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Everything posted by persephone

  1. and the consequences fall on Elysia (and puppies).
  2. Oh... what a smiley little fella Looks as there was much enjoyment to be found in life .... So Sorry today had to come.
  3. Don't keep them totally apart ..or your pup will not learn ANY manners . ..and he may be even more keen tyo run after teh cat Supervise, and use your voice..or just pick pup up and remove him from the chair/whatever. Maybe have a leash attached when he is with the cat..and just pull him off if he's being a pain. provide somewhere high/safe where the cat can get access...but not the dog. That way the cat can CHOOSE where to be provide plenty of soft toys..interactive toys, bones, and little training sessions to keep pup occupied. outside, give him a digging pit , lots of balls to chase, etc.
  4. Oh poor girl..and very hard to watch. Sorry .
  5. just be careful of him around the cat ..one day cat may get cross- and pup can easily lose an eye !
  6. She will show more signs of being able to remember you .. once normal routines start happening She may well be confused and wary because of the changes ..you will smell different, and probably are acting /moving differently too. Don't worry too much - and happy healing !
  7. Oh How sad to lose a youngster like that . So sorry for you and the family.
  8. yep .. I just leave 'em be.. or , if you have a bed somewhere cosy and dark.. put them in there. Hamlet asks to go to his bed in my room, usually .. so in he goes , and stays there. I don't even talk to him ..and he comes out when he's ready. He's only recently started being unnerved by storms ... if you have any rescue remedy .. use a couple drops every 1/2 hour or so .
  9. Oh I am glad you got to say goodbye, and that he is in no more pain. take care.
  10. Hi . oscar`is doing what he'd do to other pups/dogs. the difference is usually that other pups/dogs would growl/nip if he got too rough . In my opinion, any pup/dog teeth on human skin is a NO NO ...but people differ. I am posting links to some D O L threads which may be useful for you as it's a matter of finding what suits you and your particular puppy. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/219420-is-max-dominating-me-how-do-i-stop-it/page__p__5278999__hl__%2Bpuppy+%2Bmouthing__fromsearch__1#entry5278999 http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/224777-bite-inhibition-vs-no-mouthing-humans/page__p__5439016__hl__%2Bmouthing+%2Bbiting__fromsearch__1#entry5439016 http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/204904-mouthingbiting-issues/page__p__4809552__hl__%2Bmouthing+%2Bbiting__fromsearch__1#entry4809552 http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/171842-are-teeth-ever-okay/page__hl__%2Bpuppy+%2Bmouthing I hope you can find some strategies in here which will help
  11. Oh, gosh ..I hope it is found safe, being so rare & all.! hope she is ok, really.
  12. My bold. 'zackly! It's the sitting there for 15 minutes or whatever, GNAWING/CHEWING and having a whole meal that is worked for which makes meaty bones a wonderful , natural thing
  13. Oh I hope that letter "goes viral" ..and spreads a message.
  14. I was wondering how she was going... Hopefully now it will get a good chance to heal !
  15. ..why waste yet more money , when a specialist visit will probably enable a diagnosis to be finally made ?
  16. very cute poodle cross/puppy-farm/moneymaking commodity. Unfortunately , mixed breed puppies like this cutie are not bred with any care or concern ..and are simply a way of making money To learn more .. have a read HERE
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