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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Jelly ..talk with Nekhbet ..she is the trainer concerned ..and knows Roo, and how she reacts .. none of us have seen what goes on ..Nekh is working with you and is the professional.
  2. Hi :) How old is your puppy ? Did you get it from a local breeder who can help you? You are correct in being careful with young joints ..and there is also vaccination status to consider :)
  3. ..I know too that moment when ,all of a sudden your dog has that 'look' that old dog 'look' I saw it a couple of days ago with Hamlet .. he is 'only' 9 ,,however somehow he ate something which blew him up to "pregnant with 10 pups" and it really affected him for 24 hrs or so .. it was a VERY full gut ... and his heart ,I'm sure was affected ..as he lost some pinkness and was really lethargic for a while .. So ..degas caps ... and some other home remedies ..keeping him cool and def. NO food helped ..but at one stage I looked at him and saw an old, old dog ......
  4. <br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(238, 242, 247);"> Foxes here love them .... :p
  5. It is hard.. all you can do is start collecting special moments as images... so you have them to look back on , make sure those oldies are still offered the opportunity to do stuff they love ..eg: going to the beach is mostly about the noise/smell .. and that you can get even if you're in a pram ! ;) WE have two in their teens here ..luckily they are still quite active .. eyesight and hearing are fading , but there are no obvious health concerns - so they are being treated as normal ..and we watch :)
  6. :) the examination of what a dog gets rid of , and how often , is an important part of attentive dog husbandry , as it reflects what's happening on the dog's inside! It tells us if the dog is maybe not digesting fat properly..has too much fibre, or not enough ... perhaps has colitis, or a tear somewhere.. has been eating rubbish, grass ( or fruit seeds/skin) , maybe has a bacterial infection , or something else . A new habit for you ! My suggestions - stop puppy milk as mentioned. Also stop treats until she eats normally again .. and remember to save them for rewards for her hard work ;) My first concern was a partial blockage or similar from the seeds she will be eating the pomegranate ones will pass thru OK ..but The locquat ones may cause trouble if the they get stuck . Can you fence off the trees ? Don't offer her any food tonight .. No treats/milk/leftovers, anything. Take her for her walk ..do her training , make sure she has plenty of water ..keep her busy indoors away from those seeds ..and see if she will eat breakfast any better tomorrow .... If not .. it may be very wise to visit her vet and get her properly checked out :) Just saw your post ... make sure she has several short walks , and some short training sessions to keep her occupied and not looking for her own fun . Unfortunately, pups make their own fun , if they feel their own toys are not helping them ..or if they have no training/socialising to tire out their brain :) (bit like toddlers left alone with a texta and a blank wall ..versus a toddler helping mum with doing laundry, or using a blackboard to copy things)
  7. Is she happy/playing/behaving normally? How many days has she been like this? pooing OK ? More? less? does it look /smell different? is she getting her new teeth ok? have you noticed any smell from her mouth, or any blood?
  8. spyda.... maybe you missed this bit ? It answers your doubt I think brutus is wise to have a rescue organisation involved , and I'm sure the pups will be placed carefully.
  9. I ust really do not understand their A S P C A letting this little sweetie struggle on .. seeing photos ( I won't watch a video) makes me feel like , moreso than those two legged dogs .....
  10. well hold onto them until they are old enough and well enough to be put under GA. If they aren't well enough for a GA, then they aren't well enough to be rehomed That's what I was going to suggest. A couple of extra weeks shouldn't be a problem. Doubt people will pay an extra $150 etc to be refunded on desexing for cross breed or mongrel pups. I agree ... hang onto them for another few weeks ..if you can , as there really is no way of 'enforcing' desexing..
  11. Indeed.. Luckily , the dogs weren't really chasing it ..and all it wanted to do was find a way back to the paddock :) That's what looked so weird..they were running quietly together :)
  12. It was .. :) and most of the time I have my iPhone with me ..or a camera ..because I was only going to be a few minutes, I took nothing
  13. Fingers crossed now that she'll be happy and not sore very soon ! :)
  14. ALWAYS take a camera !Took 3 dogs in to the river/homestead .. They mooched around, chased a couple of bunnies ..and then we walked across the lawn to check a tap .... I did notice an extra flurry of movement ..and saw the dogs running back toward me .. Then noticed an emu in their midst!!! It did look funny - no one was sure if they were running/chasing ..and thankfully neither the dogs or emu were full -on.So here's me with my walking stick, watching , and wondering just how fast I could hobble :p .. I had called the dogs, and they were coming, but with one very tall extra!! LOL :) Emu was basically just looking to get clear ..so the dogs & I moved & let him go , then we did what we set out to do ... :)
  15. Then I would have found some nice fluffy/leather toys for her :) ..and reinforced the "This is MINE, and you are NOT allowed to bite it" rule . (then again I don't have much experience, having never had a chewer ..... )
  16. You can sleep through an F5 tornado or a gas line explosion but wake in an instant if you hear the dreaded pre-barfing gagging noise in the middle of the night. You can pick dog hair out of your food without missing a beat but nearly lose your lunch if you find a human hair in your sandwich. You've fed your dog cereal off your spoon, then absent-mindedly gone back to eating cereal with the same spoon. You realize you've fed your dog off your spoon . . . then shrug and keep eating. You've sat at work, crying, because you just got an e-mail that a friend's dog died. You've had a split lip, black eye, broken nose, rope burn or mild concussion caused by a dog belonging to yourself or a friend. :) :)
  17. I know you thought (as did we) that this birthday may never be celebrated ..I do hope he enjoyed his day!! ( boy ..that time went by fast!)
  18. oh!! a faecal test won't really give much info if your dog has anything other than worms . She needs to be properly checked over. Poor thing ... an upset tummy for so long really does need checking.......and hopefully it is nothing contagious ..as she has been to the park whilst ill ..... I hope she gets some help soon ..it's always a worry
  19. Back to the vet ..maybe a different one , I think. Today would be good . No more food for now ... and make sure the vet does faecal and blood tests this time to really get a picture of what's going on! best of luck with her...
  20. Make an effort! You need to put the dogs welfare ahead of your own self interest. Harsh, I'm sorry, but where there's a will, ...... *sigh* I realise you have your own problems ... but this is such an unhelpful waste of a post
  21. YES !!!! Don't be tempted to 'mix&match' Roo needs consistency and solid grounding ..and she will only get that from one way of doing things ...
  22. It's a common problem with MANY dogs, of all breeds , who may have an allergy, or some low grade pain, or some anxiety .. Obviously treatment depends on cause .. but anti histamines/cortisone can be used to help with allergies....
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