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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I worked at a vet and we did heaps ..they are stitched etc afterwards to stop them refilling .....and of course have to wear a cone they do refill if the blood vessels/tissues aren't closed/squashed flat and kept that way it makes a 'cauliflower ear ' a few of our old workers had untreated haematomas in their day , and ended up with twisted ears ... not painful, just discomfort ..they didn't seem to worry about them much .
  2. Trouble with them is that often they feel funny- dog shakes head/scratches...and they get larger That's why they're usually drained /stitched flat etc .
  3. YOU need to teach her to toilet onlead, and to NOT bounce around like a fool on lead. You are the human ... perhaps begin with several short/sharp obedience sessions a day ..just a few minutes - away from distractions , using plenty of rewards ... so you get a good line of communication happening ..and she starts to listen . Also EVERYTIME she toilets (yes, you will need to follow/watch her) use a cue work, with praise . use a word you will be happy using in public ..like "quick", or "busy" or one of your own . She will learn that the word means toilet time , then when ON LEASH, say the word, and toileting happens. This may take some time..not going to happen in a week or so ...
  4. I concur. You won't find anyone better . Phone him in the meantime - he may give you a strategy ...while waiting .
  5. Some info for you : HERE HERE
  6. Collar/lead training ASAP I always like pairing this with a nice bone of some sort ..so leash on = chicken wing or similar
  7. may I interrupt the flow of EXCELLENT information to go AWWWWWWWWW That is one cute fluffy baby. By all means offer him a chicken wing or lamb rib and see how he fares just leave him with it . I love feeding puppies fresh raw meat - it seems to "bring out the wolf" in them The other information is from places of much experience, and is well worth a try . best of luck with your little one. Hope he gets vaccinated very soon.
  8. Dear little dog - hope she's feeling better very soon You're a good person, T .
  9. Aren't dogs supposed to display some of their owners' traits? ;)
  10. Yes..a toy poodle puppy is such a delicate , bird-like morsel ... Hope this little one soon gets into a good routine & we get a happy update
  11. Hi I'm sure you are worried sick Pups and dogs do these things ..and turn our hearts inside out! When you got her, what was she eating , and to what did you change her (if you did) How long has she been 'fussy' ? What is her normal feeding routine , and what do you do when she doesn't eat? What is her daily exercise/training routine like ? Do you use treats for training? What sort ? What has the pup's breeder suggested ?
  12. Bittersweet. What a shame - as if those old souls would be a detriment to good housekeeping. ( well at first glimpse) I hope we see more updates They are the most wonderful of elderly faces ...
  13. he may be able to feed fresh on a small budget if he lives country --I can get meaty bones/chicken necks quite cheaply from our butcher in country town SA It would cost little to feed a dog fresh each week . Add a little puppy kibble (we use supercoat puppy always - with lots of fresh meat/bones for our puppies, and they grow fit & well. )
  14. Oh..a snuffleupagus!! Busy echidnas here as well. Yes..a mist of green..needs another drink very soon ! I think Cleo is very pretty The white boy will look amazing with a new tail ..I do prefer the coloured though
  15. Today I unearthed the camera , after the corona shock ... found some euros (of course ) and a little red!
  16. LOVE the sheep photo.... that really is beautiful . All those peacocks! Your place will be noisy ! I think that pretty hen looks like a Cleo(patra) ;)
  17. Ohhh..look at those dear old faces I am so glad you are there for them
  18. Ouch It may take weeks for your little mate to settle after "just" a road accident trauma- let alone losing sight - his life has changed- and he doesn't understand any of it . (luckily) there are some excellent suggestions above , from experienced people the main thing is PATIENCE - and understanding how dogs work . Dogs use their nose a LOT ..so scent trails (not too strong - remember, they can smell MUCH fainter scent than us ) ... different textures underfoot ..and remember, too, dogs sense things with their whiskers! leaving things in the same place is VERY important I would suggest getting one or more ADAPTIL products for now ...they use a pheromone which can give a dog a feeling of comfort , and may be useful in this post traumatic time . Looking forward to progress reports , and more photos of the little trouper
  19. Not sure what exactly your dog is doing , I am presuming you mean scratching before he lies down ? If so, Dogs scratch to make a bed (more comfy) ..perhaps this is what is happening? It's an instinctual thing . maybe put a blanket or something on the couch and see what happens?
  20. Fence -Running ? It's called patrolling ! takes much patience and precision ... Hailey does so much interesting 'stuff'
  21. My condolences. She was another of your special oldies, and been thru so much. You will miss her a lot.Take care of yourself ...
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