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Everything posted by persephone

  1. :) thanks....didn't think so ...I am just envisaging all those long legs getting untangled :p
  2. <br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(238, 242, 247); ">Do dogs stay in these all day, swaY ?
  3. My italics. however, he has dog now, and brother, if you are reading - please ask on here for recommendations for a good vet/specialist in your area before you consider any more surgery .
  4. Hmmmm that does sound a lot of puppies ....
  5. I wouldn't bother cooking it ...if it is minced chicken carcass it should NOT be cooked due to bone content, anyway (cooked bone is both indigestible and sharp/dangerous);) 3 meals a day , or 4 if one is very late .. and they should improve . Hunger is the best appetising factor !! :p
  6. No expert on crate training...but a puppy crated over 8 hours a day is not having a life well, yes, of course he will ..he is a BABY , and can not fully control his bowel/bladder ..probably will not be able to for some months yet... crate training is done , AFAIK while owner is at home,and gradually .it is NOT a prison ..it is an aid , a safe place for the dog ..and should be done so there is opportunity to let puppy out frequently . Most puppies can not 'hold' for hours at a time during the day, and should be free to play and chew and rest comfortable. if the backyard is safe, why not leave him outside, with a kennel/bed ? That way he will toilet outside , and be able to play in the sun :) Toilet training involves taking a pup outside every 1/2 hour or so .. rewarding any action ,and getting pup used to hearing a word/phrase which will eventually become a cue to toilet, and which then can be used anywhere, anytime ! :) :) Do you have a corridor/room which you can babygate off ..put down protective flooring and leave pup in ? You can then maybe use a doggie loo, newspaper, or puppy training pads . edit : a crate for a dane needs to be a large one..as he will grow a lot! A crate needs to be large enough for puppy to lie comfortably ..on his side ..legs straight out, and NO part of him touching wire. It also needs to be high enough for him to easily sit up straight, and stand up straight, head high..with no part of him touching wire. he also needs to be able to turn around in it.....without any difficulty....
  7. I'd just cut back a meal ...maybe the afternoon one ..and feed later at night ?
  8. LINK for windows 97/2000/XP. I had other resizers..but found this , and love it for the speed and ease of operating :)
  9. it would entirely depend on HIS reason for barking . . what is his body language? ears/tail/the way he walks/hackles up/down....... it could be pure excitement/anticipation...? What is his body language when he is 'just' walking/barking?
  10. I agree with re checking paperwork/correspondence prior to him buying the pup. When he speaks with them, it all needs to be factual and calm. Was it your local vet who did the hip Xrays? Are they experienced in doing/interpreting H D Xrays? Before your brother gets too far in.. and if it hasn't been done ...maybe take the dog to an orthopaedic vet - then there is no argument ;) Just out of curiosity ....How many is 'a lot' ? 6, 15, 24?
  11. That's a great update :) Hope to read more good news later !
  12. Celeste was definitely much loved ...I hope you and the whippets are doing OK.
  13. How does she go ..not being able to see body language?Does she make mistakes in interpretation ? I guess she can compensate by listening to breathing rate ... and the difference between open mouth, and nasal . I wonder if she also uses footsteps..the difference between a relaxed step, and a carefully controlled 'tiptoes' ? She is looking wonderful!
  14. Depending , then on her body language, it may be indeed be going 'crackerdog' ..feeling great after dinner, and just wanting to express it ...then wiping her mouth clean ? Hopefully!
  15. if he is peeing often, and a goodly amount ..perhaps he may need to be tested to make sure there is no underlying medical condition?
  16. Sounds as if the vet has found a new moneymaking exercise ....
  17. megan, if this lady is a certain DOLer , as it seems she may well be - I believe she has previously been given advice/contacts .
  18. I don't often put a watermark on images ..but when i do, I just use the text tool .... like this one ...
  19. To tell Picasa where to scan for images which it will import ... go up to 'tools' click >> "folder manager" click >> then follow the instructions, and see how it goes :) Photos from Picasa usually end up in the "my pictures'' folder (they do on my puter, anyhow ) ;)
  20. It could have been some sharp tooth pain....poor little thing .Refusing bones may also be due to toothache. Good luck at the vets :)..and maybe , if she has been getting leg/shank bones..change to chicken frames , or brisket bones, which are softer....
  21. text - open the photo in picasa. go to the basics page (with spanner /wrench icon Text is on the middle row of things..at the bottom ..an ABC over an image icon. Click on it ...and a range of options is there for you to choose from ..font/colour/transparency etc. you will see text appear in teh middle of your image. simply click on the area where YOU want text ..and type. use the hand icon to make it larger .. or adjust the angle .. It takes a bit of practice, but then it is so quick & simple! have fun :)
  22. Bailey's Mum ... try waking up and finding one on the bed ................ shades of 'The Godfather" !! YUK
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