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Everything posted by persephone

  1. It has brought you much pleasure and pride....That's great. It looks good..such a cute pose :)Thanks for sharing.
  2. thought I'd sneak this in ... The Boss, our Dad (88 yrs young) & Me today, for Father's Day ...
  3. oh! There are those beautiful hands, too ;) ..perfect for displaying little morsels like these girls
  4. Hello..she needs to see a vet ASAP . Blood loss for so long is not a good sign at all.., and is a drain on the old girl's resources . Hope it can be sorted successfully for you .
  5. She is coming to 4 mths old ..and is doing SO well he said she never barks ...and she went running to him when he called .. he loves her a lot , calls her his 'little girl' (tough trucker) and she sleeps in their bedroom at home . I couldn't be more pleased Nice when even ONE thing goes right . ;)
  6. One of our pups now lives life as a truckie pup/dog today she came for a visit as her 'dad' dropped off some sheep food . She remembered us ..looks good and is nice & settled . Got Dags to pose on top of the Grape Marc heap just because ...
  7. You can always buy a desexed male two bitches may well fight
  8. They are fantastic photos again ....
  9. exactly ...cats breed at such a rate ...kittens are hidden away until they are able to run - they sadly become pregnant while still babies - and on it goes , while well meaning cat owners STILL believe their tiddles or fluffy-bum NEEDS to roam outside . I was once like that ..a lifetime ago in the big City Cats out during daytime/locked away at night . That proved to be not enough for their safety , and(over a period of 15 yrs) losing one to an irate neighbour , one to a nasty driver , and almost losing another to a car - having worked with cats suffering feline AIDS , seeing pregnant kittens, cats & possums after fights, & various other things ..a 24/7 cat curfew cannot come quick enough . That, and a big crackdown on ferals to help wildlife in urban areas especially ! Birdscaping is becoming so popular , and is SUCH a wonderful thing to do ,but sadly we have an army of predators taking advantage of backyards full of nests/fledglings/birds with full bellies, or so overweight they are a bit slow . Cats are glorious animals , they belong in a protected environment to be cossetted and loved and kept from both being a danger , and from encountering danger. A whole 'nother subject is the feral cat problem in Outback Australia ..where they can grow as big as a small kelpie ..can take down baby lambs/goat kids , and are quite capable of arguing with foxes. Heart-stoppingly beautiful to watch when they are hunting - but so, so destructive and deadly apologies .. this was way off-topic
  10. There are way too many cats , and those who roam, causing wildlife deaths , spreading toxo , feline AIDS, producing kittens each Spring ..it's out of control I love cats , and know the best place for them is safely enclosed in an owner's home , themselves protected , and in turn, keeping wildlife safe from predation
  11. Another here who believes in mixing it up as much as you can so he is kept "off the boil" ....
  12. Well Done ! here's hoping the effect lasts for more than this first night
  13. They certainly are ! looks as though they had a long walk!!
  14. Oh! @Teebs She has grown into a real beauty , and you've got her in tip-top condition Happy Birthday Miss BOLT for next week . Hope you get a cake ;)
  15. We have a 4 yr old who throws up 9 times out of 10 eating / not eating ..doesn't make a difference ...
  16. fingers crossed... it would be nice to cut back on the anxiety for EVERYONE
  17. ..and this is why a dog bed should preferably be a 'nest' shape ..not a flat mattress they have the instinct to dig/shape a hollow in which to curl ...
  18. Several weeks is no time at all for such a wound to heal - let yourself take time, as it's what you have now - that, along with love and memories, to help fill the hole . You will never forget her ... gosh, I remember (with varying sketchiness) all my dogs from 60 years ago, til recent ... with mind-movies & tears ... most very happy memories,... and I am always thankful for the remembering
  19. I just remembered One thing I have used !! You could try a good shadecloth it isn't as much fun to rip/chew as there isn't the mouthfeel doesn't seem as satisfactory, and there isn't "Tear/rip" noise/sensation. it folds/scrunches, yet holds warm air reasonable well in quantity ..metres & metres. It even survives the pig ;)
  20. Sheena..our beasts rip up so many opshop towels & blankets & stuff ..but none of it seems to be eaten ...they are more discerning .
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