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Everything posted by persephone
Hi rescue remedy is great - BUT it needs to be given/applied every 1/2 hr or so. Do you know why your dogs are barking? How is their hearing/eyesight? has anything changed? It may be that they are now older and losing touch with their world ..we have a 13 yr old who sometimes hears someone else barking .. starts barking..then keeps on , as she doesn't know when the others stop if they are left outside .. perhaps leave them indoors - with an indoor loo and a radio on?
http://www.pawbonito.com/inspirational-speech-about-dogs/ I can not embed it ...5 tries and no success. Sorry.
he is looking SO good :)
Definitely worth a check with a vet who is good diagnosing joint/skeletal things :)
Neighbours Dog Being Abused?
persephone replied to aussiecattledog's topic in General Dog Discussion
I have similar views , M U P .... Of course it's hard from the other side of the screen .. and retribution scares the ****out of me . the O P is very young, and a first time dog owner - I so hope it does all work out well for them, and Daisy-next-door - it would be a scary thing for the O P to watch/listen to.. Hopefully there will be a positive update . -
Boronia - what a good idea! :)
Understandable .. all filed under 'health' :)
Neighbours Dog Being Abused?
persephone replied to aussiecattledog's topic in General Dog Discussion
not saying that - rather being devil's advocate . Without evidence , reports/gossip can go wrong , and my main concern here is that if the man 'just' gets chatted .... and there is no sign of something he can be charged with ... that he will take out his anger/frustration on his poor dog .. or the OP's dogs ....and that is not anything to rush into. I asked about the dog's appearance /behaviour - as any injury/ problem would be solid evidence to something happening. If the owner did kick the dog with force - yes there would be pretty severe injuries . The poor dog would need an intervention to get help, and he could then have a case to answer. NOT condoning, rather trying to understand and project ... (or something ) -
Very scary! take your pup to the vet ASAP One, to get him checked thoroughly , and, two, to have a record of the attack in writing. yes, contact council . Hope your boy is ok :)
Neighbours Dog Being Abused?
persephone replied to aussiecattledog's topic in General Dog Discussion
aussiecattledog - how did you go ? -
R I P Alfie ...
Neighbours Dog Being Abused?
persephone replied to aussiecattledog's topic in General Dog Discussion
yes -
Told My Neighbour Kicks My Dogs :(
persephone replied to kelpiecuddles's topic in General Dog Discussion
Hopefully the padlocks will do the trick . Going into someone's yard and hurting their dogs ... if you can, I strongly advise getting a little surveillance camera which can be attached to a tree or wall .. -
Neighbours Dog Being Abused?
persephone replied to aussiecattledog's topic in General Dog Discussion
...and if this is a once-off ....perhaps Do you know what the dog had done immediately prior to what you saw?It is so hard when one sees something out of their comfort zone ... Abuse is undesirable , however , if the dog had snapped at someone, wrecked something, bitten someone .... there may have been a fairly violent reaction from a frustrated owner ... Kicking a dog in the head is not good .... but, a dog kicked properly would have broken bones /and/or be laid out . So .. I presume that sort of kicking was not what you saw. have you seen the dog since ? Where does she sleep normally ? is she in good condition ? I hope she's OK . Just breathe ... you have no evidence unless the dog has visible injuries , unfortunately , and I am SURE the RSPCA gets many complaints against neighbours ...not all of which are legit. As hard as it is ..IF dog looks OK , and you have no photos/sound recordings etc ... wait & gather evidence before you report, and possibly make an enemy of a neighbour capable of retaliating and harming your own dogs -
Entire Dogs Always Told Off For Mounting
persephone replied to Simply Grand's topic in General Dog Discussion
Yep .. it happens . -
I think he is just getting more handsome!! he's beautiful , and I hope to meet him one day :)
Hi Persephone.... it is a long time since I posted and spoke with you and others.... At this stage I am making them get lots of exercise before I feed them... I let them crawl around thier 'box' and encourage them to chase each other for company so that they are getting circulation going and building body strength... have plenty of egg cartons at home so I take you just put a layer of egg cartons directly under the top layer of bedding? and speed humps made of socks would be sufficient at 10 days I guess and as they grow maybe empty toilet rolls inside the socks? :) They sound well rolled :p I roll half towels into tight , long rolls - so pups have to climb over them :)
..an also "NOT recommended" is the Lift & jerk method .. where the dog you are walking is grabbed and hoisted up to your chest to prevent injury . ermmm.... then what does one do? In my case , hugging an adult lab to my ample bosom .I carefully back-tracked away to a safe distance from the very snarly and focussed GSD who was guarding 'his' bit of footpath .
your poor dog has serious health concerns - please do not endanger him by walking him off-lead - it is a scary thought, as well as probably being against rules & regulations . I will be blunt here, sorry . There is always a possibility of a fright /attack where your dog's instinct over rides all else ,and he runs ...... if he then collapses on a road, or within reach of aggro dogs ....
Roll them around lots ...... put them up each end of the pen/bed ...get them crawling/moving as often as you can ..... egg cartons are firmer than teh foam underlay. You may play around with bedding too .. make sure they can grip well .. and make 'speed humps' do not over feed ..... enjoy :)
it's a very limiting condition , and must be so hard for young dogs and owners not able to enjoy most of what it is to have an active breed of dog .
That's sad. I hope the vet is thorough and caring -