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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Training and supervision ...and later castration ..... to help him mature and be under control in all facets of his life :)
  2. Accidents happen ..only takes a second . Hope he can recover well .
  3. Loving these photos ... but am a bit disappointed that you two don't seem to spend much time just chilling ' ;) LOL Just gorgeous!!!
  4. Can you use gloves when dog washing? Not a groomer .. but when they are cracked and painful ... I often use something like paraderm plus ..with a local anaesthetic in ..to help sleep . Put in on ..add a thin layer of vaseline ..and gloves if you can bear them to sleep in . A few nights of this will help heal the cracks .... then wear gloves at work as much as you can ..and use a non - scented moisturiser as often as possible. I would also suggest rubbing in paw paw cream , covering with gloves , when you are watching TV or sleeping .....until it eases off ..then just paw paw cream every night ...? I hate dry cracked knuckles in Winter Oh..also , take Zinc and some extra vit C to help :) *goes to get tablets * ;)
  5. I have seen 6 month old lab pups ripping each other apart ..and yes, they were serious , and a hose was used to get them to back off - no way would I have put a hand near them - a yell certainly is not going to stop seriously aggressive , ripping - out of flesh - fighting .
  6. photos/videos/sound recordings will all help the vets, too ....
  7. rosetta .. perhaps have a read of recent posts...
  8. .... Rehoming this girl is not really an option, IMO. EVERYONE needs to go away from home at some stage ..or leave dog inside/outside alone.... and it wouldn't be fair on owners or dog . I think your friends deserve a medal! I wouldn't do it ....... Glad you are getting a good break , anyway - it will help! :)
  9. I and he looks to have a lovely smiley attitude :) (I guess adding 'dingo' to a mix makes it seem a MUCH cooler dog to own )
  10. Could Mum have bitten /squished him ?
  11. Vet visit would be my first idea ... shame he's had pain meds, really - they may mask a problem for diagnosis, poor little fella . Hope he's Ok soon .
  12. ... have a read of that thread I linked to ... you will find much in there which may help with the way you are thinking ....
  13. Paddo Pup ..grab a (large) coffee and read this thread right through .... it will show you many of the ups& downs you have experienced, and many you have not!! it will also show the difference having decent professional advice made in this case. LINK TO THREAD Obviously each dog/home life/owner is different .. so strategies need to be tailored to the individual situation . Sometimes though , dogs are born nervous and sensitive , and repeated stresses worsen it ... then the kindest thing is to let them have their wings and find peace...
  14. Yes .. I hope everyone got to enjoy some 'holiday' .
  15. and that is nowhere near enough information to give owners of such a sad, stressed little dog . So the behaviourist never saw the dog crated, either by video or anything? What did teh behaviourist say about how the dog reacted with you at home ... and when you locked her outside with the behaviourist there ..what comment on dog's behaviour then?
  16. Open picasa. Go to "help" up the top . Click Click on "search for updates" Then it will tell you what's needed ...and , possibly download a newer version . I have always updated this way ..and not lost anything (mind you , I only ever keep about a month's worth at a time in Picasa anyway ..the rest are on an external Hard Disk Drive ) Have fun :)
  17. :laugh:Oh Well, maybe you & the dogs can share ? :p
  18. That seems a very different scenario to a tiny , active, stressed , reactive, submissive , sensitive mite of a dog ...I would not add anything to her almost insurmountable load of stressors at all! poor little darling - any quality of life seems to only exist when she breathes the same air as her humans ..and that's so sad . I couldn't have a dog who was so adversely affected by aloneness.
  19. he's gorgeous , and I bet he has been judged on pricked ears and coat colour tell people you have had him assessed and he's a kelpieX !
  20. ..and you are selling because you THINK that maybe he has some dingo in him, and your wife is worried?
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