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Everything posted by persephone

  1. It doesn't read to me as being that dire, Kirislin
  2. feed him when you are home? use a treat ball like from Aussie Dog ? pace bowl in a kennel ?
  3. persephone


    Oh gosh ...seeing those stubby pawprints made me tear up .... teebs .
  4. poor little girl as said - leaving home at 6 weeks is not ideal ...and the diet she is on is more suited to humans than a growing puppy. I gather you did not take her to a vet for her 'I have a new pup, she needs to be thoroughly checked to see if everything is as it should be' check? Please do that tomorrow - so that IF there is something wrong, the breeder can be notified ASAP ...and if there's nothing wrong, then she has met the vet, been well checked over, and you will hopefully get some advice on caring for her :) being in a new home at that young age is a big stress .... but a puppy not interested in drinking/eating needs looking at . You may indeed, just be offering way too much food ! her tummy will only be able to hold a very small quantity at one time ....it may only be around walnut sized , after all....
  5. all fingers crossed here that they suffer no great effects .
  6. R I P gorgeous hannibull ....
  7. left :) on my screen there are some 'blown out' bits of curtain, in the R one ,and I like the texture in teh L one . Dear old soul...... Awwwww.
  8. Oh, nekh ....it is hard anytime, but worse when they are young , 'right' decision or not. Run free handsome young fella .... let them know you've arrived!
  9. because the bacteria colonise an area to which they can get good access - an area which may be scratched/chewed/rubbed/have had an insect bite ... and be perhaps warmer than surrounding skin , have a tiny break in teh skin, and be more moist ....
  10. persephone


    Teebs ... there will be tears a plenty for some time . When he 'comes home', it will be very hard for you , too- and there will be lots of little things which will poke you and cause the eyes to fill. Take care .
  11. persephone


    ohhh, that's a nice thing :) bet they are both enjoying each other's company!
  12. hamlet is chasing 9 ..and has nearly caught it! He is usually a happy boy ...and just LOVES running after rabbits, etc .The running pic is him coming back to the house after a chase :)..he's always last , as he's always hunting!
  13. They are not 'caught', as such it's a bacterial invasion of a nice moist /irritated area .. bacteria is all over your dog .....and it happens very quickly! keep it dry and clean ..if it is large she may also have a low grade fever ... so just good nutrition, plenty of liquids and vet if it looks nasty. if a spot is oozing and pus covered ..I may clean it with betadine about 4x a day ...for teh first 24 hrs or so ,as letting a thick scab form at this stage just provides a roof for the bacteria to live under yes, it can hurt!
  14. it sure does ..and it is all sounding very promising :) What a good Mum .
  15. yes. She will possibly catch on when the exhaustion and confusion settles - remember, she had a C section , and may not have become accustomed to teh smell/action of cleaning What does she do if you present her with a puppy after a feed? Any interest in sniffing/licking? Maybe toilet them in front of her nose ..and see if she is interested .....
  16. :) Sounds good - and remember ,so much of the liquid she has consumed is being used to replace liquid she lost, and also to stock the milk bar ..plus the food she's getting may be high digestibility - with not much left to get rid of :) Also, if you feed her in the nest ..she will see no need to move :p I tend to not leave food/water so close she doesn't have to walk a few steps ..ie: no breakfast in bed . It often takes a few days for her to get into a pattern ... She needs to feel absolutely sure her pups are in a safe & secure spot ..hidden from sight, & unable to be accessed by any dogs - then she will be happier to leave them . if she has direct access to outside , I wouldn't worry . She will go when she has to :)....As long as she's not too hot , and happily stretched out feeding /cleaning babies , enjoy the peace while it lasts ! Our bitches often only leave the nest once or twice a day ..and then it's just for a minute.
  17. What wonderful tributes for your girl..... I am sorry she left suddenly.
  18. What good news! Hope we see photos of fat & healthy bubs at some stage . :)
  19. poor dog . I would change water type ...get a proper allergy test done on soap/shampoo that you use , and have everything cool .
  20. Your Dog, Your Rules. everyone gets told that you are training Luna to behave in a certain way ..and you would appreciate everyone helping. I would also , remove her from his presence if you see him doing that . .. Explain that it is NOT the way you want things to be. and, Welcome :)
  21. I think it's taking it a bit far to label a food 'holistic' IF this is true, then most processed foods ARE holisitic anyway ..because each part is different, but depends on the others to be recognised as a 'whole' Sounds odd to me .....
  22. AFAK , labour can also start when conditions inside get nasty ..and the body wants rid of what's causing it. Looking forward to good news later on ....
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