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Everything posted by persephone

  1. No idea..but perhaps remove the link, so as to not provide 'hits' and /or free publicity?
  2. So - you have upset the balance . now YOU need to work at restoring it. Your dog needs to be successful in his housetraining . he needs to be given every opportunity to succeed, and needs also to be sure that he is still loved and still number one. The way a dog's brain works is so very different from a human , which is why 'no biscuit, no cuddles' will NOT be connected with him marking indoors. All he knows is that you were loud, angry, and that he was not treated as usual... using a rolled up newspaper only makes you seem a person to be wary of ..someone who acts like an aggro dog ... it also suggests that you and your dog are not 'speaking' a common language ... I suggest you do several short up beat training sessions a day with your boy, giving him lots of chances to do the right thing, and earn your praise :) While he is upset and confused, have him on leash at all times indoors ..and take him out frequently to pee... LOTS of praise/bikkies, if he sits inside and hasn't marked ...(yes, I know he is on a leash) You may get some helpful hints here : CLICK HERE CLICK HERE
  3. this is Molly , who is visiting with some friends of mine. She is just the sweetest and most laid-back thing :) I guess being middle aged helps, but still.. I was very pleasantly surprised . .Can't take credit for the photo - her owner took that this morning...I like it a lot.
  4. :) And just who has the best bed???????? :p
  5. Hopefully everyone has a better day today! :)
  6. :D excellent seagull ones ..and I love the dragons! Thanks :)
  7. I would first consider pain somewhere ... hopefully just a tummy ache or a twinge which will sort itself out overnight . :)
  8. The emu shots are good captures :) ..Glad the boys had a nice time bird watching .
  9. Oh, sas, I am so sorry your beautiful boy is no longer with you. I know he will be healed and handsome over the bridge ....but you will still have a very large piece of your life missing.
  10. Have you thought about going to see a specialist? I'm sure if you ask on here, someone will know of a good one in your area :) Going to a specialist means that they will have more experience /knowledge of that particular problem, and should be able to be of more help. best of luck with it.
  11. Curious...as yesterday I had a play with one , and was immediately comfortable with it ..and also pleased with most of the shots, esp. low light ones :)
  12. Glad you have your pup. You may get some useful info in THIS THREAD , and also THIS ONE
  13. Please phone a vet who knows your dog .... or take him to a vet. Better safe than sorry ! :)
  14. True ..Hamlet will pick things up , and also drop them, when asked ...he will stop eating or drinking when asked, and will also drink plain water when told to ........definitely not a child!!
  15. One of my dogs used to do the same .. he was allergic to the colouring in some dog foods/treats.
  16. OH Hope his new owner loves him heaps. You did good, kja.
  17. Welcome :) There has been discussion on the indoor toilets .. if you click on these links, they may help you decide :) (Obviously, it's better if your pup learns to toilet outdoors ..) LINK LINK
  18. Aaawwww lovely photos :) :)
  19. so as not to make percynality's sad thread into a wrestling match ... I guess , with so many people choosing to not add to earth's population , and so many unable to have a child of their own , humans being what they are , need somewhere to put all their love & care . Are dogs(pets) a suitable substitute? Do we forget about what canines are ? Are dogs (especially ones bred to be small companions) losing the things which make them a dog? Any scholarly links to info on this would be appreciated ... it fascinates me.
  20. you may consider spraying his legs with a couple of short bursts of aerogard before going out .... Last year all our dogs/pups got this treatment because of swarms of mozzies.... depending on what flea/tick stuff he is on ... a light mist of permoxin daily may also be a big help . Ask your vet about antihistamines, too :)
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