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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Muzzling this boy and therefore leaving him defenceless ...and making him look very different, thus attracting attention is probably not something I'd suggest. I follow these folks on FB.... maybe they have ideas? LINK
  2. No. Often puppies are housed in such a way that their poo is one of the first things they come in contact with ..and so they may mouth /eat it. ..and so start a habit. Puppies may also eat poo as it smells like whatever food they are being fed .... Red meat is a wonderful food for dogs .. it has iron and protein and all sorts of good things in it . What some people see as 'constipated' I see as normal. Dogs are not meant to poo like cows .. ..and red meat , fed as part of a good diet, will not make a dog constipated.
  3. Hi. What is the attitude of the residents to dog attacks/deaths in camp? Do people seek revenge or replacement ...or is it accepted as what happens when dogs live with not much control over either hormones or behaviours? All this - your community's expectations-should play a part in what you now choose to do . It's not for me to even think about what they may require of you ... it's a different way of living - and you're the one in the middle . If there is a bitch in heat, and your dog is part of this bitch's pack.. then he may well be asserting his rights. Fine , if he was running feral.. not so good if he has a caring owner ... Desexing will obviously remove the hormones, but won't change much behaviour otherwise...he may have always been a fighter ... I wish you a good outcome ..
  4. ...and they can't /won't tell you what tests have been done? is this your regular vet? I'd be asking for a printout ..."just for my records,please" My experience (from many years ago)....is that drips in front legs can be held fairly well with splints etc ..and if a dog is in a tiny cage - they can not walk around in circles . I'd be surprised if they didn't do the initial parvo test .. that's just a swab into the dog's rectum ... then it's tested - only takes a couple of minutes ..and lets them know straight away .....so they then know about quarantine etc. Our clinic does that while dogs are still in the car .
  5. Did the original parvo test come up negative then? I hope he improves today, poor little fella.
  6. just someone's opinion ..... and it made me smile actually
  7. for many reasons, I suspect ... This would be a good topic to suggest to an editor of publications like The Weekly Times , or Stock & Land . Write to the editor ,and suggest they do a story ........ now is a good time because ewes are dropping lambs everywhere , and farmers may appreciate some resources - somewhere they can read of peoples' experiences,and what having an LGD entails . ... You are preaching to theconverted here- Why not take your message straight to those who will benefit most
  8. :rofl: - what does that make me & Persephone - we both got it straight away! yep.
  9. It looks nasty. poor old fella . Pity you have to wait until Monday to get it checked ... do you have an elizabethan collar or large bucket you can put over his head to stop him licking?I think it needs to be kept dry & very clean ... I was going to recommend betadine as a stop-gap ..but you are using it .. how many times a day? Hope all goes well on Monday ....
  10. Most dogs are 'wild' when they start harassing/killing stock..and are in a pack. a population of wild dogs would be present all year ... these attacks seem to be recent?
  11. haven't heard of that firm for ages! Glad they are still active .
  12. it is always sad for everyone when this happens.
  13. What fantastic update ... thanks for the photos look at those little grublets ... aawwwww
  14. .. probably all the spiky bits irritate his stomach
  15. shanks are leg bones,and may splinter .... for smaller dogs, lamb necks can be cut in half lengthwise
  16. Mostly the ligaments etc that hold the vertrebrae together do their job. remember though.. bones must be size appropriate. 2 or 3 vertebrae may be fine for a cav, but deadly for a golden retriever .....and NEVER feed neck 'chops' our dogs (kooliex) have always eaten roo tails, sheep/goat necks etc and never had a problem ..mind you they are not teh completely bare ones..ours are fed as a meal - so are complete with meat I would never feed necks/tails bare of meat.
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