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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Call the folks who do this sort of thing every day ...W I R E S LINK , though, if the bird hasn't been seen for a week .... he may have come to harm because of the injury affecting his mobility
  2. Dogs certainly can be born with obvious higher levels of aggression /fearfulness etc .
  3. I start by putting on the collar before they get a meal ;) No collar- no meal . Then, while I'm watching.. I just leave it on..... for a couple of hours to start with ....yes, they roll, and scratch .. but after a few days are much more settled. leads are ALWAYS chain ones to start with .. so there is NO lead chewing/carrying from day one. Once again go slowly .... use mealtimes.. or treats ..or a trip out to the backyard ..or a new toy :) I do not let them drag a lead .. they can get scared ... (or chew) I clip on the lead ..offer a meal or favourite toy, and walk a couple of steps, calling pup ... when they come .. they get rewarded. repeat , repeat , repeat .
  4. Ok... have you spoken with the owner and /or observed the dog when it is relaxed/at home ? Does it sit/lie down comfortably ? Does it swing to one side? Does it always lie on one side ? perhaps the dog is unwilling because of soreness somewhere? Just a thought .
  5. corie... take the time to go through THIS THREAD on reactive dogs , a bit like your boy. It's good you are aware of body language ... and this thread may give you more information on managing things.
  6. It'd be wonderfully warm for oldies , don't you think ? ...and cute.
  7. R I P Percy ..... Dear old man...
  8. Cute photo But If he is allowed to sleep on/with the kids' toys ... he doesn't understand they are not also his to chew I also agree with using a longish leash for toileting ..and remind you that YOU may need to grab a brolly and stand out in teh cold/wet as well. he won't get used to it if you stay in shelter ;) You have a very cute puppy , and keep up the good work!
  9. Caillie is a koolie ..farm bred, and has always been one of a kind :) She will be very much missed when she goes .....
  10. Our dear old Caillie Who turns 14 this year is such a senile delinquent!! She can't see or hear terribly well ..and comes across as such a sweet , slightly vague old girl .. HA! The past couple of weeks have been interesting ;) A new bag of cat food stolen out the boot of the car and ripped into ..while I was carrying other things to the wheelbarrow to take inside ... My bro's special travel coffee mug stolen from the front of the ute ( poor arthritic old girl ..can't jump anymore ;) ) and taken to her kennel - we looked for a couple of days until I found her asleep alongside it! The odd very dead body parts of animals dragged home from nearby paddocks .... And the latest - last night I found her curled up and warm under a tree on my Bro's leather motorbike jacket - something for which we have turned everything upside down looking for over the past few days!!! :D Of course we are happy she can still get up to mischief ;) Do you have a senile delinquent?
  11. How is it weird? Their tummy is empty ... acid /bile produced is very irritating to the sensitive stomach lining .... So the body does the only thing it can , and expels it!
  12. There is a piece of wisdom on D O L .. The BEST food for your dog is what he does BEST on :) if it ain't broke, don't fix it . If he is happy & fit & gorgeous .... you are probably doing all the right things :)
  13. Does this count? ;) 'finger painted' on iphone using the ART STUDIO app ....
  14. Soooo tiny , but MUCH fun ;)
  15. That's for them to sort out ... and funnier things have happened!
  16. Today's result from an afternoon IPhone "hunt" .... :)
  17. botulism was my first reaction.... poor little guy , whatever it is
  18. yes- you no longer have a puppy and an adult dog ..You have two adults , so of course things will change , as their expectations of each other , and their ways of communicating will :) We had a desexed bitch here who was certainly no pushover ... she was boss ! there are threads on here about living with bitches, and bitch: bitch fighting ....
  19. <br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(238, 242, 247);"> <br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(238, 242, 247);">aaaaaahhhhhhhh :) :) :) Thank you!
  20. We scored one plastic pallet ..it is very strong, and ideal as a work surface for jobs like mending tyres , etc :) The best thing I found as 'roadkill' once was a large rubber backed cotton rug/mat . it provided an excellent base for when we had baby puppy feet around :)
  21. Love having the iphone with me .... just took this one :)
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