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Everything posted by persephone

  1. My animals have always had a home/work ph: number , PLUS the VET ph: number ..which saved my cats life when he was run over :)
  2. amongst others, people who are heartily sick of seeing the damage feral dogs are doing to their livestock, and to local wildlife .....
  3. can't find it ..... it was called something like "how low can they go " ... I think.
  4. there is a thread on this .
  5. :) research is a Very Good Thing ! you may find some useful info from owners HERE.... and lots inHERE :)
  6. My vote here is for an anticipatory excitement/stress triggering the seizure .perhaps he is keen for his food ..perhaps it is a stressful time for him , worrying about what might happen ... and he overloads ....
  7. They don't use hormones these days ....
  8. have you thought of things like the following? LINK LINK
  9. She doesn't have to like them ... they need to learn manners! If she pushes/nips ..maybe that's what it will take for them to learn ...and their owners need to show some respect to other park users ... reading this makes my first thought that of just how uncomfortable your little dog is ... and how hard it must be for her to be confronted with rude pups and be unable to escape ...and then, if she tries to be non aggressive ..you remove any safety she had .... If she were mine .. She wouldn't have to put up with it .... edit to say ..any rude pups/dogs not under control would be severely growled at ....by ME . Bet they wouldn't come back.!
  10. Why did you remove your post ? It's a pretty common problem unfortunately ... adolescents annoying older dogs ...hope you get some help with it ....
  11. Oh, Goody :) You're in Geelong! Contact nekhbet ..who will be able to help you and your boy :) CLICK HERE
  12. I have seen dogs with heart problems showing similar symptoms .... maybe mention it to the vet , as he seems to have some circulatory irregularities already ? Also, if he had just expended a lot of energy ..hypoglycaemia may need to be thought of ....it ,too can cause seizures
  13. from the petition. This does not mention ANY health/temp testing before passing a dog onto its decent home ....? What is a 'decent' home ? I know lots of good homes ...which could NOT cope with a Seperation Anxiety dog , or a dog who needed ongoing medical intervention . ... AS for passing it on to another shelter .... 'pass the buck' ? Not agreeing with the RSPCA's way of operating ..but feel the petition wording needs work ;)
  14. apologies..I did most of it over with the clone tool , basically leaving the legs only , for that reason
  15. <br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(238, 242, 247);"> that they are :) pretty markings tho :)
  16. Aawwww :) this is my fave photo :) http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8534/8677552236_7aec4e4495_z.jpg
  17. Kirislin .. a lot of lamb/mutton these days come from Dorper sheep ..which shed their wool ..grow fast and need very little care . We prefer mutton from our merinos to the dorper, or English Crossbreeds .... and we have only sold sheep once or twice in many ,many years .... they are born here, and they die here ..they know every inch of their home ... :)(obviously folks in it for business need to sell their oldies, and non breeders ... we only have around 150 these days .. so don't need to bother ) re: shearing ..often lambs are born winter/spring ..and sometimes really wooly mums mean lambs may have trouble finding the udder, Sheep can get sunburnt/or get over heated without their wool 'insulation' in summer also.. ewes which are growing wool again are much more inclined to snuggle with lambs /stay with a mob to keep warm ..so less 'mis mothering' may occur. That's the reasons for this part of teh world, anyhow :)
  18. My recommendation to anyone who wants a career or business in dogs is to get some dog training study and experience under your belt. +10000000 Even a TAFE course in animal studies, volunteering with a local rescue, or asking some kennels if they need help? As an example, my dog walker has Diploma in Natural Animal Medicine, a Certificate 2 in Animal Care and a Certificate 3 in Animal Care. She worked for other dog walking businesses before starting her own, and in kennels and RSPCA whilst studying to gain experience. I don't know if that's a normal qualifications for a dog walker, but check out some websites and their profiles will normally tell you what they have. Current pet first aid was also something I looked for. Jozman ... EXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE ...understanding how different dogs tick ...understanding how things like hot pavements, the smell of a bitch in season , thundery weather and peoples' body language may affect a dog ...and then how some things may be different for different breeds/coat types/ages.... How well can you 'read' what a dog not yours, is feeling/thinking? I second, third and umpteenth suggest walking many dogs from shelters etc ...talking to staff, cleaning kennels ..as well as doing something at TAFE :)
  19. IMO , I think this plan is flawed Dogs held in an RSPCA facility may be carrying a disease, may have very little experience with walking onlead , or with other dogs ..and may exhibit unexpected behaviours to certain noises/sights/scents, depending on their history ....IMO very different than a dog owned & loved by a family , who can tell you any extra you need to know ... I would not let a shelter dog be walked with my own dog like that ....
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