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Everything posted by persephone

  1. If your pup came from a decent breeder, they are the ones to advise. If you have no advice from them ..what was the pup being fed before you got it? Usually it's best for the pup that it gets what it's used to at first ..gradually changing over to another food if the original is not good nutrition, or unobtainable , etc. There are lots of different puppy foods available , and sometimes it boils down to what you can buy locally ...and your budget. AS for when she's older ..well, you have months & months to decide that one ..and it will depend on if she is actually 'working'..and how much - if she's allergic to any foods ..all sorts of things :)
  2. How can you say you have failed her? She was probably born with this makeup .... I could not have lived with a dog like this at all .... It would have broken my heart several times over.
  3. :( You must be absolutely shattered Have you spoken with dr Robert Holmes in Melbourne? he has been doing vet behaviour stuff for over 30 years ... he may be a good one to give a definitive 'clean' diagnosis/prognosis , perhaps, to support your thinking...
  4. ..soooo if fido passes a 'temperament test' fido can then go & make puppies whenever/wherever? That's how it reads
  5. ? Camp Dog? Rig Dog? ?Worker accomodation dog? There is such a mix of features in there... Years of carefully non-selected breeding , perhaps? ORRRR some wonderful breed we don't know yet? :)
  6. I was trying to figure out how to suggest that ;)
  7. Necks are vertebrae ..and when sliced , look a bit like a star ..with several spiny very sharp bits. I have seen these bits stuck in mouths/between teeth ... Feeding necks whole ..or sliced in half along the length makes a big difference to how the dogs chew them :) I used to only ever feed noisettes to my cats , who loved them ..and my boy used to eat bone & all !!
  8. perhaps not for a gulper they are shaped to get stuck/cause damage ....
  9. A 4kg terrier can swallow a whole chicken wing? necks I understand ..they are the right size/shape Have you tried feeding whole wings semi frozen? I agree with chicken frames /turkey wing portions /rabbit backs
  10. Suitably sized/textured meaty bones are one of the best foods , IMO. Unfortunately the trend is to chop them up ..which defeats the purpose ..or to feed very large and hard bones which may injure teeth/gums. I think the BEST bones are those with the meal attached , so a dog uses ALL its back teeth in a scissor/gnawing motion to obtain that meat , its front teeth to pull meat off, and finally the back teeth surfaces to crunch the remainder ... :) I also think this should occupy quite a long time .. so the endorphins flow, and the muscles get a workout .... :)
  11. :) The whole idea of meaty bones is for the dog to sit & chew for some time to get a meal .... anything which can be gulped down isn't doing its job ;)
  12. ;) not his pup having surgery .... and not him worrying and watching afterwards....
  13. try it just in one spot ..maybe back of neck ? so it can NOT be licked off ...it's probably not a good thing for a baby to be ingesting at all :(
  14. feed them frozen - that slows 'em down .When they are gone , use whole wings instead ;)
  15. Puppies have NO idea what 'no' means..in fact ,if she is doing something puppyish like chewing/chasing ..and people are throwing "No's" at her ..then 'NO" means just what she is doing at that point in time !!! if she is looking to the older dog - which is how pups learn ... there is a possibility she may copy some of his behaviours. You say he is 'dominant' In which way/s? What does he do to need extra limitations? :) your kids (and you) might enjoy this booklet ..It is fantastic for helping kids understand how a dog is thinking ! :D LINK Your dogs may BOTH benefit from this training exercise too :) It works with all ages ... LINK
  16. Briefly ..eye contact should be a praising/loving thing :) It can also be a control... and can be seen as a threat ..so needs to be taught . Does your pup enjoy eye contact generally? IMO, any eye contact deserves a treat/praise :) if a pup doesn't learn to watch .. then any training could be tricky! This baby is learning ... and has an attention span of a gnat ! Does she watch you when you feed her? If so .. have her look at you, and feed her little bits at a time ..when she looks, she gets food .... ;)
  17. Mine never get that habit ..I always start off with a chain leash (NOT a chain ..a proper chain leash . :) That is not pleasant to chew..so they never start ;)
  18. apologies, however I, and others were replying according to what was posted ..
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