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Everything posted by persephone

  1. can't you brush/comb her as normal every day? Clip out the worst mats with scissors if they are causing her discomfort? Who cares what she looks like at present?
  2. I was going to suggest a vet visit... diarrhoea is a very easy way for pups to dehydrate ....
  3. ANYTHING is better than parvo or gastro for little puppies !! provide a cool surface for your bitch..fans/ice bricks/ice water , or a coolmat for everyone
  4. Hmm... no way would I be taking a lactating bitch anywhere where other dogs are in numbers .. for risk of carrying something back to unprotected puppies.
  5. Maybe when you visit the vet, ask them which can be safely used together, and which might work best?
  6. Glad your girl is ok... eclampsia is a nasty thing, and you did the right stuff ! I do think sometimes folks forget though that being in an enclosed space with so many other heat producing bodies..and working to produce milk can make bitches just plain hot and uncomfortable.
  7. I also thought it was an ongoing problem... it wasn't explained very clearly ;) Perhaps if it was that one day ...there was a bitch coming in season - or off season...
  8. You're a newb......... you ain't seen the DOL machine in action! ;) It can be awe inspiring .
  9. ...and if you've taped it while her ears are changing , and the changes make the taping work differently? .... ;)
  10. Poor Man, Poor Dog. Hamlet used to always wear a muzzle- to stop him ingesting nasty things when he was more of a Hoover than he is now.
  11. it was just an ad ... nothing terribly exciting :p
  12. ..and it will be around 36 degrees over the next few days!!..
  13. 'tis a beautiful photo - no need to remove your brand /watermark.. just fade it quite a bit ...
  14. ...or ask at the local stock agent/government vet or if there's a livestock stud somewhere - they may have their own ultrasound machine?
  15. I've never had a chewer/eater of stuff .. just Hamlet, when he ate sticks & leaves while hoovering up spilt egg from another dog's feast (eggs taken from a freerange chook nest )
  16. yes, Nic. riding around suburbia as we did .. a bolting/bucking horse on a street is not a good plan. Thems were the days riding along land cleared for freeways .... along the Yarra ..out in suburbia on a warm evening ... I've never been that keen on riding, but occasionally it was a nice thing to do ... and my slug of a horse needed the walk
  17. I wish you well with it - def. get it checked, as his foot action will be affected to some extent . The breeder needs to know, too. Hope it it is not too much of a nuisance down teh track .
  18. Looks as if he was born that way . Contact the breeder and let them know - it's odd it hadn't been noticed . It might pay to get it looked at .. as this will probably change the way his foot works a bit ..you may have to keep that nail shorter, too, it may not get worn down as much. perhpas put dome food colouring or something on his pads.. then walk/run him..and see if everything is touching the ground ;)
  19. IMO probably - If there was someone home ..and dog was walked a couple of times a day .. is there a little yard ? The very few whippies I've known have been lounge lizards ...when older ;)
  20. Dogs showing distress after not getting rewarded for an action previously rewarded... This to me does not mean they are 'upset at being treated unfairly' , rather they are distressed/conflicted because an action didn't create a re-action (treat) and confuzzlement followed. bit like humans when they press a key on the keyboard many times and a certain thing appears on screen. One day the computer gods decree that keys do something else..and most of us will show some signs of distress . cos things just didn't do what they always have done! as for the dog wearing a bin lid ... yes, well, that could explain why he looks awfully uncomfortable/and somewhat distressed ;) I don't believe he feels 'guilt'
  21. It was a very useful thing- back 30 odd years ago - when there were lots of dogs free to roam the streets, and many used to just lie in wait in their front yards ready to ambush horses/dogs/people!! I would much rather a dog get a fright and run back home than our horses get spooked and cause a bigger problem! Nowhere did I imply racehorses caused more injuries to humans . I just commented that racehorses can be a very different temperament to a pleasure riding horse ...and again, individual temperament means that some horses react differently to others.
  22. Racehorses can indeed be a different beast .Glad the girl is able to leave hospital - and hope she will have a good recovery. When we used to ride around Melbourne .. one of the horses was an ex racer.. he would often get really worked up, and start sweating etc ..but mostly was OK as a hack. One good thing was he could be told to chase dogs who flew out barking/snapping ..and the poor dogs would usually go screaming back inside ... ;) He'd put his head down-ears back and charge them !
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