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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I think she is referring to the ABC programme, 7.30 Report tonight. Thankyou! :)
  2. any details, meea? this is all I can see in your post
  3. _---B --- Any chance of you putting her on a table or something and taking an 'eye level' side on standing shot or two ? It's very hard to assess shape etc from the angle of some of these photos . She looks a bit like a little black piglet on your lawn !
  4. ---B--- believe me , you have not been the subject of 'hostilities' on this forum .Everyone so far has been civil, if blunt. if there were hostilities- you would definitely see the smoke !! No one wishes ill of you and/or Sweep ..... but it is hugely disappointing when someone chooses to support BYB'ers who have no idea what faulty genetic material they are spreading .
  5. You're not my target :) ..it's the "breeders" who produce and sell pups like Sweep that are MY targets . "Breeders" who choose to sell pups with no health guarantee , no followup, and no recommendations for all that is best for their puppies' new lives. I hope you & Sweep enjoy your time on DOL... and I also hope that there are lots of threads on here which will be of help :)
  6. Aaawww :) She certainly made herself at home ... her bed looks very comfy! Thanks .
  7. oh, yes At least you're not in Victoria ! :)
  8. Are you asking sincerely? have you read THIS THREAD ? It's about Bailey, a baby B/C puppy bought from a BYB . he was gorgeous.. then he fell ill with a hereditary disease... :( His 'breeders' did NOT know about genetic problems/testing , and now buyers of their puppies are suffering, and puppies are dying. THIS is why we were warning you ......... Hopefully your girl will be absolutely fine !!! BUT you have now paid good money to folks who will just go & do it all again, with no idea what problems their puppies are carrying ...
  9. :) Now, THIS I found fascinating , if gruesome . many years ago, I had a pet Khaki Campbell duck - Frances. Frances used to get the odd sparrow .. (possibly stole them from the cat? ) . The sparrows would then be left in a water dish for a couple of days , to, ermmmm, marinade and tenderise ... then she would rip off the feathers, and eat ! odd behaviour, I think?
  10. eeewww... it always makes me think.....these cute, fluffy- bummed , friendly chookies .. behaving like lions at a kill!
  11. ...B... , the thing some of us are concerned about is a few things you've posted , as a new , naive owner .We are just wishing you a sound and healthy new puppy. There are so many 'breeders' who are in it for the money , and not to improve the breed... and sometimes, this means that the health/temperament of the breeding stock is questionable, and therefore puppies which bring great joy to new owners may be unfortunately carrying faults which cause pain & heartache. This situation is awful for the puppies, as they are the innocent victims- and heartbreaking for ecstatic new owners. You also mentioned the breeder as not being very professional - What did you see which led you to believe that ? Is this their first litter?Did they do a home check, and/or ask you about living conditions you could provide ? If not their first litter, has your girl and siblings/rellies who are being shown ? It would be nice to follow her 'family' . if you could :) provided the breeder is a registered one with their state's control body , they have had their breeding stock checked for genetic faults , and they are breeding for health and temperament , they are on the right track. Photos ,of course, are a must :)
  12. You will find all the above info ..plus some, in this OLD topic on D O L LINK and the original... LINK
  13. LOL any old budgies who fall off their perch in the aviary are ,ermm, cleaned up , by the bantams who share the aviary
  14. I think you have not met any chickens! :) Chooks are foragers, and a part of a wild/true free range bird is insects/ carrion etc . Our Chooks always get meat as part of their feed .. they thoroughly enjoy picking bones clean , they hunt & eat mice , and they adore maggots/slaters, earwigs & flies. Chooks can be problematic if in close confines and presented with another chook who is bleeding ..as they will peck and peck and eat away at that wound Kangaroo is , IMO not a perfect 10 at all ... nowhere near enough fat .. the rest of it I won't comment upon, as I do not have the expertise . I would like to know though why pig meat is not an acceptable pet food?
  15. Al my dogs can scratch their 'armpits' , too :)
  16. Real children teens don't usually pee on your leg though :p Start him on toilet training manners..especially toilet on command!! take him out frequently .. when you see him sniff/lift his leg/pee, use a word (you are comfortable using in public) ..maybe 'quick', or 'busy'... then praise him. Continue using JUST this word (no other conversation) when he is peeing ..then praise. Move on to using that word when he looks as if he wants to go ..then praise.. after some time ..take him somewhere you KNOW he will want to pee ..and, before he starts..use 'the' word. then praise when he does it .
  17. Hope it all goes well...and she stays healthy & happy :)
  18. It's tricky at a distance .. but , do you walk dog using a harness ? it looks to me like rub marks from an ill-fitting /harsh fabric harness? Other than that.. an itchy spot which has been scratched?
  19. ...must admit, I can't remember the last time I asked to pat someone's dog - however, I do often ask "may I take a photo?" AND I was once badly caught out , thru not reading the dog correctly A BIG bull terrier ..chained on a long chain at an auto shop. I had previously said hello, when he was wandering free.. and he had bumped me for pats .. and was all waggy -a gorgeous looking dog .. so I took a couple of photos , then moved in a bit to get a face shot. Wrong I had to step back very smartly ..as he lunged , snarling . Thank goodness I had free space in which to move , as he was not playing.
  20. well, if in two years you have not seen them react , maybe the owner is not concerned ?
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