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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Oh :) It's so good to see spidey pics, CC - Lovely!
  2. Definitely get them removed --- they can & do cause problems :) It's no large op . I also find it odd that he has rear dewclaws ....
  3. Oh Dear The professionals recommended on here are usually those recommended by well experienced dog owners and trainers . the professionals named on here, and the professionals who have contributed to this thread , as well as all posters have absolutely no desire to 'break/crush' any dog., esp a 5 mth old puppy ! Please do not give an unsure puppy owner such a dire warning.....without some positives . Unsure puppy owners need to be recommended to experienced and good trainers , for sure - and that is what is being done here. Chriss- you have been given someone to email, and also others to contact - I'm sure you will appreciate what they have to offer :)
  4. Your pup has had a lot of change ..little decent attention /training, and has been kept indoors a lot. As you are confused by his body language , this indicates that you really do need to learn more about what makes a dog 'tick' ..and as he is very confused about all the changes in his routine - this makes two of you who need a set action plan..some assessment and information/education from a well qualified professional, like K9Pro , or Glenn :)
  5. Please take the recommendations offered and contact a respected professional as soon as possible . Well Done for asking for help now , before that actual bite. Hope all gets sorted soon.
  6. mish ..I am on shaped internet , so can't open the pics .. (I am useless with a DSLR ...I get horribly confused , so cannot advise :p ) however , may I offer you the knowledge contained on this website to read through ? :) Digital Photography School esp these bits .. LINK I'm sure folks on here will advise you - it must be very disappointing .
  7. What a wonderful part of the world :) Thanks ! My favourite of the group is the one of the shells and their tracks ;)
  8. Haylz .. have a read of some of these posts - about having bitches together :) LINK LINK
  9. Watching our dogs ..it's that gnawing ..that chewing on one side of their mouth at a time as they get meat/sinews off bones , the one where their heads are parallel with a large bone , and they chew & chew & chew .... The length of time gnawing is important ... a couple of minutes is nowhere near as effective as 20 minutes !
  10. He's a puppy , and you said he'd been in a pen . Most likely the pups pooed and ate in the same space there ..so he wouldn't know any different. ;)
  11. ..and ,if you have two puppies , and neither of them are good enough to be part of any decent breeding program , that would be very disappointing . There is no guarantee of a pup being suitable , unfortunately ,
  12. Lovely girl, great photos .. but the thread title ?
  13. http://www.ebay.com....984.m1439.l2649 :) don't forget shelter , and a floor .. It's much better for a puppy to NOT start to dig out ..than to try & stop the behaviour :)
  14. What was their reasoning ? Vets aren't usually strong on dog training .....
  15. it can be a den, yes.. but he needs a pen in which to play ..crate is for rest/security ..and making the choice reinforces that in his brain . When that choice is taken away from him .. the crate may be seen as something to be worried about ;) I'm glad he's going on the school run ...socialising him can be done like this a lot ... he gets to see all sorts of things , and it will tire him out, too!
  16. being alone is essential! it is also VERY important to make this alone time one of the most pleasurable things in his day , so that he learns this independence , and how to amuse himself :) A pen to run in, interesting toys which shake rattle & roll , chewy bones .. a view of the outside world, and birds flying , etc .... is much better for his development than 'solitary'
  17. What, just now ? if it was just now ..then he needed to toilet after his milk ..... when ya gotta go, ya gotta go!!
  18. There are some shots on here that I really LOVE!! :) Clever peoples :) I am being very different, and endeavouring to get half decent macros using the iphone and little lens ... it's great fun, as there is such a limited D O F :D Love the challenge :p here's one from yesterday , taken as I was lying in the lovely green and growing things we have here at present :)
  19. How are things today ? Hope she is feeling better Don't panic about the different colours as a stand-alone ..... old poo, pumpkin, and light coloured starch stuff will give you a rainbow ;) The plastic/fur and general upset tummy does deserve a few thoughts though .... she may have now expelled whatever it is , hopefully, and will settle from this event - hopefully :) With teh odd mucous I've seen it a lot ..and I know with our dogs it is usually a temporary reaction to something different they've eaten . With your girl - try & see if there's a pattern , maybe ?
  20. :) provided they see their crate as 'home' and bed , and the best place ever ... and they are relaxed ...no they usually don't. If a baby pup sees the crate as a way of being forcibly isolated ..and becomes distressed ... well.... there will be much misery and mess. Loose bowels are a sign of stress ... Crate training involves much play and feeding of puppy in his crate WITH DOOR OPEN .. over a period of days or longer ... "when puppy is convinced that all good things come to him who crates"..when he happily bounces in there to sleep/eat dinner , chew a toy ..then his crate is home :) if puppy is only allowed chewy things/meals in the crate , this makes it much easier. For toileting ... you need to see your pup toilet - every time - so that you can then praise him and begin to teach him :) Do you use a toilet word? This takes some time, but makes life so much more pleasant for everyone once pup learns that ###### means "wee/poo" and a playtime, or treat, or happy Mum ;)
  21. Hopefully tonight in the quiet , he/she will fly off without trouble :)
  22. So sorry - they are now together again ... Take care of yourself .
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