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Everything posted by persephone
Help Please .... Hematoma On Dogs Ear
persephone replied to 4paws4me's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
They can heal without surgery, but the ear ends up disfigured ..it sort of folds up.... as the blood separates the flat bits..and takes away any support .. so your dog will probably end up having a smaller screwed up ear flap, ... -
Minyvlz yes, the fear component is what concerns me .. especially as you have now clarified that it mostly happens when he is tied up in a busy ish place. My guess is that he feels totally unprotected and insecure ..and so he tries to defend himself in the only way he can. If it is fear aggression it really needs assessing and acting upon...as it can become more intense and more frequent.
Adding Another Bitch To A Two-bitch Household
persephone replied to raineth's topic in General Dog Discussion
print out one of the 'bitches fighting' threads and give them. -
..if he's raising a paw.... what is his head doing ? does he sort of twist/roll it ? it may well be a play thing . Hard to tell just from a written description ...Ask someone experienced who can carefully look and assess before doing anything to change it.
How sad. leave it with her tonight .. her raging hormones need an outlet. Don't feed her much .. leave her be - don't fuss around her now at all.Just be matter of fact.The more upset/clingy YOU are - the more she will think that something is very wrong...Just let her realise that puppy is not going to suckle/move .. she will ... eventually . Then, maybe in the morning .. when she is NOT looking .. put gloves on .. take puppy, and place in a couplle of layers of plastic bag .. and go bury it well away from your house.. take it to the vets for disposal... or maybe wrap it well and use your bin...if bin day is in a day or so. do NOT leave any scent of it around you or the house/yard. let her watch you cleaning up - thoroughly dispose of all bedding etc ... and then just treat her as normal ... lots of exercise and a bit of a diet to help get rid of the milk .. and lots of bones to chew/fun things. It won't be an instant fits - she is so full of mothering hormones/instinct .. but without any stimuli, it will ease ...
Good thoughts sent.. glad you went & got some action happening
yep - blood tests and heart function ...along with the Xrays Poor boy. Hope you get some answers soon
Hi How long has she been doing this ,and when do you see her doing this? At particular times- or just anytime? Is she scratching, or rubbing as well? Have you bathed her , if so in what? What do you use to groom her,and how often? Has her breeder any suggestions?
Looking good! A bit of over exposure I think on the bear, pelican and gull. I LOOVE the snow leopard :)
Dogs Off Leash In Parks Killing Rabbits Etc.
persephone replied to austen's topic in General Dog Discussion
there is a world of difference ! Especially to dogs, whose sense of smell and perception of body language is much better than ours! -
not always ...
Please Send Good Thoughts For Mindy
persephone replied to aussielover's topic in General Dog Discussion
That's good news Hope the improvements continue . -
Good luck for Monday ..;.hopefully it's just something simple
Sounds like he has some sort of problem.. and I hope the vet looks deeper this time . Poor At.
Must admit to only ever known 2 westies .. but both were fine with kids, big and little . They were brought up with them ... minyvlz It doesn't? If you can not take your dog/leave your dog without him reacting to kids .. he needs help. It is unrealistic to keep him away from any contact with kids for the next 10 - 12 years , isn't it? Is it perhaps also unfair on the dog ..allowing his fear or whatever to rule his life, and perhaps stop him from going out and enjoying all sorts of things ?.....not to mention the possibility of him being in trouble if someone gets very scared one day He is still only a youngster .. and his behaviour can quite possibly be changed without too much hassle
The way I understand it is that a pup's ideal period for socialisation does and around the 4 mth old mark. Puppies not socialised by then will have problems .. which CAN be addressed at a later date
Advice Please - Friend Buying A Yorshire Terrier.
persephone replied to nikrhithokaylin's topic in General Dog Discussion
Why don't YOU phone the number , and ask a bit about the puppies, then sweetly ask what their kennel name is ..their prefix? and what health tests the parents had? if they go quiet ... then advise your friend to look elsewhere. -
May I recommend getting yourself an appointment with a recommended trainer/behaviourist who can guide you through this. it is IMPORTANT .. there are a lot of years to go through yet, so socialising needs to be done properly If you ask on here, some one will give you a name to contact, I'm sure
beth... there was nothing else you could have done .He was so tired, and now he has left you all his memories . R I P Blake take care
Colour / Pattern / Markings - Importance?
persephone replied to Aziah's topic in General Dog Discussion
having never actually bought/chosen a dog/pup I don't know .. all my dogs have found me .. and have all been just right -
My Dog Won't Even Do A Simple "drop"
persephone replied to Lindainfa's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
let the club show you how to do do it:) -
My Dog Took Sick Yesterday With A Mystery Illness
persephone replied to jase293's topic in General Dog Discussion
I am sorry you have now lost your old mate .. he had a lovely smile..and you gave him 8 years of love. ... RIP Old fella. -
ours will climb large leaning trees and rocks when hunting rabbits or cats .. and of course the working dogs will scale all sorts of fences when with sheep . I would not ever ask a dog to climb a ladder ..don't have reason to ...they can't use a paintbrush ;)
yep, being a foster with uncertain homing prospects makes for a different thought process than a dog who is already with a family and much loved - and whose family is willing to cope with any issues.
Don't envy you. I guess what has to be decided is the temperamental stabilty of the dog . Is she 'crazy' because she is a teenager? because she's been so confined? because she's been in an unstable environment ? or is it her nature ? I agree with getting her assessed as best you can first .. the surgery/rehab is an awful lot to invest in a dog who may be a big handful...... best of luck with it all...