be to get your chosen bitch ... then use semen from a sire of the same lines as the dog you like ... or even him, if he is available at the time I don't know much about co-ownership.. but I think there are way too many things to go wrong with the sort of arrangement you propose
  9. She doesn't need mince, if she has teeth, and is over 9 or so weeks ;) try lamb flaps, chicken frames .. beef offcuts/rootails . let her use those teeth and help her strengthen her muscles That, and teh dry We use supercoat here when we have a litter - that and lots of RMB's
  10. Looks a busy weekend! Shame someone took over your photos, though!! How did they do that ?
  11. Hmmmm wonder if his owners want him back :p :p Dear little fella..
  12. I needed a giggle .... have fun!
  13. ...and that says it all.
  14. Best to buy from a seller who has sold heaps, and whose feedback is 100% or very close . I usually go read the feedback pages to see what people say ... and sometimes G**gle the same item ...just to compare .
  15. Oh That's such a good update . May she continue to improve now ....
  16. Mostly I poke it down.... I consider this is just a part of training, like wiping eyes/checking mouth...
  17. Hmmm ..I admire the person,and love the work of PETE DOBRE I also love the local photographers (adelaide) PAUL TAIT , Mandi Whitten, and drool over works by RODEO ROSE, Melbourne .hard to pick just one or two..... there are so many talented people out there!
  18. Agree with you here - At least she's doing it now while puppy's still young and has a whole life full of attention to look forward to Shame she hasn't yet told the breeder, though
  19. and that is absolutely no reason to leave a dog entire .... Dogs don't think like men , (thank goodness!!) ;)
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