48,074 -
Days Won
Everything posted by persephone
*hands out tinfoil hats* :)
..and RUUUUN ! Bruce the sheep , Possum, and most of BoBo doing the mad afternoon rush :)
*nods* if we are in danger especially ...
I was trying to word a post saying the same thing. My guess is, that if pup was hanging around near the fenceline ..and it was 'working' then whatever stimulus it was receiving wasn't too drastic? A level meant for a larger pup/dog would surely send it, surprised & running, far away from the fence? yes, it is only a baby .. but perhaps an occasional 'Bzzt' is much more acceptable than a puppy roaming ..or injured ..or being belted/yelled at ?
..sounds ok.. but I worry about what she then does , with all that compulsion and energy still happening ..but not able to release it in that way .....
hey, YG... hope all went ok last night ...
yes- decidedly unsettling .
yellowgirl.. stop reading now ! turn off the puter ... and ask a friend to stay overnight ..watch silly movies ..and think about it again in daylight. :)
I have an idea ..... it's the
I heard voices ..faintly, and presumed it was TV/radio. I would think, if there was a person ..the dogs would have made more 'scuffling' noises..and the odd whinge or something after 'THE noise' ? It didn't sound human to me.
familiar or not .. the hairs on the back of my neck still stand up
It is a bit like that ... I had some input from a friend..they said it sounded like what their husky used to do ....
jeepers!! DO NOT use headphones
can you listen on you computer, with headphones, YG ?
I listened again..and it was spookier
oh..my dogs kept on sleeping ... I predict a VIRAL youtube clip coming up !!!!
WHoooooooaaaaaaa!!!! I'm awake now ........................................................................... You could sell that ! A real spirit voice ............................................. Where is the dictaphone situated? Could it be a dog groaning/growling VERY close to the mike?
to you ... R I P baby Jed ..
Mitch used have some kinesiology/chiro on points at the front of his shoulders etc .. it helped :)
:) What a lovely little 'moment'. enjoy!!
I've never needed one for the boys ..provided they are kept busy ..they don't worry too much :)
Poor little dog.. have you tried acupuncture ? I would also suggest chiro and /or bowen therapy I have seen chiro help a chronic bed sucker /front leg nibbler ... not cure, but certainly make a big difference :)
Wow!!!! Dog heaven :) Hmmm..how many can you fit in your house.... you might need to build on, when DOLERs get a glimpse . It all looks just beautiful!