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Everything posted by persephone

  1. To me ... it seems more of a lack of communication , and the dog being confused ...
  2. Your dog is a bit scared, and is submitting ... then you drag her outside, and so she KNOWS that when you get ready to leave, something awful and scary will happen ...it's a vicious cycle How often do you leave her outside when you are home? Outside needs to be a fantastic place for her- starting today... :) her bones, favourite food and BEST toys/games all need to happen outside .. even feeding her ..so she gets called out HAPPILY .. ..... and gets rewarded by food/play etc. Do this a few times a day without leaving the house, and you should see her become much happier to go out that door. I would recommend you attend a dog training class, and/ or get a trainer to come to your home ..NOT one of the popular 'fixit' franchises, but someone WA folks can personally recommend . This way, you will learn to better understand what your dog is telling you, and how SHE sees her world :) This makes communication between you MUCH easier, and leads to fewer misunderstandings , while increasing trust :) oh..and this doesn't sound like separation anxiety to me ...separation anxiety is more when a dog is left alone, and it wrecks teh surrounding area/cries/stresses/barks/ gets so anxious that it poos everywhere, etc.
  3. BBB.. thinking of you, and smiling still at that retrieve photo :)
  4. OOh yeah! I know of an older bitch who suffered the whelping and loss of a pup ... she then developed a really bad demodex , which left her missing heaps of hair , some infection , and a lot of discomfort. A couple of times it was looking grim,and euthanasia was mentioned but 4 months later, with an all-you-can -eat raw diet , antibiotics and other medication , vitamin C and other supplements , and weekly scrubs , she looked much happier and almost fully coated again . The vet thought stress from losing the pup was a big factor, apparently. it is NOT something to make light of
  5. Yes!! Lots of willing helpers , warm towels and energy required !
  6. ergo - they are talking about fishing , as fish need to be hunted/caught /handled in order to be skinned and gutted etc. ,and most times , after being hooked/netted , and dragged out into the air..tipped onto hard surfaces -the fish are not stunned/killed before butchering. ..it's not a quick or humane death, ever.
  7. persephone


    ohh she was a gorgeous smiley girl :) Noire.
  8. Koolie X's can get it as well :p Hamlet quite enjoyed his convalescence on a doona, with heat packs on his backside :)
  9. please contact the breeder now ..don't wait until it's decision time . tell them exactly what the vet said ..and maybe ask them to recommend someone for a second opinion...before making a decision based on health . What did you agree with the breeder when buying the pup?
  10. :) sometimes the dogs do have a problem ...sometimes it is uncomfortable when AG's are very full, sometimes it is a dirty backside which gets a bit irritating ...and needs a clean ....
  11. Hi, and welcome :) if this has been happening for weeks, then it is definitely time for a thorough vet check/urine test :) poor little bub. has she been speyed? Something as long lasting as this I haven't come across ...but I hope it can be sorted easily .
  12. Ours too :) It's amazing how quick they can be !
  13. I hope you can get an appointment with jane harper or someone good very soon
  14. yep :) I think this is a part of puppy 'socialisation' which gets overlooked by a lot of people Most humans do not enjoy walking/playing in the rain, so simply do not take the pup out in it, and make it a fun and learning time. training to toilet on command, and letting puppy see rain as no barrier to being outside ... I do not mean to leave a pup outside in the wet ...no way. the owner needs to be involved, and use treats/toys/walks /games , to show pup that everything still works, and that the praise/treats still happen, even tho there's water falling out the sky :D
  15. Suss them out :) - ask what lines they are bred from ...how all the health test results look, etc.
  16. flickr has quite a few 'beginner' groups, with opportunity to ask questions etc ...like THIS ONE , or DPS has one .....HERE
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