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Everything posted by persephone

  1. persephone


    Crying with you ......
  2. persephone


    I am so very sorry Chicken . She was a stable presence for you .. and those memories are wonderful . Run happy and whole over the bridge, Fern..your job is done :)
  3. Did you get blood tests done ?What did they show? Oh ..have you spoken with his breeder? They may have some ideas , and can let you know if there is anything to watch out for :) Glad he's eating again!!
  4. there is quite a bit of discussion on that ... Glad you finally have a diagnosis ..and yes, he would have been in pain anyhow .. have a read thru these threads :) LINK LINK LINK LINK
  5. "Not FOR" in every single case? "NOT FOR" where the problem seems to be a total lack of training ? "NOT FOR" in the case of puppies ? "Not FOR" if the other choice of the owner is to euthanase the dog/s ?
  6. They can bark, of course ..it's just quieter /different. Like a lot of people sing.... but so out of tune , and they continue to sing, as they don't realise :)
  7. This weather both my dog and cat sleep on the floor ..no bedding :)
  8. has he had a thorough vet check ? ie : blood tests /hormone levels .... You can always try some FELIWAY spray stuff ... it is a 'feel good' pheremone , available from vets , etc. I'm sure there are training tips from teh cat folks on here :)
  9. She was! She races ahead ..and then waits for me to hobble along :p
  10. The AB's will help in a day or three , poor Maybe.
  11. Hmmm . The house dogs all get fed as they get put to bed ... They have a toilet run beforehand .. Then have their dinner in bed .Workers get fed in the evening - no set time. Mind you, house dogs also get toast crusts/meat offcuts /left over cat food etc. during the day :)
  12. She has just discovered that jumping into the vehicle is a fun thing, that it is not a torture chamber ...and is keen to show off :)
  13. yes..just waiting calmly ... a lot of time I watch Mrs. Bucket on TV and am reminded of Gran It was new and the family pride & joy ..the ford fairlane ..green&cream :D
  14. :) Nice. This isn't one I took ..just one I found again yesterday . I love it. My Gran was a 'lady' :) Here she is , having just been overturned when the wooden picnic bench fell .She had to wait a couple of minutes for help ..and managed to still look dignified . This was in the mid 1960's , when we used to all have picnics in the sand dunes :)
  15. Ok.. Just curious as to when & why dogs are fed ? (thanks, nekh, for the idea) I was always taught to feed dogs at the end of a day's activity , as this is similar to what happens with most predators ..they hunt, kill, eat ,then rest to digest. yes, a snack in the morning if extra energy may be needed .. but main meal at the end of a day , always. I would be interested to read your experience?
  16. :) the good thing is that 'diet' feeding is cheaper - cos you feed less . Walking them all each day or second day ... and reducing their food by 1/4 will do the trick . NO treats , except maybe slices of apple or carrot , no feeding scraps of left overs .. and definitely bones, but perhaps beef /lamb ribs with all the meat off ..... ..or whole marrow bones , so they can't eat the marrow itself (or wash in hot water first if the bone is cut - this melts and removes marrow :) ) Chicken wings are very fatty if they have skin on ..whilst an excellent meal - probably not good for weight reduction.
  17. Here's hoping the 'resting' is just that ..and that he is OK overnight.
  18. A few googled pages for you to read , as a matter of urgency . hope they are helpful for you. Click HERE this is a D O L thread , recent. Click HERE click HERE
  19. Just do a search on here - there have been lots of dogs undergo that surgery :)
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