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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Sounds like rocky racoon is reserved for toileting and other achievements for a while
  2. I have toilet trained many pups..and never used food . Does he have a favourite game? favourite toy? does he like hugs & cuddles? One reason I like Nothing In Life Is Free .. is that physical/vocal praise gains in value when it is given effusively after pup/dog has shown a desired/acceptable behaviour ..and not 'just because' VERY useful for non food driven dogs .. or occasions when you have no food/toy /tug .
  3. AFAIK they are fine as part of a varied,complete diet .. roo goat deer camel pig buffalo etc.
  4. He's a good lookin' fella.!! That pic doesn't seem to be any sort of spider bite to my eyes ...with all that coat, I would think it would be difficult for a spider to get close enough to the skin... (IMO) The one or two spider bites I've ever seen didn't look like that,and were on legs/lips . Did you see the spider on the dog? Whatever- hope it heals up well, and he grows his lovely coat back soon
  5. I suggest you go see an eye specialist ..I am sure someone on here knows one ..or ask at Werribee Uni vet clinic?
  6. Grey/ Border collie/ ?????? She is very pretty, and I just that first photo!!!
  7. Please check with the forum owner....just in case... RULE 10 No advertising or self promotion Posting just to promote your business or web site, will get you banned. (This includes people looking for a stud dog, selling puppies etc). It is usually pretty obvious when members join just for this purpose. Under no circumstances can you advertise a similar site to Dogz Online or any other dog forum in any way.
  8. try SMUGMUG. I am very disappointed with postage hikes on redbubble ..and am now moving photos over to smugmug . i probably won't sell anything there, either , but there is heaps more choice of product, and a diffeent price/profit scale. ..AND they are extremely helpful and prompt in replies etc
  9. Ok.. this is a reply from my entomologist friend ..who doesn't think it is plausible .
  10. .. It's hard, isn't it ? So glad I don't have pups inside anymore.... too much thinking involved :p also , if you use an inside pen - by allowing pup to pee inside when you are away, you are again,unconsciously, teaching her that it's an OK thing to do An outside pen is a great idea This housetraining thing is , thankfully not a very long process ;) You may be slightly befuddled at the end of it though! .
  11. Oh..and I have asked an entomologist friend about the venom fact given you by the vet ..it sounds a bit odd . to me ...
  12. I love surface spray Spray outdoors once or twice at the beginning of Summer & that's that for a couple of months or so ... window frames, door surround, eaves , steps, under doors ...
  13. Easy. She has learned to use dog door/pee outside when you are home .. and that's it. She has not then transferred in her baby brain that dog door/pee can still happen when you are not there ...
  14. yes, you are ! I think THIS might give you both some good grounding ....
  15. drizzle some saline solution over it ..or dab it with betadine
  16. using a dog door for one day unassisted does not make a 100 % housetrained dog by any means ;) She is still a baby .. and , like baby humans, will take one step forwards, two back, at times. The peeing when you leave may well be an association with "Oh mum & I go outside ..the door sounds like ***, I now have to pee" The sounds/sights are the same , so her system gets ready to pee ..just she is still inside! There is always the possibility of an infection as well. when she just can not 'hang on' ... It can also be an anxious/excitable moment as she sees you leave ..and she just has to pee. re: whining/barking has she done this previously and have you immediately let her out?
  17. weell, you now have a helpful solution .......... more education ! Lots of it!! Keep her guessing ;)
  18. 'training' .. can be all sorts of things too getting dog to stand still for ear cleaning , learning tricks, doing recall... fetching the paper or picking up dropped pens .. anything!
  19. That's just slight arousal .. perfectly normal MORE INFO
  20. Some dogs never swim/enjoy water . It's not essential ;) (Hamlet has never swum in his life ..and he sees the river most days .) Daily short training sessions though, IMO are essential . For communication /education/gratification - for both parties!!
  21. Working mind and body needs to be done every day . Now, YOU are teaching her how to behave for the next 12 years . Every scrap of time/education counts , to build a confident and capable dog Chasey and chasing a tennis ball is ok.. for relaxing play.. but it really is not teaching her much of life/the world .Take her for a drive if you are too scared to walk .Let her look at things ... buy her a carry bag , even. She will benefit so much from smelling/seeing the world ..every new experience/scent/sound/touch is building her brain and her character and adding to experience , so she will cope well later in life when you move, and she has a whole new world .....etc etc ..
  22. Confining a dog works... but I think it also makes for more frustration /greater need to be active /experience things... THESE folk have good stuff , and yes, pups/dogs experience a lot of their world with their mouth ... they don't have fingers to enjoy sensations.. so a mouth does it . provide lots of interesting textures/noises/tastes that mouthing/chewing provides .... What do you and pup do together? You are a the computer.. she is trying to entertain herself in teh yard ...... How much time do you spend interacting with her (NOT counting bed/cuddles) ? ps: feeding treats with colourings etc in may not be the best idea . an iceblock with fruit pieces/kibble in may be fun and better for her ;)
  23. What does she DO? 'playing' is not 'doing/working/thinking' It won't satisfy her ... She has a fully functional brain/body, and these need to be tested and exercised by walking/training, puzzling.. put most of her toys away ... and rotate them ...only a couple at a time maybe provide more interactive toys ..that bounce, make noise, can be chewed, hold food . Freeze her bones ... so she has to work at chewing! Instead of one 10 minute training session each day, do two! or three! :D Walk her along a street where the shops are ..not many dogs behind fences there ;)
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