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Everything posted by persephone

  1. ..and RUUUUN ! Bruce the sheep , Possum, and most of BoBo doing the mad afternoon rush :)
  2. taken an hour or so ago :)
  3. *nods* if we are in danger especially ...
  4. I was trying to word a post saying the same thing. My guess is, that if pup was hanging around near the fenceline ..and it was 'working' then whatever stimulus it was receiving wasn't too drastic? A level meant for a larger pup/dog would surely send it, surprised & running, far away from the fence? yes, it is only a baby .. but perhaps an occasional 'Bzzt' is much more acceptable than a puppy roaming ..or injured ..or being belted/yelled at ?
  5. ..sounds ok.. but I worry about what she then does , with all that compulsion and energy still happening ..but not able to release it in that way .....
  6. hey, YG... hope all went ok last night ...
  7. yellowgirl.. stop reading now ! turn off the puter ... and ask a friend to stay overnight ..watch silly movies ..and think about it again in daylight. :)
  8. I heard voices ..faintly, and presumed it was TV/radio. I would think, if there was a person ..the dogs would have made more 'scuffling' noises..and the odd whinge or something after 'THE noise' ? It didn't sound human to me.
  9. familiar or not .. the hairs on the back of my neck still stand up
  10. It is a bit like that ... I had some input from a friend..they said it sounded like what their husky used to do ....
  11. can you listen on you computer, with headphones, YG ?
  12. oh..my dogs kept on sleeping ... I predict a VIRAL youtube clip coming up !!!!
  13. WHoooooooaaaaaaa!!!! I'm awake now ........................................................................... You could sell that ! A real spirit voice ............................................. Where is the dictaphone situated? Could it be a dog groaning/growling VERY close to the mike?
  14. Mitch used have some kinesiology/chiro on points at the front of his shoulders etc .. it helped :)
  15. :) What a lovely little 'moment'. enjoy!!
  16. I've never needed one for the boys ..provided they are kept busy ..they don't worry too much :)
  17. Poor little dog.. have you tried acupuncture ? I would also suggest chiro and /or bowen therapy I have seen chiro help a chronic bed sucker /front leg nibbler ... not cure, but certainly make a big difference :)
  18. Wow!!!! Dog heaven :) Hmmm..how many can you fit in your house.... you might need to build on, when DOLERs get a glimpse . It all looks just beautiful!
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