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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Ahh piebald .... that could be it . Thank you .
  2. What's a Pi eye? I know a wall-eyed dog has a blue eye and a brown eye ..and a split eye is an eye with both blue & brown in, and there are blue-eyed dogs, and green-eyed dogs, as well as the brown . ...But I've not heard of Pi eye .
  3. Clive almost got into BIG trouble this morning ...thankfully the Boss wasn't close enough ;) The Boss was calling one of his dogs ...she was wandering around having a social time . Calling ... "Oh", she thought .."Yes,I'll go now"..and off she headed, back to her Boss. Until.... Clive sidled up, grabbed her collar and dragged her off to one side ... I saw the 'thunderclouds'... and disappeared into the laundry :P Atta Boy, Clive. ! he,he,he... Butter wouldn't melt .
  4. absolutely beautiful, very sad photos. Aura, a retired military USA malinois.
  5. I am no vet, but I really doubt a lump could calcify in 3 days. It takes some time to lay down bone. It's great you're seeing your vet , when you can ask all your questions , and get the explanations from a good source .
  6. For a skull injury, really a vet should have seen it if it looks different to the other pups' heads ...
  7. I would imagine so ...they bite, histamine is released, I guess, and it itches - like a flea bite. That's my humble opinion, anyway
  8. YES!!! Also check for ear problems in the family ..eyes (entropion/ectropion) Check on their follow-up after you have your pup. Are they happy to help with pup? Do they take back a pup found to have serious problems detected at your "Hi, vet, I've just bought a new puppy - we need a comprehensive checkup please" appointment ? Are they able to give GOOD advice on diet/behaviour etc , do you think ? I do hope they are allowed to run outside/experience different smells/ textures/levels/obstacles etc ....this helps their brain develop Sliding is more common indoors on smooth polished floors and jumping more common on & off furniture.
  9. Welcome to DOL . You are obviously doing some good research please don't forget TEMPERAMENT . Are these dogs show dogs/working dogs/pet dogs ? are they registered with the states Canine Body ? How are puppies brought up ? Are they inside/outside....what early work do the puppies get from the breeder ? Are your folks aware that labs shed 26 hrs a day ? The "gentle temperament" your parents have noticed is mostly the result of an awful lot of training ;) Young labs can be very boisterous, destructive and needing quite a bit of work. Have a look at these labrador breeders on facebook, and see the work which goes into their pups .... that will give you an idea of what some folks do .
  10. We went for a little drive today ...saw some different red sand ;)
  11. Hailey has such an expressive face! ...she also gets chances to use it! Thanks for sharing
  12. What has your vet tested for, or what has the vet said generally ?
  13. experienced and reputable person needed. adult siblings with many probs being 'dogs' because of being hand reared and living with very doting but not terribly dog-psyche savvy owners. Need help badly. Any recommendations gratefully received and passed on ( I only know of Underdog) Thankyou
  14. Terrible photographs taken at full zoom from the verandah of the homestead last evening ...I was walking, and caught the movement of something in the river!When I looked, I thought a kangaroo had swum across, as they sometimes do. When I watched, I noticed this roo was in the water to access the reeds growing there!It would grab the top part of the reed, bend it over and chew away ...wade/swim to the next, and so on. It exited the water just after I grabbed these few shots, sadly.
  15. Welcome - Here are breeders in QLD ..not sure if it's any help CLICK HERE
  16. Glad she's enjoying the new diet . Snook, AFAIK, protein levels in the blood may point to a kidney problem - which can then possibly explain the leaking of fluid into the abdomen. (disclaimer: not a vet)
  17. Sorry, Sandgrubber- but at least you'll know, and have support.
  18. Dear Pudden , I was so pleased with you today . You have not spent much time at all with strangers ..probably 8-10 encounters in all. I took a gamble today ;) Some visitors came - one of who lost his old dog just before Christmas, and who is grieving badly. Puddy, you gave him TWO HOURS of pats & cuddles - not sure which one of you enjoyed it more LOL. I know you enjoyed the chicken sandwich crusts, which you took very politely ... "That'll Do, Pig/Pud"
  19. Similar to Rebanne- as few chemicals in bodies as possible, and would never use a combination like that - esp. for breeding animals.
  20. It sounds a tad odd Do you have a photo which shows this ? What did the vet say at Vaccination time ?
  21. I always loved reading about Bunter, as I am old enough to remember Billy Bunter ..and it gave me a smile Seeing the pic of your Bunter with a mouthful ..well, that made me smile again Such a lovely photo.You must have a Sh!t-load of memories in photos !! Bunter was so handsome with his gorgeous coat!
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