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Everything posted by persephone

  1. She sounds a lucky puppy :D
  2. I have 3 cats - there are wrens & willy wagtails in the trellis , honeyeaters and parrots in the fruit trees, galahs, maggies, apostlebirds etc everywhere . :D A decent enclosure and a night time curfew works wonders.
  3. :) lovely catches of hoon horses . Do they ever try & eat the prickly pear ? It's horrible stuff to try & eradicate, isn't it ? I like the pic of B facing you and in action . They are both very very sleek and handsome ... lucky boys! thankyou.
  4. Hi How can a puppy rip a collar to shreds? I've not seen that happen before . When you take her to your vet for the "I have a new puppy, please check her out" visit ( if you haven't already) ask about flea control suitable for her age/size etc. As to worming.. what worming has she had already ..what did teh breeder write down for you? Rubbing bum on grass can be just a dirty/itchy bum .. or an allergy, or ...or.... not always worms
  5. This is a real concern..... I hope that you can get another opinion very soon, and that your girl is on the improve again.
  6. yep... there are probably a few factors at play, including loki probably having subtle body language and response time changes due to his loss of vision. Feeding them out of sight of each other will remove triggers.
  7. No big deal... just a water pistol or spray bottle .. water with a splash of vinegar ..
  8. Hi .. Train your dogs to toilet on command Also train them that they automatically toilet before getting in a car .. it does help. Anxiety is one thing which can cause this. Are your dogs on good rubber matting or carpet, and in harnesses, so they are secure and not having to continually balance , etc? also, please tie them so they can not hang heads over the side ..it is dangerous. (and yes, I have dogs who travel long distances and many hours in an open ute ;)
  9. if you're around Adelaide, maybe try the clinic out at the roseworthy Uni campus? Uni clinics are usually good - they have heaps of facilities ,and lots of people in the know LINK HERE
  10. Is she drinking plenty? maybe giver some probiotics, to help with her gut , and if she is so flat , what's her temperature? If she is getting worse, I would suggest you take her back to the original vet, or at another vet clinic tonight, rather than have her perhaps need emergency treatment over a weekend. She is possibly dehydrated, and very lacking in electrolytes etc after a restrictive diet and continuing diarrhoea. Hope things take a turn for the better soon!
  11. Mine get totally ignored...not even looked at , once I'm out of the car. I let them inside, they go to their beds ... I carry on as normal.
  12. Perhaps try colloidal silver? swab the area, a few times daily, and give some by mouth . It is very safe .. and won't sting/burn or anything like that . It is purported to work on fungi, bacteria and virus infections. I have used it on cat abscess, goat mastitis, and human sore throats/wounds/tummy upsets. it seems to do very good things.
  13. Cry, and remember, and then wrap those memories in silky thoughts, and tuck them away , to be unwrapped again when you need to ...
  14. I used to always be scared of bullys .. I guess as they were portrayed back then as 'bikie' dogs/tough, fighting dogs....and so many were, back 40/50 years ago! When I worked at the vet's however, they were my preferred patients!! Calm and stoic and ever so friendly
  15. stans mum ... Hamlet dog is 8 , and Bernie cat is in his teens They often sleep together ... don't do the 'dress up animal thing' these days.
  16. Merry Christmas , from Hamlet and old Bernie
  17. I haven't taken photos on film for years ! I may get inspired ;) have a couple of old cameras sitting doing nothing
  18. When I lived in the city a long time ago, and cats were free range .. my big ginger boy had a couple of human friends he would visit ..one a lady living in a unit , no pets allowed ..but he would spend most of the day with her,on 'his' special chair by a window , and come home when he heard me back from work . The other, a young boy a couple of houses away ..they used to have great fun together ... Rufus also used to come on short early morning walks with me & my dog .. down a few blocks, thru the park and home again ..he'd just trot along with us To wake me up, Rufus would try several things ..escalating ..until I finally got up! Mr Wilson is the same .. he will wake me gently, then , if I don't get up, he will very efficiently sweep the contents of my bedside table onto the floor. It always works! ;) Hamlet's boring :p he just lies there 'til I get up .....
  19. If it's german made ,it will be a good solid camera some info on it here for you ;) there are collectors of such things ...and if you can't find a home for it , contact me .
  20. The first time or two, one of mine shrieked for a second . and wondered what the dickens had him .....then barked again... shrieked, then was quite happy ...and quiet .
  21. The one I bought has saved my sanity .. and saved the dog/s from much negative attention from me
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