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Everything posted by persephone

  1. just remember - his tummy is VERY small ..and whatever food goes in there needs to absolutely digestible ... I hope he starts to pick up very soon :)
  2. Ziva ! Love the name ... N C I S fan ? Clever ploy, too!
  3. The question might be best discussed in a new thread - not where someone's mourning the unfortunate loss of a puppy ....
  4. Sometimes I hate being a cynic - however- you aren't an experienced dog - world person ..and haven't much experience dealing with different breeders, etc. Unfortunately, you did not ever see the parents/littermates, or your pup in real life ..and IMO, a photo can be anything ... a litter of puppies is a litter of puppies in a photo when you don't know what you're looking for/at So ..the happy healthy puppies you saw photos of may, or may not have been ,the litter from which your puppy came. Lots of folks buy a pup sight unseen , I know .. and some get burned .. it would be very hard.
  5. Sounds very normal for that breeding ..and it is so sad that now, dogs are not allowed to play like this , because of noise concerns
  6. ..and that amount is too much, if they are putting weight on . halve the amount of mince, and mix in grated veggies ..... perhaps.
  7. MtS feed whatever you like.. but halve the quantity ;)
  8. Hi, and welcome :) I suggest the first thing is a thorough vet check .. (not just heart/lungs) checking vision/hearing etc as well ..because deteriorating/unreliable sight or hearing can cause problems...also maybe get a blood profile done .. just to see if there is anything odd happening? I would also suggest, if you can, to enlist the help of a professional (behaviourist) who can see the dog, and his behaviour, and do an assessment , then provide you with help and strategies to cope. just my suggestions... :)
  9. *snigger* apologies .. it is immaculate and beautiful...BUT my very first mind flash was "topiary"
  10. :) yes.You must :p Also.. your 10 minute daily training sessions will help settle her , and will also help to consolidate wht you learn from trainers etc. :)
  11. Your dog was just showing you how very uncomfortable and unhappy she felt.... haltis need to be gradually introduced, before starting any real work in them .They can make dogs feel very odd for a while.. they are a very restricting tool .. Chain collars ( they should never choke a dog) are a useful tool, providing the user has been trained how to properly use them ..it's all in the timing ...and a good understanding of the tiny changes in a dog's body language enables them to be used in conjunction with lots of verbal praise/instruction.
  12. Do you have a recent photo ..of him standing side on, maybe? Agree with changing food ..slowly does it .... 2/3 old food, 1/3 new food for a few days , then gradually increase new food, and decrease old food...
  13. problem is with puppies..and we all have done it ... when a tiny puppy pats at your leg , or stands up ..we pick it up! fatal error ! Yes, they do it to their Mum ..and other adults , to reach the mouth /muzzle ..but it is bad manners to do it to humans . You may want to also think about starting immediate Nothing In Life Is Free ... , which incorporates what dog geek mentioned... LINK
  14. They are not all like that ;) I have worked with many labs around 18 mths who were as steady and mature as anyone could want :)
  15. Oh dear... sounds like Maggie needs to be handled like a puppy ... possibly even on leash when inside so she can not sneak off ..and you need to take her out every 1/2 hr or hour ..saying whatever it is you say..and praising her like crazy when she toilets . Don't let her make mistakes ..leash her and keep her with you in whatever room you're in ..and make sure she has plenty of (forced) toilet times outside...
  16. LINK HERE to photos LINK HERE to article
  17. ..this man's threat made the news- a lot of trespassing cats just never go home again.
  18. ineedsleep.. You have made a sensible decision .altho it feels the worst decision... So sorry.
  19. I'm glad you have spoken to the breeder- good luck with blood test results ! ;) we need more tiny puppy photos ....
  20. having done an amount of work with breeding dogs - aggression certainly is something to be taken into account .! Dogs can be born nervous/aggressive/fearful/placid.. .not every dog who shows certain behaviours has been abused,or attacked. I have hugged two lovely dogs I knew as they were euth'd after sudden and unprovoked aggression .. in both cases there was a physical , incurable cause .. brain tumour . Humans do cause a truckload of problems for dogs just trying to be dogs ... but there is a genetic component, and a health component.
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