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Everything posted by persephone

  1. permoxin oily??? never noticed that , it is almost undetectable ..and certainly doesn't attract our dust etc....When we had a mozzie plague year before last all the dogs were sprayed every night for a few months ..mostly ears & bellies. it worked wonderfully :)
  2. What flea protection do your dogs have ? Our dogs do not get any spot on or tablets ..they get sprayed with permoxin every couple of days - keeps away flies/mozzies too :)
  3. sorry. i don't know much about chemo ..or where your dog's cancer is , but it does sound like something has happened brain wise. A vet appointment fairly soon would be my suggestion
  4. There are some fantastic shots popping up ..I'd almost forgotten this thread here are yesterday's discoveries (fuji finepix S8000fd P&S camera) TINY THISTLE FLOWER FLY YELLOW ROSELA FEATHER
  5. :) This is not a house which goes by the clock, that's for sure !!
  6. poor lad . Def. worth a vet visit ..perhaps there is a stitch left in there causing trouble ??? Hope it's easily fixed :)
  7. What do you call 'ridiculous hours?' some nights the house dogs get fed at 8;30 ..sometimes 2 in the morning . ..they get fed whenever we go to bed ..whether that's early or late. The working dogs get fed anytime from 5 pm to midnight ..depending on what we're doing ..and sometimes they are fed early in the morning instead :) Perse with all due respect(as always) who walks out at two in the morning and goes...dinner everyone? It takes just a couple of minutes to feed the dogs. Mine eat hours before I do. I understand working dogs are fed late but are they still working at 2am? :) We do keep odd hours here the workers get fed VERY late some nights if it's hot , and we're still up . They often won't eat when it's really hot anyway ..so I like to wait until the temp drops .....then it's a feed & fresh water . If it is still way too warm, then I feed at 6 or so in the morning . They enjoy it much more then. .:) House dogs ..as I said when we go to bed ..they go to bed , and that's when they get their dinner .
  8. Mine get fed in their beds ..so it is always a race to be first in bed and sit up looking all innocent :p
  9. ...and why it is not wise to waste a good panic until all details are known..... I was actually just about to ask you if it could be a disk instead ..a lot of folks get very confused ..and in the panic forget exactly what was said by the vet I do like the idea of a second opinion .... seems as if she needs things explained to her very carefully by someone .
  10. Erny has covered most of it.. a Vet visit would be most useful, I think :)
  11. What do you call 'ridiculous hours?' some nights the house dogs get fed at 8;30 ..sometimes 2 in the morning . ..they get fed whenever we go to bed ..whether that's early or late. The working dogs get fed anytime from 5 pm to midnight ..depending on what we're doing ..and sometimes they are fed early in the morning instead :)
  12. .. just a gentle bathe of the area with some saline solution for now, dry it carefully .. ..and vet tomorrow. Do you have a photo you can post ? it certainly doesn't sound nice
  13. yep ..and the chewing releases endorphins to make them feel good :)
  14. Yoghurt, mince, beaten egg , canned tuna oil/juice
  15. Also reads to me as if the cats did get some in their mouth somehow ..and that reaction with the froth etc is a pretty attention grabbing one ! Oh, and Rappie may help out here, but the convulsing I always thought was caused by all that frothy saliva blocking the airways ......scary .
  16. FB LINK a new page ..by an old timer , whose 'dad ' is my favourite landscape photographer. There are some gorgeous photos :)
  17. There is no set feeding time here..so none of the anticipatory silliness :)
  18. :) baby or no, she has still had invasive abdominal surgery (hysterectomy, basically) and does need to kept dry, clean & quieter for a week or so, to allow for safe healing. :) No jumping on/off furniture , or anything which really stretched that belly area hard ..like running. Looking forward to photos :)
  19. No idea about the flies, which are just gorgeous..but google "cherry tree slug" :)
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