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Everything posted by persephone

  1. not really fair to leave any dog in a bathroom all day ..... may I suggest she gets an adult dog- used to indoor life - much less stress on everyone that way
  2. There are many great members here involved with rescue groups. Dogs obtained thru them are carefully assessed, fostered with families ... and socialised with kids & other animals in many cases. Why not put a post in the rescue forum and ask?There are home checks, and they will try & match you and a prospective pet. I wouldn't recommend a puppy ... you have young kids, a working husband... and enough to do without housetraining/obedience training/supervising a puppy.It is like having another human baby ...! There are often lovely young dogs seeking homes , and one of them may be just what your family needs Labs are terrific BUT can easily knock little kids over ..and they shed 25 hrs a day ;)
  3. That poor boxer - hopefully there was nothing broken. Expressed anal glands an added benefit ! I loved seeing that GSP speeding round the course!
  4. A vet experienced in bones/joints would be a very good start Hope it's nothing serious
  5. I am so glad she is now OK . but that was a nasty thing
  6. constructive hysterics are allowable :p
  7. 's funny - Lightroom is the least intimidating .... mind you I only ever use the absolute minimum of stuff on it!! I tried shooting in RAW for a couple of days ... back to jpeg again I'm not a serious 'togger .. Photoscape's not bad- but with lightroom , and the 'brush' , you can concentrate your efforts on patches which need the work - not the whole image ;) Here are a couple of links from DPS LINK RAW V jpeg LINK workflow
  8. That is very good news- now you can all enjoy your time away
  9. A teenager ... whose life needs to be full of exploring/l experimenting/learning and eating. Sounds perfectly normal. lots of meals 'on the bone' to give him textures and chewing and fun... and keep the bagged dry stuff out of reach!
  10. I have had bitches and dogs ... not really by choice - my dogs find me, not the other way 'round .... and the bitches have been more 'loyal'. That's about the only difference.
  11. You will not only have to clean the car`- but your clothes/shoes/everything. You will have walked it into your house/yard . be sure and use something specific to killing parvo. It is very sad ... poor pup. Upper respiratory infections , being that they involve lungs, etc don't usually cause vomiting/diarrhoea with blood , AFAIK . Untreated parvo in small pups goes very quickly from bad to worse .. That's what it sounds like to me ... but it may have been another nasty bug, coupled with a heavy worm burden .. Hope all goes well with your dogs .
  12. The mechanics of mating/birthing are making me sceptical as to the father of these pups ....
  13. Oh, I am so sorry you lost your special girl. R I P Shannon ..
  14. hope you get some sleep , knowing your boy is being well cared for ..and hope the morning sees him much more comfortable.
  15. Ours don't get a choice....except to be hungry ;) They eat whatever they're given.
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