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Everything posted by persephone

  1. make SURE there is somewhere cool for your dog .. a wet/damp sandy patch in shade is perfect when the dog's outside ... also make sure water is in large containers and kept cool. Our working dogs - some of them have longish coats .. and they live permanently outside - they have damp sand in which to dig a cool bed ..and get wet down in the middle of the day ... and no exercise!
  2. Hi..I would suggest a second opinion ..and very soon. Some other vet may have a different idea, or be more experienced... if the dog's tongue has only started hanging out in the past 24 hours .. he needs to see a vet NOW ..an emergency one if that is all that's open ..in case more happens suddenly and he becomes more paralysed. best of luck with it - it sounds a real worry :9
  3. ..I think the link needs removing ..it can be seen by all & sundry !
  4. Is he on Ab's ? if he has had an infection /fever , then he may have something else happening?
  5. Hmm.. "crate Training" to those who have no idea can mean the perfect control... ie: Lock the dogs in a crate when no one's home . NOT a suggestion I would make to anyone with no grounding in obedience training/responsible dog management, lest it be taken in entirely the wrong context. Anyone who has the knowledge/patience to correctly crate train dogs would not have dogs /cats behaving as we are led to believe these are . IMO.
  6. basically from reading this - your friend has not much clue on how to understand/manage his dogs. he needs to fix the fences,or build a secure run , and pay a professional person to teach him what needs to be done in regards to why his dogs are doing what they're doing ..and show him how to manage them. I can't see this happening though... based on what you've written ... so any advice we give will remain just a suggestion His dogs are only behaving in a manner which brings them rewards ..and how they have been brought up. It's not their fault.
  7. And it is!! Ideas are shared, and you take & use the ones you think will be helpful Being a public forum , and being that there are a lot of very experienced owners/breeders using it , as well as new owners, there will be a big variation in opinions . That's the beauty of it ..MOST suggestions on DOL are offered as a way of helping/educating .. We all learn something from this forum every day .
  8. read LOTS discuss everything watch others Evryone is different- every dog is different , and there are many many roads leading to the same result ! Enjoy the journey .
  9. Bitches DO When pups bite, or play rough, or steal food ..extreme things...and it's usually only once or twice .The shock/pain work pretty well. If a bitch wants her pups to stay away from something ... or stay somewhere.. she more often than not nudges, pushes, or blocks with her body - her body language such that pups know to stay put...and only baby puppies - it would be rare to see a bitch doing this with a 12 week old , I think.
  10. I would also be wary if a human had diarrhoea/vomiting caused by giardia or e.coli ....
  11. yep .. he gets NOTHING . no food or water, unless it is from your hands. you hold the bowls ..or pieces of food ... I did this once with a kelpie we were given to shoot .. she had lived in a kennel/run .. had plenty of food.. but no attention. She had no respect or liking for , or dependence on, humans. So for a few days .. I was her sole provider. She ate every morsel off my hand ..drank only when she used a bowl I held ..and after a couple of days , the message started to sink in .. and she would look for me to approach ...then she learnt about praise and eye contact ... and only THEN did we start attempting to do anything else with her . So - take it slow ..do not force a collar/harness/leash on this guy ....you need to wait until he is communicating with humans before asking him to do things .
  12. The point is though... that no matter whether the dog is relaxed or high drive , if it is AGGRESSIVE to other dogs when off leash..then, to avoid incident it needs to be walked/trained/run/swam ON LEASH...either temporarily, until the problem is addressed - or otherwise. It's simple
  13. She is a pup, not a child - the above do not apply. ;) Calling a 12 week old pup obtuse isn't really fair - she is a dog, she is a baby, and she will learn very quickly once the lesson is explained to her in a way she can understand!
  14. Sometimes bitches will 'scoot' after they pee .. to wipe themselves .. they will also scoot sometimes if they have irritation in the vulva... a vet check first .. then worry ;)
  15. Do some checking .... then , if all clear, tell the lady honestly that you can find no sign of any neurological problem in the dog's family....and recommend a specialist or other vet. Not much else you can do .
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