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Everything posted by persephone

  1. That's good ..but wonder why they didn't use the bin?
  2. But wouldn't they still have the knowledge, or the contacts ?
  3. where was it said that Andrew called Caesar back? I read it as Caesar ran back when the other dog had a go at him. That's how I read it as well ... , and yes, I agree , Caesar would have been safer if he had not approached the other dogs
  4. if your dog ingested 1080, or cyanide or a few other nasties I can think of , he would have been dead before you got him out of that park .
  5. <br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(238, 242, 247);">:) What you describe is actually a retractable leash . A Long line is just that .. a very long line with a clip at one end ..and maybe a handle/loop at the other , with no mechanics to wind it back in . Controlling a dog ..esp. a large one is different for each of these tools ..and still boils down to the fact that the owner needs to have very good reflexes, and need to also be confident their dog will recall ;)
  6. Unless your dog's recall is much better than 'pretty decent' do not let him off leash. I'm glad no one got hurt.It must have been tense for everyone, and scary! If you are doing this merely to toilet your dog out of your own yard ... try teaching your dog to toilet on command ..and then he will do it on lead , and in places of your choosing when you're walking him. It will take a little time, but isn't really hard to do , and the results are SO worth it :) perhaps not , as there are no wounds onyour dog ? It may have sounded pretty full on ... but a full on attack in my experience is grabbing onto and trying to rip throat out , etc .
  7. You must be feeling ripped apart .... Hope it all works out .
  8. A friend's dog did exactly that .. they didn't notice that a tiny bit of juice had leaked out ..but the dog sniffed it out
  9. rescue remedy is primarily to help in trauma situations/with shock etc .... full on separation anxiety does need personal professional help , and a lot of owner input , definitely . There are threads on dealing with S A - here is one you may get help from, and see just how serious it can be if the most appropriate professional is not there to help . LINK HERE
  10. just a query .. OK the dog is 'safely' harnessed .. and you choose to tether on a longer strap, and at a different point .. how will the dog's body NOW react upon impact ? I have visions of a dog hitting other parts of the car , etc , whereas on a seat, short clipped to a solid seat belt clip ..there is much more protection?
  11. from Ken Duncan Use what you have Go to comments
  12. a little bit of rat poison doesn't slow them down , really .... did your vet suggest a test for clotting times ? That's the way to tell if they have any in their system, AFAIK.... I would think that getting liquid rodenticide would be much more difficult than getting wingtips with 1080 on ....and it would have to be a liquid to be absorbed into the chicken ...
  13. Whatever it is ...do it again!! I love it :D Can see this on the cover of a sci-fi book ! :p
  14. Yes! I've just done the floor, the stovetop (with carb soda) & the kitchen bin :) It's good for toilet cleaning, too.
  15. Oh :) Might be time to seek out a 'couch potato' line :)
  16. Yep, regardless of price, I always keep my eye out for the '30 day Warranty'. The crate doesn't come partitioned, I was just going to tie a metal grill (clean, of course) between the bars myself. a bit off topic ... Did you put a deposit on a pup? That must be disappointing, when you have picked out your new companion .... Ah well, now you can setup a nice sturdy playpen/crate/kennel etc for the one who does join your family :)
  17. YES!! I don't have a pup, but .. one old dog who often uses teh carpet , one incontinent old cat, ...and a smart a*** sprayer LOTS of biozet and vinegar used here.
  18. http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/lalor/pet-products/large-puppy-dog-fold-up-pen/1018220981 Something like this ? Well disinfected ... ?
  19. Time for a few blood tests etc to see what's happening, I think .
  20. I think it would be horrible for the poor dog to have both legs done at once ..... it would make recovery very awkward ..she would be unable even to toilet properly ..... Think I will also suggest another specialist if possible .... and look at this from your dog's aspect ..... the total immobilisation ... the abilty to even turn over and get comfortable will be gone A risk of infection in one leg is a worry ..two .. shouldn't have to be a consideration Toileting problems may lead to urine dribbling into wounds /dressings , constipation ... loss of toilet training
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