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Everything posted by persephone

  1. ;) Interresting typo! I sympathise with ursus.. having done the 'right' thing and engaged behaviourists and a 'coach' only to still have the dog PTS. However.. Ursus, you have a new ,completely different little puppy now ..a sponge, ready for a happy and relaxed life , and probably a breeze to train using a method selected for you and her by someone experienced and perhaps recommended by folks on this forum. There have been many problems solved, and many new dogs successfully grown & trained using methods you seem unsure of . Maybe as part of your research , arrange to meet up with some trainers, and see what they can do? The more practical info you have under your belt, the more likely you are to choose the best training method for this little pup
  2. I felt sorry for that poodle pup ...it seemed it was interacting with the leash, not the person.
  3. Hi.. I really think taking a deep breath and putting a hand in your pocket to pay for a trainer would be very helpful to your household A trainer who would come to your home and work with you & your pup ...who could see/assess exactly what's happening , and give you a plan , then support you, may just be the perfect Christmas present ,and get things on track . Cosmolo, Erny , Nekhbet , and I think, Kelpie-i are D O L members who are professionals in & around Melbourne , and one of these would be sure to be able to help.
  4. I would also suggest(providing there is no known allergy) a dab of betadine a couple times a day - antibacterial AND antifungal ;)
  5. Some dogs are just 'broken' ... you have done your best, given him a chance ,now , when you were in a tug of war .. he has shown you the way . Better it happen now, than when you were miles & miles away , and unable to send him off with your love. Thinking of you.
  6. Ahh.. I think you are making a heartbreaking, but ultimately responsible ,and freeing decision. He really will not be able to live a relaxed life anymore .. wherever he is. I'm sorry .
  7. Looks like they really enjoy getting sandy & salty . :)
  8. DR.Bach's Rescue remedy is available from pharmacies/health food stores..and is not a 'medication' as such,-it is a flower essence - something like a homeopathic potion . A little dog like Poppy would only need a drop , either on her gums, or on some bare skin ..every 20 mins or so, when things are bad. It's also very useful for stressed owners ;)
  9. glad it may be just a language thing - I imagined a poodle looking like a siamese cat, points-wise
  10. rock:hardplace. I would never take a dog with aggression to someone else's place to live... esp. if I was an employee. I would not like to leave a dog with aggression with someone else long-term. No help, I know, sorry. I wish you the wisdom of Solomon..
  11. ;) if you have real broadband :p some of us poor country bumpkins don't .
  12. I can make my photos any size , in cms .. but , obviously to get under 200kb, quality needs to be decreased markedly. S'OK- posting from a site is probably the 'right' thing to do - but most photos I post here don't ever get put online .
  13. I'm mean.. ;) I dose mine up with rescue remedy, and let them go to their beds to wait it out. Life just carries on as normal around them . ( dogs & humans rarely sit together on furniture anyway ) ...
  14. Yep - molly 22 if you are setting off on a breeding path.. find yourself a mentor .. perhaps the breeder of your bitch, or another breeder whose dogs are the type you like, or who you meet at shows ,etc. A mentor can be much help , both practical, and with the genetic webs
  15. Molly22 .. You might find some relevant info - or contacts here, in the dedicated POODLE THREAD Good luck with it.
  16. slightly OT..Just a query..why does everyone recommend posting photos from an internet photo hosting site, and not just adding them from your hard drive? I just use this, IMAGE RESIZER or other program ..and attach from whatever folder it's in...no double handling
  17. Poodle ..from nice sound stock - they are great little dogs when the real dog within is addressed
  18. Yep .. the spot on stuff isn't popular here either . slightly (or a lot) OT .. My first pig, Grunt, was obsessed with transmission oil! he would roll in it, rub on it , try & lick it ..... it was like a cat with catnip
  19. Some dogs seem to notice things like that - some just don't care
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