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Everything posted by persephone

  1. crate training is just that .. gradual, fun training over a period of time .... not just locking a dog in a crate ;)
  2. Our family, like many others ,have always had dogs with testicles ..and 99% of them have lived well into their teens with no problems at all because of their natural state . one with a retained testicle was found to have cancer at about age 13/14 . don't PANIC!!! AFAIK prostate problems/testicular cancer etc take much more than a year or two to develop ......
  3. Thanks for putting up photos :) she is gorgeous!
  4. I do doubt a mastiff would be able to physically achieve a mating with a young staffy ..... and a couple of weeks won't make a lot of difference
  5. Unless a yard is securely floored and roofed ,it is not secure when in-season bitches are concerned
  6. Yes, get her speyed ASAP ..... Also keep her indoors .... it's lucky she wasn't badly hurt/killed ... You can get her speyed NOW ..it is a bit riskier , but it can be done ..she will still be in season in a fortnight ..so risks are about teh same . have a read here . http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/246794-desexing-after-heat/page__p__6133990__hl__%2Bdesex+%2Bbitch+%2Bseason__fromsearch__1#entry6133990
  7. it's a good plan to retire to a chair , keep your ear to the radio in case of a change of forecast , and keep the fishing book nearby, just in case ;) "Widget" today ... it is a wet and thundery and cool one!
  8. Oh ..Ok :)... some more to try ! I shall let you know . Thanks a lot!!
  9. I like that one , WM :) height wise I can't remember what any of them are now .. but this one says 24 " ...... would he be tempted to try & escape ..or the others - would they try & get in ?
  10. Hi Bianca - thanks for the suggestion - but as Perse pointed out earlier (I didn't think of it} soft would be better for a dementing boy with deteriorating night sight, a tendency to pace at 3am... I can find one of these used locally for $50.00 which seems a fair price. Its 130 cms in diameter, will fit next to the bed at a pinch, is as close to circular as Perse suggests as I can find, has no toxic materials and I could put a rug under it and a bed and blanket in there for him and he can move around at night without disturbing the whole house. What do you think? What haven't I thought of? oohh... this is the sort of thing I had in mind :) LINK to Ebay Australia I saw them as well Pers, they look good but they may tip over if WM's Mac tries to jump up on the side, though he will still be ok...the playpen will just be upside down with Mac still inside. Oh oops. ..could it not be placed against furniture or walls ? ....thought the little screen bits at nose/eye level might concentrate attention there , and not the top ...and so avoid aiming for the top ....
  11. Hi Bianca - thanks for the suggestion - but as Perse pointed out earlier (I didn't think of it} soft would be better for a dementing boy with deteriorating night sight, a tendency to pace at 3am... I can find one of these used locally for $50.00 which seems a fair price. Its 130 cms in diameter, will fit next to the bed at a pinch, is as close to circular as Perse suggests as I can find, has no toxic materials and I could put a rug under it and a bed and blanket in there for him and he can move around at night without disturbing the whole house. What do you think? What haven't I thought of? oohh... this is the sort of thing I had in mind :) LINK to Ebay Australia
  12. a couple of hours in a crate he's been trained to enjoy sounds ok .... Outside in a secure pen would be ideal :) he really does need to be out there without an attached human
  13. oh..and don't forget to train pup to play ALONE ..and to spend time out of your sight doing doggy stuff ! Time spent teaching that now will be VERY worthwhile , with a pup/dog who doesn't fall to pieces when his humans are either behind a door, or a thousand miles away .... :)
  14. You don't have a backyard ?
  15. oh ... wonder what he was thinking .... LOok, LoOk I found something odd.... or ? The poor little girl - I hope she thrives and has a wonderful and safe life now
  16. That was my next question ..... :) Hope we can soon see photos of him on the mend!
  17. Glad to hear of improvements ... poor little fella -
  18. Just thinking - a cot sounds good ..except for corners... if something is circular ... then there is no confusion or stopping ... just around&around as the brain dictates .... but I guess a bedroom can only fit so much stuff in ?
  19. Ohh:( Can one get soft pens? I would hate him blundering about( although in a gracious manner) and come up against something hard W M I am thinking those circular kids playpen things made from fabric? Circular, so he can walk around and around as the urge takes him , and he cannot come to much harm. It would also be really easy to make it smell like bed just by draping bedding over it for a while before introducing him to it. and maybe lending him your pillow as well ?
  20. LOL @steves' potty dogs . there are so many traits which pups show , and which identify them as from a certain family :) BC crazy .. your pup may well have been born anxious ..but while with her mum & littermates , and in her familiar environment , she was comfortable . Problems often show themselves after a change of home/owner... when the familiar supports have gone .
  21. Newborn pups show differences in behaviour ... some are noisy , or demanding, or forceful, or placid , or are easily stressed .... I agree with temperament being genetic .
  22. Cancer is unlikely to happen in a few months ...so, if possible let him grow and mature for a while longer :) you might like this article :) LINK Years ago we had a dog who was never castrated ..and had a retained testicle ...yes it did get cancerous - when the dog was 14 !
  23. *nods* have a read here ..not saying what's right or wrong ... LINK LINK LINK
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