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Everything posted by persephone

  1. The only way I know is to just use picasa ..do a collage , leaving part of page blank-and whatever colour I want ..then add text - took me a couple of minutes ...
  2. maybe have a read of this thread HERE
  3. Glad she is staying in hospital for a while :) you have a crate - that's good .. BUT .. make sure there is plenty of room for the recovering leg to be stretched out fully and comfortably without touching the sides..and that there is plenty of turning around room/getting up on feet room without having to need to swivel that leg.
  4. I would suggest a boy - the girls will keep him in check :p
  5. What do his gums/teeth look like? Checking mouths during teething is a big help in catching any problems early :) Will he eat the meat of you mince/chop it small? is everything else normal? it may be a sore mouth, or he could be feeling sick , or have pain somewhere ..or not be hungry. try him with some finely chopped meat ..then leave him without food until at least lunchtime.it won't hurt him. if he is still not eating ... it may be worth phoning a vet ?
  6. What a gorgeous girl . R I P Charlotte.
  7. :hugs: Run fast & free, Charlotte.
  8. ours get scruffed in no uncertain manner ..however ,it is something which needs to be learned , and tailored a bit.It does work ..
  9. That sounds like steps in the right direction.... Hope next posts are positive as well :)
  10. :) On D O L there are quite a few rescue folks . They will be able to answer your questions . perhaps look in teh rescue threads ? ANY dog needs training ... so that does need to be thought about . Not having had a young dog for so many years, your dad may forget what it's like :) Older dogs are 'out there' , tho .. and I would strongly suggest you find the rescue threads and start a discussion . The experience so many D O Lers have in assessing/placing dogs will be a big help :)
  11. No mention of boney bits .. ..but, yes it could be.
  12. One of mine used to regularly vomit bile at around 4 am .... every morning ..until I started giving him some 'supper' late at night - just a couple of bonios or similar ..and he never did it again.
  13. I hope today is a nice cuddly, special one . Don't forget the Rescue Remedy for yourselves tomorrow ..thinking of you.
  14. Not sure about that ..but different! here last week , the night of a thunderstorm ..she went missing.we have NEVER EVER had a pup/dog disappear . I walked & drove ... whistled & called - took the other dogs out to make noise ...but with hundreds and hundreds of acres .. it was an impossible task .. everyone was on the lookout - no sightings. So - we presumed she had had an accident and been killed ... (even April Pig was suspect at one stage , as the pups have tried to get into her pen before) Exactly 48 hours later , as I was outside chopping up a goat to feed the dogs , I felt a scratch on my leg ..and here was little Possum - VERY tucked in & tired looking. She drank & drank (odd , cos we'd had big rain & there were puddles everywhere I could see) & ate about half a goat then slept for ages , so we have no idea where she'd been, or what she'd been doing . I surmised she had been scared by the storm .. and , instead of heading for a kennel/verandah ..had run the other way . She MAY have then stuck with the sheep, perhaps ? No idea. She is getting the benefit of the doubt, as she found her way home again ..not a bad effort for a 4 mth old who must have been more than a few of km away at least..and she is now being 'debriefed' and flooded with training /being taught that humans are 'god' ..in the hope of both increasing a bond, and her desire to please, and her confidence . This afternoon we went out for a while - with her on a long line- first time . She was great , and ended up being fairly responsive. She is much like her great grandma .. who we 'rescued' . She was a bit of a 'street kid ' .. not much respect/dependence on humans. SO- as possum shows such an interest in working sheep - we will persist . :) her days of free running are over ... for now anyhow - will keep you posted.
  15. hi, Kezzi - Condolences on the loss of your Mum .. It will be hard at present for You & your Dad , I know. if your dad has asked you to find him a dog companion, well done for coming here :)there are breeders, rescuers - all sorts of experienced folk to help! The questions lappie happy has mentioned are very relevant ..and I will also enquire as to your dad;s plans . Now he is alone, perhaps he will want to travel /move? What will he want to do then with his dog? What breeds does he like /have experience with? Any reason for getting an 'ex breeder' ? Is it because you feel they may be a bit older and more settled?
  16. it's the one that stuck - because she IS ! She is a real people dog ..and sometimes when we have visitors ..and there are those who are swagging or tenting .. she has been known to find her way inside a swag .... but to watch her with other dogs , or working tough goats /hunting feral cats .. she is like a barracuda!!
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